So You Are Actually Considering Voting Democrat????

Vote democrat.

I am so glad you asked:

"Mexico Is Paying for Trump's Wall

...Mexico. Illegal immigrant crossings nationwide are down almost 80%. At the Arizona-Mexico border, illegal crossings are down by 94%. Once-overcrowded dorms, where we house illegal border crossers, are now empty. And Mexico is keeping illegals who demand asylum on their side of the border. It's another huge Trump victory.

How did he do it? Trump won a masterful negotiation with Mexico.

Faced with tariffs and economic ruin, Mexican officials agreed to place thousands of troops, at their expense, at both their northern and southern borders. Suddenly, no one can get through. A Mexican journalist just named this human wall of Mexican troops "Trump's Wall."

So, in fact, Trump has built the wall, a human wall. And Mexico is paying for it. Bravo."
Mexico Is Paying for Trump's Wall

“By turning back caravans, Mexico is acting as Trump’s border wall, critics say

Mexican National Guard troops in full riot gear blocked their way and fired tear gas canisters to disperse those seeking to breach the nation’s border with Guatemala. Hundreds of people were put on planes and buses back to Honduras, where most of the migrants in the latest caravan began their journey.

For López Obrador, Mexico’s first avowedly leftist president in a generation and a political campaigner who pledged to welcome migrants, the last year brought a substantial shift in his view of how to handle the Central American influx. By turning back caravans, Mexico is acting as Trump's border wall, critics say
So, Trump did not build a huuuuuuge wall as he promised? Any troops to the border is just a limited futile exercise. That is what you retards are satisfied with? Yeah, my point exactly.

Btw, show me where Mexico has stopped deploying the troops. The agreement is still in effect and Biden has not rescinded it.

So, again... your orange douchebag bragged about building a wall and would force Mexico to pay for it. He also bragged that he would repeal Obamacare. He bragged that he would eliminate sanctuary cities. He did none of it.

Not just that, when there was a chance of a bipartisan border deal that would have fixed the issue - a bill brought to the floor of Congress by Republicans with Dems actively supporting it - your orange douchebag made sure to kill it. He would rather have this issue and gripe about it to help his electoral chances.

The only thing your orange fuhrer did was line his own pockets and cut taxes for his rich friends. So, fuck off with that bs shit that your orange loser did much better for America. He. did. not.
Hate to burst your bubble, but inflation is back below 3%.

Everything I posted is accurate.

A trained, Democrat voter will post that inflation is now 3% but ignore that that is on top of the 30% already accomplished by the party in power.
So, Trump did not build a huuuuuuge wall as he promised? Any troops to the border is just a limited futile exercise. That is what you retards are satisfied with? Yeah, my point exactly.

Btw, show me where Mexico has stopped deploying the troops. The agreement is still in effect and Biden has not rescinded it.

So, again... your orange douchebag bragged about building a wall and would force Mexico to pay for it. He also bragged that he would repeal Obamacare. He bragged that he would eliminate sanctuary cities. He did none of it.

The only thing your orange fuhrer did was line his own pockets and cut taxes for his rich friends. So, fuck off with that bs shit that your orange loser did much better for America. He. did. not.
Meanwhile, your princess aided and abetted the Biden- Harris child sex trafficking syndicate.
So, Trump did not build a huuuuuuge wall as he promised? Any troops to the border is just a limited futile exercise. That is what you retards are satisfied with? Yeah, my point exactly.

Btw, show me where Mexico has stopped deploying the troops. The agreement is still in effect and Biden has not rescinded it.

So, again... your orange douchebag bragged about building a wall and would force Mexico to pay for it. He also bragged that he would repeal Obamacare. He bragged that he would eliminate sanctuary cities. He did none of it.

The only thing your orange fuhrer did was line his own pockets and cut taxes for his rich friends. So, fuck off with that bs shit that your orange loser did much better for America. He. did. not.

The 5th column known as the Democrat Party has accomplished an unprecidented invasion of Americdan......

Compare that to what Trump did:

Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Refugees Allowed To ...

Sep 26, 2019The new cap, which marks the third time the Trump administration has dwindled the refugee limit, would also be a more than 80% decline compared with the last year of the Obama administration, when...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80% - Washington ...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80%

Feb 27, 2020Democrats eye Trump censure as Senate acquittal all but assured "We've seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch," Mr. Morgan told...

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy - Forbes

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy

Aug 26, 2020For FY 2020, the Trump administration established an annual ceiling for refugees 84% lower than the final year of the Obama administration (from 110,000 down to 18,000). As of July 17, 2020, only...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded ...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded cells are empty - Washington Examiner

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300. What's more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut....

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to ...

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to border wall, border chief says

Illegal immigration in one area of Texas has dropped more than 80 percent thanks to the new border wall system that includes multiple layers of fencing, roads, lights, and extra personnel, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Congress on Thursday.

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands ...

