Germany prosecuting NAZIs

That's bad enough. And it's bad, make no mistake.

It is not feeding babies into gas chambers because you don't like their religion/race--and doing so industrially and systematically.
The weight of your statement/question has to be on the word "because". That's an indivual thing but it is unrightfully assumed it is shared between the government and the soldiers. We (you and I) know it isn't true.
The weight of your statement/question has to be on the word "because". That's an indivual thing but it is unrightfully assumed it is shared between the government and the soldiers. We (you and I) know it isn't true.

Wait a're still subscribing to the "just following orders" BS? Really?
Over the years I have been on MB and forums, multiple Germans have asserted that we are just as bad because our ancestors conquered land from the Indigenous, we had Jim Crow, etc. So they don't blame us for what they did, but they say we're just as bad and the heavy implication is that they have evolved beyond it and we're still a racist trash nation.
Yes, the Germans like most Europeans have seized upon the chance to blame America for what’s wrong with the world today

With that said, I will say that the Germans have done a much better job owning up for their past crimes than we have for ours
Yes, the Germans like most Europeans have seized upon the chance to blame America for what’s wrong with the world today

With that said, I will say that the Germans have done a much better job owning up for their past crimes than we have for ours

1. Not in the past couple of decades and

2. Slavery and the acquisition of land has been a tragic fact of life since recorded human history. These people systematically and industrially sent people to death camps not for land, but for racial elimination. I mean--do I have to explain this? It's a singular horror.
How much blame do you put upon the Jewish kapos in the death camps?
What does that have to do with anything? Wait a're still subscribing to the "just following orders" BS? Really?
You need to calm down and really think about what you are saying. You also need to realize that you are wedging yourself between a parallel dialogue I am have with someone else. I have made no statment on my personal view of culpability. I am saying "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" and that goes for the both of you and double standards.
You need to calm down and really think about what you are saying. You also need to realize that you are wedging yourself between a parallel dialogue I am have with someone else. I have made no statment on my personal view of culpability. I am saying "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" and that goes for the both of you and double standards.

As an aside, when you reveal yourself to be female it's amazing how many men tell you to "calm down" when you have been calm the whole time. Dude, I do not care what you think, so there's nothing for me to be worked up about at all. I have no idea if you're an Anti-Semite or what, trying to foist some of the blame on the Jews. But also, I do not care.
Rightfully so.

And the corelation between the world today and the past is ..... ?

My fellow Americans--

This is why I wholeheartedly endorse DJT's foreign policy. Let the world build up their own militaries and stop relying on us for anything. We give everything and get the blame for everything. Forget that. "Don't call us, we'll call you"

Or maybe not, who knows?
As an aside, when you reveal yourself to be female it's amazing how many men tell you to "calm down" when you have been calm the whole time. Dude, I do not care what you think, so there's nothing for me to be worked up about at all. I have no idea if you're an Anti-Semite or what, trying to foist some of the blame on the Jews. But also, I do not care.
I see. It's come to that now, huh? "Mansplaining" :auiqs.jpg:. It's good that I have go out to do some shopping right now. It'll give you some time to edit this post of yours and for me to forget you made it.
I see. It's come to that now, huh? "Mansplaining" :auiqs.jpg:. It's good that I have go out to do some shopping right now. It'll give you some time to edit this post of yours and for me to forget you made it.

You're the one who told me to "calm down". I will edit nothing.
The US govenment said there were WMDs in Irak. It was a lie. American soldiers went to Irak, bombed the shit out of the country, tortured innocent men at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, and murdered one millioin innocent men, women, and children. Are the American soldiers absolved of those crimes?

The George W. Bush doctrine "preemptive strike" was and is for sure wrong. And it had happened crimes in this war. Nevertheless murdered Saddam Husseins clan about 100,000 Iraqi every year. But where from comes your number "1 million" and where is the action "murdered men, women, children"? I do not see anything what justifies to say so.

And Abu Graib was in Afghanistan - and what had happened there was always seen as a crime in the USA in the moment it was know what had happened there.

The only real problem in this context is Guantanamo bay. This is indeed a concentration camp - but many people do not see the crime of the USA in this context because of the partially extremely criminal deeds of the prisoners there. But this prisoners are not under the international laws for pows and they are also not under the US-American laws for normal criminals. This situation makes Guantanamo to an institution which is comparable with a concentration camp of the Nazis.

Not to forget: In the concentration camps and prisons of the Nazis not only had been innocent people. Also "normal" criminals were there. In the beginning the most people thought "work makes free" ("Arbeit macht frei" was written over the entrance of all concentration camps of the Nazis) meant this are reformatories for criminals who have to learn how to work hard so they do not need to be criminals any longer. And a short time later (when some people were able to see that this was not so) "free speech" was not existing any longer because the Nazis arrested every opponent.
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... I do.

