Understanding winning vs losing issues 101 - marijuana legalization

Look what it's done to you.

The undefeated indisputable champion of climate science responsible for the FBI FRAUD case in 2010...

One of the easy things Donald Trump can do to win in November is ask a few simple questions the Co2 FRAUD cannot answer without admitting Co2 is not the cause of Earth climate change. Unfortunately, the Trump campaign appears to be jam packed with complete and total science invalid morons like yourself... so he hasn't asked them. If Trump asks these questions, he wins, period.

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
how so?.....maybe he got high after the game....

No, he says he was high before the game and during the game.

What about his performance on the field suggested impairment? HINT he rushed for 200 yards....
im laughing at what you said....pot smokers are the cause of road rage....thats pretty laughable....whats your proof?...

You are talking to the 12%.

The other 88% of Americans are with us on this one....
how so?.....maybe he got high after the game....
Fat soluble marijuana levels are in your body for 30 days or more depending how much one smokes.............. :biggrin:
The undefeated indisputable champion of climate science responsible for the FBI FRAUD case in 2010...
Jeez..............you forgot what the topic is about.......................short term memory loss creeping in?
im laughing at what you said....pot smokers are the cause of road rage....thats pretty laughable....whats your proof?...
Never said that.
Jeez..............you forgot what the topic is about.......................short term memory loss creeping in?

Why don't you just endorse Kamala like all of your Pro Israel "conservative heroes?"

Chris Wray
Susan Collins

They are also part of the 12% who oppose legalization...

Indeed, homO initially campaigned that she would "consider" legalizing and then did nothing in office... and you love her for that.
Here's one for ya: 80% of Americans want the borders TOTALLY SEALED - that is, if you can't come in legally, then stay the fuck out! And jettison the illegals who are already here, ESPECIALLY if they have good jobs.

Yet, the Democrat position remains...get as many third-world wretches into the country as possible (while pretending otherwise during election years).

Do the Democrats care about what The People want?

Link? Or do you expect us to believe yous?
Here's one for ya: 80% of Americans want the borders TOTALLY SEALED - that is, if you can't come in legally, then stay the fuck out! And jettison the illegals who are already here, ESPECIALLY if they have good jobs.

Yet, the Democrat position remains...get as many third-world wretches into the country as possible (while pretending otherwise during election years).

Do the Democrats care about what The People want?


When Trump is on the side that has 80%+ support, he might actually WIN....
if you have ever been around pot smokers dell then you would know what you said is pretty laughable...
I actively avoid being in the presence of marijuana users. There are several of my wife’s family members who are not allowed at our house for that reason. We had to ask half a dozen individuals to leave a baby shower at my home last weekend for showing up smelling as if they’d recently used.

I got a college roommate expelled for having it in our room (fall 1992).
So you support the modern day equivalent of legal opium dens?

Equating marijuana and opium is where you are, and why you are with the 12%....

Trump would be wise to completely ignore you. You have no truth and no desire to get any. You really should support Kamala, since all of your heroes already do...

I actively avoid being in the presence of marijuana users. There are several of my wife’s family members who are not allowed at our house for that reason. We had to ask half a dozen individuals to leave a baby shower at my home last weekend for showing up smelling as if they’d recently used.

I got a college roommate expelled for having it in our room (fall 1992).


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