Technical Difficulties

Trump said the expanded border wall is helping slow illegal immigration into the United States. He noted that the last two months have seen the lowest number of illegal crossings in years, while illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 percent.

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 ...

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 Percent

Oct 1, 2020President Trump is further reducing the inflow of refugees to the United States, cutting their resettlement by 80 percent compared to former President Obama's last year in office.
Everything I posted is accurate.

A trained, Democrat voter will post that inflation is now 3% but ignore that that is on top of the 30% already accomplished by the party in power.
Why would that make a difference to my vote? Presidents can’t go back in time. They can only affect the future.
The 5th column known as the Democrat Party has accomplished an unprecidented invasion of Americdan......

Compare that to what Trump did:

Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Refugees Allowed To ...

Sep 26, 2019The new cap, which marks the third time the Trump administration has dwindled the refugee limit, would also be a more than 80% decline compared with the last year of the Obama administration, when...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80% - Washington ...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80%

Feb 27, 2020Democrats eye Trump censure as Senate acquittal all but assured "We've seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch," Mr. Morgan told...

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy - Forbes

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy

Aug 26, 2020For FY 2020, the Trump administration established an annual ceiling for refugees 84% lower than the final year of the Obama administration (from 110,000 down to 18,000). As of July 17, 2020, only...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded ...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded cells are empty - Washington Examiner

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300. What's more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut....

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to ...

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to border wall, border chief says

Illegal immigration in one area of Texas has dropped more than 80 percent thanks to the new border wall system that includes multiple layers of fencing, roads, lights, and extra personnel, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Congress on Thursday.

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands ...

Technical Difficulties

Trump said the expanded border wall is helping slow illegal immigration into the United States. He noted that the last two months have seen the lowest number of illegal crossings in years, while illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 percent.

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 ...

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 Percent

Oct 1, 2020President Trump is further reducing the inflow of refugees to the United States, cutting their resettlement by 80 percent compared to former President Obama's last year in office.

Retard. None of that answers my question. Did your orange douchebag build the wall he promised? Yes or No?

Come on, even a retard like you can answer without your usual copy/paste job. Let's see if you have the intelligence to answer the question directly.

I'll bet you won't. You will come back with more cop/paste but hey, prove me wrong. Go.
Retard. None of that answers my question. Did your orange douchebag build the wall he promised? Yes or No?

Come on, even a retard like you can answer without your usual copy/paste job. Let's see if you have the intelligence to answer the question directly.

I'll bet you won't. You will come back with more cop/paste but hey, prove me wrong. Go.
Retard, you can’t answer a simple question. You proved your retardation.
Lets see…..

Vote Democratic or vote for the guy who encouraged Putin to invade NATO?

I know, I know


Or…. Vote Democrat and vote for the low IQ, serial plagiarist who encouraged his illegals to surge the border.

Unless you truly have no cognitive ability, and/or are fearful of the violence Democrats have proven capable of, perhaps you should consider the facts of Democrat governance:

Gas prices up 38%

Food prices up 21%

Mortgage rates up 148%

Home insurance up 61%

Car insurance up 118%

Real wages down 2.24%

Drug deaths up 36%

The border isn't.....
8.5 illegals crossed the Southern border
plus 3 million got-aways
for the hightest number of invaders in our history

Because these things were coming, regardless of who won the 2020 election.

The innuendo is that if Trump wins this upcoming election, that those prices will come back down, when it was Trumps spending that helped create the inflation we seen in Biden's first 1.5 years.

I ain't taking up for Biden, by any means. Because he's a monetary moron too. But to even suggest that it's all Biden's fault, is inaccurate. And to suggest that things will get better "BECAUSE" of Trump, is equally inaccurate.

If/when the economy rebounds, it'll be because of "we the people." It's always been us who made the economy better. Not the government. Not any president.
Last edited:
Still dodging answering any questions, retard. Retards like you can’t read, emirite?
Again, retard. Learn to read. Let's see if you can read my post and respond coherently.

I doubt it since you are a retard but hey, surprise me. Go.
Again, retard. Learn to read. Let's see if you can read my post and respond coherently.

I doubt it since you are a retard but hey, surprise me. Go.
Again, retard. Don’t enter threads when you’re too retarded to offer a coherent comment.
Again, retard. Don’t enter threads when you’re too retarded to offer a coherent comment.
Poor thing. All she can do is imitate my posts. I guess, I should be flattered.

Thanks, retard. You proved my point. You don't know how to read. All you know is copy my posts. Well, that is as good as we can get from a retard.

Thoughts and prayers. :itsok:
Poor thing. All she can do is imitate my posts. I guess, I should be flattered.

Thanks, retard. You proved my point. You don't know how to read. All you know is copy my posts. Well, that is as good as we can get from a retard.

Thoughts and prayers. :itsok:
Poor, retard. You can’t answer a simple question or write a coherent sentence.

That is no doubt the source of your self-degradation.

You do that so well, retard.
Only idiots D. The same applies to those who vote R since after all, both parties are controlled by the same people.

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