What means your "I trust in Germany"? Did you ever met any German who trusts in Germany? If a German says someone made something "not bad" then you will see an astonished face because of this emotional enthusiasm.

Translation of the text:

Tina: Mom, Dad I have to tell you something
Dad: Whatever it is we love you anyway
Tina: Okay - so - I'm - blind
Mom: Since when?
Tina: Since birth.
Mom: And why didn't you tell us?
Tina: I didn't know how you would react - and about the neighbors.
Tina: You know how it is here in the village. I didn't want there to be any gossip
Mom: Oh, right. And we just thought you were being clumsy.
Dad: ... and stupid
Tina: Well - now it's out. I'm so glad I got it off my chest.

Tina: Ow.
Mom: Bettina, watch out!
Dad: Renate! Pardon!
Mom: Oh, right - that's right.

Translated with (free version)
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1. Not in the past couple of decades and

2. Slavery and the acquisition of land has been a tragic fact of life since recorded human history. These people systematically and industrially sent people to death camps not for land, but for racial elimination. I mean--do I have to explain this? It's a singular horror.
Yes the holocaust was a singular horror, but the biological warfare and death marches the USA inflicted in Native American tribes was more than just another tragic reality of history
The Europe-German posting here ain’t right in the head.

A German who says "I'm a European" not expects from anyone else to know that he is a German. Europe is the continent - Germany is the country. When you say "I am an American" then you expect everyone else knows that you are a citizen of the USA. I have no lousy idea what's your personal problem when someone calls you an US-American. Do you hate it to be a citizen of the USA? Are you no citizen of the USA? How many tons of nonsense do you again like to discuss in this context? Example: The sentence "The US-American government said bla bla bla" makes sense. "The American government said bla bla bla" makes no sense for a German like me. The USA has a government. America has no government. And because I say "US-American" and not only "American" every US-American knows that I am no US-American on my own. The principle behind such a form to speak is called "transparence".
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How much blame do you put upon the Jewish kapos in the death camps?

Anti-Semite, do you know what "Kapo" means in German? It comes from the Italian language but even Italians speak out nonsense in this context because we use/used it in another way. It means just simple "foremen". A foreman got orders and had to tell his people the orders. If something went wrong he was "responsible" = in a worst case scenario "dead".

Question, hero: What do you do when someone continuously holds a loaded revolver to your temple? And when he starts to play from time to time Russian roulette with your life?

If you should not know: It exist reasons why we call every Nazi activity "crime"!
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Yes the holocaust was a singular horror, but the biological warfare and death marches the USA inflicted in Native American tribes was more than just another tragic reality of history

well, all of it was a tragic reality of history if you want to get down to it.

1. It happened

2. It was tragic

I will reinstate: some Americans/colonists wanted to kill some natives basically to take their land, or because the natives would not give up the land. Tragic. But not novel.

The Holocaust: Nazi Germany killed babies, children and adults in land they didn't even occupy because they wanted to eradicate an entire race. And they did this industrially and systematically.

If the colonists had built the 19th century equivalent of a system of DEATH CAMPS where they fed babies and children alive into fires and gas chambers and they did this industrially and systemically, we can talk.
You love it to be "right" because you do not listen nor try to understand what others say to you, A typical attitude from extremists in all colors of extremism.

I love to be right because I take the time to do my research and be right.

Germans had been victims of the winners of world war 1 and their absurde behavior after world war 1. You - the winners - caused a lot of disasters in the whole world. And one "unimportant" side effect of your deeds was a man born in the trenches of world war 1: Adolf Hitler.

I agree with you the Treaty of Versailles was unfair. It's not an excuse for everything bad that happened afterwards. Just like the Holocaust isn't an excuse for what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

We Germans are Germans - that's all. Germans are "your" gandparent nations who you do not like to understand. That's why you are a biting baby nation.
Oh, quite the opposite, I understand German culture pretty well. It's why I'm wary of its worst aspects.

Eh? You have absolutelly not any light idea what you try to speak about. How many German soldiers said to your soldiers: "Fine that you came. Let us fight now together against the Soviets.".

Actually, very few and a good thing we didn't, the last thing we needed was a third world war. We didn't even trust the BRD with its own army until 1949. Not to mention a lot of Germans were happy to say, "Let's go fight the Americans" and signed up with the DDR.

Take your soldiers and leave Germany, baby asshole. "Allies" like you are more than only totally superflous. I have the feeling you were born for to win yourselve to death.

Your leaders are taking a different position. They want America to make Ukraine safe for German Business interests.

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