Germany prosecuting NAZIs

... No, they were dictators... not the same thing. ....

Do you really like to say that for you the total destruction the European social order including the destruction of the very old monarchies in Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire - all of them very complex multi-national empires with clear rights for everyone - had to be destroyed from colonialists and their worldwide extremely agressive empires where only France and the USA not had been a monarchy and the USA on her own had been one of the most worst racist and genociding salve holder nations of the world? You prefer to be governed from mass-murderers like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and from terrorists? This nonsense learn US-American children in schools? ... Hmmm ... No wonder that a man like Donald Trump got more than one vote. ...
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I think he is probably home-schooled or not schooled at all.

I fear you fans of terror and tyrants are much more intrigant and clever than I ever thought. I guess the only reason why USA changed the result of workd war 1 and threw the world into a deadly chaos was money. You was in danger to lose money if your players Russia, England, France and Arabia had lost. Dominated was this "philosophically" from a primitive Darwinism and your "the winner takes it all" mentality. Now exists the problem that the whole world needs to survive and idiots like you stll play weird games from the stupid "Victorian" age.
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... my Grandfather fought for the Kaiser's Army. He immigrated to America after the war, changed the way he pronounced his name because he didn't want to be seen as "too German". ...

You are a shame for you grandfather and for all mankínd. One of my educators had been a German who had lived as a Christian monk and priest in China. Under Mao he had to leave his beloved China. No one was able to see any difference between him and a Chinese. I could give you also an example of a German who became a Red Indian - a Lakota - in the USA.
Germans are often able to change totally their identity. Your grandfather did not like to give up his identity 100%. You should not start to hate Germans and yourselve. You should ask why he liked to keep a part of his German identity. You are by the way much too Russian for an US-American, Why do you do such an extremist bullshit as you are doing?
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Do you really like to say that for you the total destruction the European social order including the destruction of the very old monarchies in Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire - all of them very complex multi-national empires with clear rights for everyone - had to be destroyed from colonialists and their worldwide extremely agressive empires where only France and the USA not had been a monarchy and the USA on her own had been one of the most worst racist and genociding salve holder nations of the world? You prefer to be governed from mass-murderers like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and from terrorists? This nonsense learn US-American children in schools? ... Hmmm ... No wonder that a man like Donald Trump got more than one vote. ...

You are babbling.

Those monarchies were unsustainable for the reason most Monarchies are... because eventually, an inbred idiot gets on the throne and screws up.

As bad as Trump is, your ancestors voted for Hitler.
You are a shame for you grandfather and for all mankínd. One of my educators had been a German who had lived as a Christian monk and priest in China. Under Mao he had to leave his beloved China. No one was able to see any difference between him and a Chinese. I could give you also an example of a German who became a Red Indian - a Lakota - in the USA.
Germans are often able to change totally their identity. Your grandfather did not like to give up his identity 100%. You should not start to hate Germans and yourselve. You should ask why he liked to keep a part of his German identity. You are by the way much too Russian for an US-American, Why do you do such an extremist bullshit as you are doing?

I'm fine with Germans. YOu are an idiot, but most Germans are fine.

I'm an American with German Ancestry... I also have Dutch, English, Cherokee, and Irish Ancestors. In my extended family, you will find Mexican, Polish, Lithuanian, Irish, and Chinese.

My grandparents weren't happy when they found out my dad wasn't marrying a German girl. I'm sure that my parents, rest their souls, would be horrified I married a Chinese lady.
Those monarchies were unsustainable for the reason most Monarchies are... because eventually, an inbred idiot gets on the throne and screws up.

As bad as Trump is, your ancestors voted for Hitler.

No one of my ancestors ever voted for Hitler, superstupid superidiot. The USA made Hitler - not intentionally - but caused him. The USA also caused Lenin, Stalin world war 2 and the cold war and Islamism. Your idea the USA is a light heavenly true nation and all other nations (- specially if they never had been nations at all but multi-nations -) are only evil shitholes is a perversion of the own mind and the refusal of responsibility in freedom.
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You are able to use the rotating energy of your German grandfather in his grave for green energy, weird weirdo,
... I'm an American with German Ancestry... I also have Dutch, English, Cherokee, and Irish Ancestors. In my extended family, you will find Mexican, Polish, Lithuanian, Irish, and Chinese. ...

So why are you a superidiot unable to survive?
What are you babbling about?

I do just fine, thanks.

Tststststststststs ... Someone who calls me "NazI" because he supports Putin and Trump is doing "just fine" while he not likes to speak with god. ... Your decision ... I'm going to wash my armour now.

I agree with the point that the US supported a wrong side in the WWI. The reasons of it may vary - influence of London over some of the US elite; the fear of Germany achieving great influence after the winning; desire to get a bit of a colonial pie from Britain and France as 'payment' - every one can choose what they prefer.

But yes, the way this war ended fucked up all of Europe. It paved a way for Nazis in Germany, it enabled the Bolsheviks to regain control over contemporary Ukraine and Belarus, it leaved Europe quire weak and divided.

And some other strange things about GB in this context: GB fought in the USA for this war together with US-Americans against US-Americans. And what they fought when they fought Germany was indeed a fight against their own colonial way of life. William II had been educated from Queen Victoria - his grandmother - and so he tried to realize all this English ideas in Germany. For example he made a titanic fleet which was for Germany totally useless. During world war 1 his royal household and his officers took care not to ruin this nice toy of the Prussian emperor over Germany. :lol: Not to forget: Because of this nonsense and other nonsense and a lot of senselessly spilled blood the Brits wan two world wars - and lost their empire.

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Tststststststststs ... Someone who calls me "NazI" because he supports Putin and Trump is doing "just fine" while he not likes to speak with god. ... Your decision ... I'm going to wash my armour now.

Nobody said you were a Nazi, just that your country enthusiastically supported them until your country was in ruins. Thankfully, you were at war with my country, which was generous enough to rebuild yours.

I don't support Trump or Putin.
Nobody said you were a Nazi,

Nearly everyone in the world uses the words "Nazi" and "German" in the same way and nearly everyone in the world uses words "Jews" and "Germans" in an excluding way. So very most people in the world are still victims of Hitlers propaganda ... and victims of all other forms of stupid political and racist propaganda since milleniums.

just that your country enthusiastically supported them

A "country" or "homeland" is just simple existing, "John Boy", that's all. And it is for me alwas again astonishsing that everyone expects from the German people of the years 1933 - 1945 (12 years) to be allknowing while they on their own had nearly 80 years to learn and learned nothing up to less than nothing.

until your country was in ruins.

It was "in ruins" (rubble) because the allies threw bombs on everyone and showed the intention to murder everyone. Every expert says that this made the war longer as it had to be.

Thankfully, you were at war with my country, which was generous enough to rebuild yours.

You rebuilded nothing in Germany. Germans rebuilded Germany. Germans and the USA had "since ever" good relations - but you gave a big part of Europe to your ally Stalin. You took somehow care that not whole Germany became a victim of the Soviets. The war of the Russians indeed did not end when Germany was in rubble. The only time you had the chance to understand what war really is was a short time later when you awoke in Korea. But you hate losers and so you do not like to remember how "you" nearly lost whole Korea and a big part of your army.

I don't support Trump or Putin.

Then you are a naturally born idiot. Why do you "speak" with me? Because you like Germans have to tolerate Nazis?
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You can just say "American."
You are really totally childish, US-American. How often do you like to start this "discussion" by intentionally ignoring everything what I said to you? Discuss with a tree around the next corner why I say so. If there is no tree then plant one.

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