What you need to know about the nazis.

There isn't any party on earth right now that compared to the nazis.

Civilizations as a whole has evolved since then even, though just barely in some corners. What they did was on an entirely new level of organized sadism and evil. Why some continue to raise their name in extreme hyperbole 80 years later defies logic.
No. The Zionist regime compares rather well to the Nazis, and they are active today committing genocide.
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No. The Zionist regime compares rather well to the Nazis and they are active today.
You're full of shit, motherfucker! I saw all I need to know about Nazis in 8th grade.
They were bulldozing bodies of Jews they killed into mass graves.
Democrats seem to want to be the new Nazis. That's not going to fly in America, Bubba.
Not when people remember their parents that actually killed Nazis n stuff and told them how it was.
A German-American man that killed Nazis at Dachau sure did like beer gardens and hot pastrami sandwiches.
He had nothing against Jews. Commies and blacks is a different story. :oops:
You're full of shit, motherfucker! I saw all I need to know about Nazis in 8th grade.
They were bulldozing bodies of Jews they killed into mass graves.
Democrats seem to want to be the new Nazis. That's not going to fly in America, Bubba.
Not when people remember their parents that actually killed Nazis n stuff and told them how it was.
Suck a dick asshole.

Stop posting and keep blowing your leader Bibi.
Anything by David Irving. Ruthlessly attacked and censored by the Jews, so you know it's pure truth, if that's what you are interested in (many are not--they only want to know what they are supposed to say in social situations; it is the rare individual with the strength to look for the truth).

Irving's works include The Destruction of Dresden (1963), Hitler's War (1977), Churchill's War (1987) and Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich (1996).
Nope . Israel created Hamas to be a foil against the PLO and prevent any 2 state solution.
Hamas is a direct offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which were Nazi sympathizers before and during ww2. They seek the extermination of Jews, and about the only think that ISN'T Nazi-like about them is that Nazis treated women much better.
Hamas is a direct offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which were Nazi sympathizers before and during ww2. They seek the extermination of Jews, and about the only think that ISN'T Nazi-like about them is that Nazis treated women much better.

Yes. They are an offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood which is banned in most of the middle east since the 1970s. Israel encouraged and funded Hamas to prevent any 2 state solution in 1987. Sort of like the US created Al Qaeda.

Up to the present Netyanyahu was funding them through Qatar and bragging about his clever strategy.

Israel has done some stupid things like the Lavon Affair and the attack on the USS Liberty.

Are you Israeli?
Yes. They are an offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood which is banned in most of the middle east since the 1970s. Israel encouraged and funded Hamas to prevent any 2 state solution in 1987. Sort of like the US created Al Qaeda.

Up to the present Netyanyahu was funding them through Qatar and bragging about his clever strategy.

Israel has done some stupid things like the Lavon Affair and the attack on the USS Liberty.

Are you Israeli?
Am I Israel? What kind of stupid question is that?

I am just a human being who rejects the values of murderous savages who share your intense hatred of Jews

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