Germany prosecuting NAZIs

If the colonists had built the 19th century equivalent of a system of DEATH CAMPS where they fed babies and children alive into fires and gas chambers and they did this industrially and systemically, we can talk.

Islamophobic Twat, what do you think American Indian reservations were? Where do you think Hitler got the idea for Concentration camps?
My fellow Americans--

This is why I wholeheartedly endorse DJT's foreign policy. Let the world build up their own militaries and stop relying on us for anything. We give everything and get the blame for everything. Forget that. "Don't call us, we'll call you"

Or maybe not, who knows?
Yes, because that worked out so well for us in the years after WWI. We just minded our own business and the rest of the world didn't involve us in their problems....


Oh, shit!
Fellow Americans:

Be very wary of Germany and Germans. I'm not kidding.

Here is a good reason why.

Remember they are/were the ONLY nation to industrialize mass killing for no other reason other than racial hatred. I guess their stage of grief now is to blame the USA for that.

Reject that. And never, ever drop your guard.

Um, did you forget how the United States committed far more effective genocide against the Native Americans than the Nazis ever committed against the Jews?
I love to be right because I take the time to do my research and be right.

I agree with you the Treaty of Versailles was unfair. It's not an excuse for everything bad that happened afterwards. Just like the Holocaust isn't an excuse for what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

Oh, quite the opposite, I understand German culture pretty well. It's why I'm wary of its worst aspects.

Actually, very few and a good thing we didn't, the last thing we needed was a third world war. We didn't even trust the BRD with its own army until 1949. Not to mention a lot of Germans were happy to say, "Let's go fight the Americans" and signed up with the DDR.

Your leaders are taking a different position. They want America to make Ukraine safe for German Business interests.

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The George W. Bush doctrine "preemptive strike" was and is for sure wrong. And it had happened crimes in this war. Nevertheless murdered Saddam Husseins clan about 100,000 Iraqi every year. But where from comes your number "1 million" and where is the action "murdered men, women, children"? I do not see anything what justifies to say so.

And Abu Graib was in Afghanistan - and what had happened there was always seen as a crime in the USA in the moment it was know what had happened there.

Abu Graib was in Iraq. You seem to be allergic to facts or research.

The only real problem in this context is Guantanamo bay. This is indeed a concentration camp - but many people do not see the crime of the USA in this context because of the partially extremely criminal deeds of the prisoners there. But this prisoners are not under the international laws for pows and they are also not under the US-American laws for normal criminals. This situation makes Guantanamo to an institution which is comparable with a concentration camp of the Nazis.

Um, Gitmo is not a concentration camp. I didn't know Concentration camps had prayer rooms, soccer fields, and other facilities so the prisoners didn't get bored. It was a POW Camp, and a much nicer one than the Stalags that earlier generations of your country ran for captured allied POWs.

Not to forget: In the concentration camps and prisons of the Nazis not only had been innocent people. Also "normal" criminals were there. In the beginning the most people thought "work makes free" ("Arbeit macht frei" was written over the entrance of all concentration camps of the Nazis) meant this are reformatories for criminals who have to learn how to work hard so they do not need to be criminals any longer. And a short time later (when some people were able to see that this was not so) "free speech" was not existing any longer because the Nazis arrested every opponent.

There was no excuse for what the Nazis did in their concentration camps, just because they threw a few real criminals in there with the people they were slaughtering en masse.
... There was no excuse for what the Nazis did in their concentration camps ...

Do you know what I love very much? That I never had to forgive any Nazi what he did do to any of my family members because never anyone asked me to forgive him.
So since the Nazi government said it was okay to enslave and murder Jews, that absolves the people who did it?

Nice logic.
It was legal. They are now being punished for doing legal things decades ago. By the same people that declared it legal back then. By the same people that told them to do it.
It makes zero sense.
It was legal. They are now being punished for doing legal things decades ago. By the same people that declared it legal back then. By the same people that told them to do it.
It makes zero sense.
That’s one of the most horrible things I’ve seen someone say on these boards

And that’s saying something…
It was legal. They are now being punished for doing legal things decades ago. By the same people that declared it legal back then. By the same people that told them to do it.
It makes zero sense.

That's nonsense. Only murder has no statute of limitations. All other crimes are time-barred. And Germany is not Germany. There are many Germanies in history.

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That's nonsense. Only murder has no statute of limitations. All other crimes are time-barred. And Germany is not Germany. There are many Germanies in history.

This is akin to another administration taking over America, and then punishes vets for killing iraqies in a war built on false pretenses.
"but it was a different america back then" Derp.
A German who says "I'm a European" not expects from anyone else to know that he is a German. Europe is the continent - Germany is the country. When you say "I am an American" then you expect everyone else knows that you are a citizen of the USA. I have no lousy idea what's your personal problem when someone calls you an US-American. Do you hate it to be a citizen of the USA? Are you no citizen of the USA? How many tons of nonsense do you again like to discuss in this context? Example: The sentence "The US-American government said bla bla bla" makes sense. "The American government said bla bla bla" makes no sense for a German like me. The USA has a government. America has no government. And because I say "US-American" and not only "American" every US-American knows that I am no US-American on my own. The principle behind such a form to speak is called "transparence".

The Europe-German's stupidity is entertaining. :lol:

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