Understanding winning vs losing issues 101 - marijuana legalization

The "Pro Israel Christian" is militantly opposed to marijuana legalization. Faux "News" is too, as is the Jew Fraud of a Christian Preacher.

What does America really think about that issue?

"An overwhelming share of U.S. adults (88%) say marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use."

and here we are. If the GOP is dominated by math invalid religious drones who care not about winning the election, we have "Trump supporters" hollering at Trump for supporting that which 88% of Americans support.

Why does anyone oppose legalization of marijuana?

1. more jobs in America
2. less US cash going to drug gangs abroad
3. zeroes out crime associated with marijuana being illegal

The people who do oppose aren't operating in reality, they live in a "world" where the only thing that matters is a 2000 year old dead guy floating down from the clouds, and AMERICA DOES NOT AGREE WITH THEM...

and if Trump does, he will LOSE.

Michael Phelps wins 23rd gold medal in last-ever Olympic race

When you are as good in your profession as Michael Phelps is in his, then "your opinion" of marijuana may matter....
Same could be said about abortions.

Same could be said about abortions.


This is the brilliant decisions by Democrats in the 1990s to punt the Pro Israel Christian.

The Pro Israel Christian is a toxic anti conservative anti truth Zionist Fascist cancer on the GOP. Until the GOP base pushes the Pro Israel Christian into the basement and locks the door, the Democrats and the Pro Israel RINOs will keep winning...
My property, my rules. It’s that simple. In each of the cases, people were warned ahead of time and chose to call my bluff.

Why do you hate people who use marijuana responsibly?

You seem obsessed with telling others how to behave. Conservatives trust people. You do not. You are an authoritarian big government socialist.
Democrats banned marijuana use in 1938. It was a legal substance since our country's founding.
Democrats banned marijuana use in 1938. It was a legal substance since our country's founding.

The actual history is a bit more complex.

The leader of the Prohibition bureaucracy knew Prohibition was going to be repealed, and so would his power, his big taxpayer funded salary, and his title/prestige. He didn't want that. So he took the taxpayer's money and cooked up a phony movie called "Reefer Madness" which implies people who take one puff of weed grab a knife and stab everyone around them. It worked on morons. A "tax" was put on reefer, and you needed a "stamp" to possess it. No "stamps" were ever issued, so reefer became illegal, and the head of Prohibition found a new "devil" which enabled him to keep his job, his salary, and his power.

This is how government really works, it makes up "crisis" to enlarge, enrich, and empower itself...

Currrent faux "crisis"

Climate Co2
Islamic Terrorism
Covid/ other cooked up viruses

and each enables government to grow, empower, and enrich, all for lying its ass off and scaring the shit out of absolute MORONS.
The actual history is a bit more complex.

The leader of the Prohibition bureaucracy knew Prohibition was going to be repealed, and so would his power, his big taxpayer funded salary, and his title/prestige. He didn't want that. So he took the taxpayer's money and cooked up a phony movie called "Reefer Madness" which implies people who take one puff of weed grab a knife and stab everyone around them. It worked on morons. A "tax" was put on reefer, and you needed a "stamp" to possess it. No "stamps" were ever issued, so reefer became illegal, and the head of Prohibition found a new "devil" which enabled him to keep his job, his salary, and his power.

This is how government really works, it makes up "crisis" to enlarge, enrich, and empower itself...

Currrent faux "crisis"

Climate Co2
Islamic Terrorism
Covid/ other cooked up viruses

and each enables government to grow, empower, and enrich, all for lying its ass off and scaring the shit out of absolute MORONS.
I smoked lots of marijuana during my college days and never worried about getting busted.
Why do you hate people who use marijuana responsibly?
I’ve never found one. Then again in my mind the only responsible use of marijuana would be under the direct and continuous supervision of a medical professional.

I say that as someone who has multiple medical conditions for which marijuana is regularly prescribed.

You seem obsessed with telling others how to behave. Conservatives trust people. You do not. You are an authoritarian big government socialist.
I am an Ultra-Conservative, Ultra-Traditional Authoritarian. I trust nobody and never have, for many reasons.

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