Trump says he had ‘every right’ to interfere in election

He did challenge them. He challenged them 67 times and he lost every one of the challenges.

Once he had lost everyone of the challenges, everything he did there after was both indefensible and illegal.
still a question in my mind How illegal is it to challenge the reliability of
still a question in my mind How illegal is it to challenge the reliability of
Simple. That depends on if you use illegal means instead of legal means.

Was that a trick question?

And the countrywide vote didn't decide the election anyway.
Simple. That depends on if you use illegal means instead of legal means.

Was that a trick question?

And the countrywide vote didn't decide the election anyway.
OK---what illegal means did HE use. For the record--I do not
believe that he CREATED the Jan 6 riot----I am SURE that far
worse riots were CREATED by unindicted people which means
that Trump is a victim of SELECTIVE PROSECUTION
So he’s saying that if in his fucked up opinion things were not as they should have been, he can do any illegal act to “remedy” that regardless of court rulings

Well he is admitting to illegal acts. Just trying to justify them. Prisons are full of people making that argument
The scary thing in all of this is that the Supreme Court has basically said he can do anything that he wants as long as he "claims" it was an official duty. As if no other criminal EVER has not used pretext as justification for their actions, in an attempt to circumvent a particular law. And while this position can be fought in court, just think about all the damage that can be done during the time that the case makes its way through the court system.

This is why I found it very disturbing that not only did SCOTUS rule that he has "presumptive" immunity, but additionally, his motivation for performing any particular act "cannot be questioned".

God help us if Trump ever makes his way back into office.
The scary thing in all of this is that the Supreme Court has basically said he can do anything that he wants as long as he "claims" it was an official duty. As if no other criminal EVER has not used pretext as justification for their actions, in an attempt to circumvent a particular law. And while this position can be fought in court, just think about all the damage that can be done during the time that the case makes its way through the court system.

This is why I found it very disturbing that not only did SCOTUS rule that he has "presumptive" immunity, but additionally, his motivation for performing any particular act "cannot be questioned".

God help us if Trump ever makes his way back into office.
God help the Fed employees who have come after him for years

I don't think you got that right

Your absolutely right. You don’t think at all. You simply parrot the lies Trump tells

And the lawsuits since then are showing otherwise.

92% voted MY ASS.

There has not been a single lawsuit, audit or court case since the election, which had found in favour of Donald Trump, and his lies about a stolen election.

Every one of these cases has resulted in Trump’s claims being utterly demolished. Trump has bankrupted the Republican party with frivolous lawsuits. They have no hope of winning.

Please enjoy todays moment of Zen:


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