Trump says he had ‘every right’ to interfere in election

‘Trump in an interview broadcast late Sunday argued he had “every right” to interfere with the 2020 election while repeating his [lie that] the criminal election interference cases against him are politically motivated.’

Trump confesses to his crime yet his supporters continue to blindly defend him.
He has done this many times. And it seems to have worked for him, so far

Just commit the crime in broad daylight. Then confess to the crime on national television.

Then look at our justice system and say, fuck you, do something about it.
Trump was elected in 2016 you cherry picking dope.

You're out of your league, wannabe
I don't remember specifics from my infancy----but somehow I do
remember RECOUNTS For me that Trump affair was just an
elaborate RECOUNT DEMAND. but----I was amazed to learn about
the AMOUNT OF FRAUD that was uncovered

  • Democrats do it.
  • The FBI does it.
  • The DOJ does it.
  • Fifty secret leftwing shadow organizations do it.
  • Now you are even keeping RFK on the ballot though he's no longer running hoping that idiots will vote for him costing Trump votes.
  • You tried ruining Trump's reputation to interfere in the election.
  • You tried raiding Trumps home to interfere in the election.
  • You tried impeaching Trump to interfere in the election.
  • You tried putting Trump in prison to interfere in the election.
  • You even tried killing Trump to interfere in the election.
I don't remember specifics from my infancy----but somehow I do
remember RECOUNTS For me that Trump affair was just an
elaborate RECOUNT DEMAND. but----I was amazed to learn about
the AMOUNT OF FRAUD that was uncovered

Oh there was fraud, enough to overturn the election? I don't know but I remember after 11 PM voting counts.... something was weird
I was amazed to learn about
the AMOUNT OF FRAUD that was uncovered
I'm sure you were. So was Trump.

Since that amount was ZERO.

And the only massive fraud uncovered was Trump's illegal effort to steal the election.

I'm sure that was very surprising for both of you.
‘Trump in an interview broadcast late Sunday argued he had “every right” to interfere with the 2020 election while repeating his [lie that] the criminal election interference cases against him are politically motivated.’

Trump confesses to his crime yet his supporters continue to blindly defend him.
Yeah. He did have the right TO CHALLENGE THEM.


Just more LIES.


Try again I'll report you.

This nation and citizens thrived while Trump was POTUS. That's just facts.

Now sit down and shut up....."bingo". See I know

FACTS???? Were the race riots in 2020 the sign of a "thriving nation"? How about the the mass shootings nearly every week?

Opioid overdose deaths went up dramatically in 2020 as well, which is always a sign of poor mental health in a population.
He did challenge them. He challenged them 67 times and he lost every one of the challenges.

Once he had lost everyone of the challenges, everything he did there after was both indefensible and illegal.
And the lawsuits since then are showing otherwise.

92% voted MY ASS.


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