Germany prosecuting NAZIs

That's the confirmation I was expecting. Your problem is crystal clear now but you won't have to make an appointment. I am administering the cure immediately without further consultation.

Putting me on ignore or what? Please do
This is akin to another administration taking over America, and then punishes vets for killing iraqies in a war built on false pretenses.
"but it was a different america back then" Derp.

You are wrong. This is not the same. Let me give you a concrete example. In this context you have to know that the SS was a private army of the political party NSDAP. And you should also know that the SS also made the concentration camps of the Nazis. Nevertheless [nearly] every SS soldiers was there on the own free will and no SS soldiers had the duty to work in a concentration camp. This has nothing to do with the concrete example now - but you have to know this as a basic knowledge. Example: SS-Panzerdivision "Das Reich" June 10th 1944. This honorless supercriminal superidiots were in Oradour-sur-Glane in France at this day. They drove 350 mothers and children into the village church and murdered them there. This is a crime what had been since ever a crime since Germans exist. Indeed this criminals lost their right to be called "German" any longer. Compare this with a situation in the worst time of the Middle Ages where knights had to fight against pagans. First of all: In principle women and children never had been killed. And afterwards every knight had the duty to adopt a children without parents of the enemy and to give this children the same rights as had the own children. So German knights of the Middle Ages had just simple killed all this pagan high traitors of the "SS Panzerdivision 'Das Reich'" on reason to protect "das Reich".
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Ringo!, you are a grown up man, isn't it? So why do you try to be more stupid than you have to be stupid? Take Putin and his criminal gang and bring them to the international court.

It is by the way true that some Nazis had been very honorful men who believed just simple in the wrong things. Hitler was a perfect liar. And it existed the problem that Germans who not had been members of the NSDAP had been sometimes more dangerous than most single members of the NSDAP had been - although they all had lost their orientation. It existed for Putin not any light reason to have to attack the Ukraine. Indeed by attacking the Ukraine he also attacked whole Russia.
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I hope you know that you are on a very short way to hell. ... Whatever. Latest now you know this. Do not try to tell yourselve lies.
I have no tolerance for idiots?

You are a structural Nazi. You have no tolerance for nothing. When the whole planet will be dead then you will see your own face in a mirror shard and you will kill this last "human" idiot. A short time later a nice white spaceship will land on planet Earth.
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