Germany prosecuting NAZIs

An extremely stupid war propaganda, Russian. You should really try to understand why the German philosopher Hannah Arendt had to laugh so loud about the German SS-Obersturmbahnführer Adolf Eichmann. And perhaps you should try to ask yourselve why the death of more than 500,000 young Russians as soldiers who died by fighting against the roots of Russia in the borderland, in the Ukraine, are such a banal theme. Specially in Russia.

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objective / subjective

which is why one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter TN


No. The tragedy is that freedom fighters are also able to degenerate to become criminals. Freedom fighters fight for freedom. To kill someone is the total loss of freedom of this person and needs always very good arguments. Real freedom fighters are not terrorists.

No. The tragedy is that freedom fighters are also able to degenerate to become criminals. Freedom fighters fight for freedom. To kill someone is the total loss of freedom of this person and needs always very good arguments. Real freedom fighters are not terrorists.
The those governments that litigate their constituents freedoms away would be what Zaang?

The those governments that litigate their constituents freedoms away would be what Zaang?


An enemy of all mankind is who tries to destroy freedom. But what do you understand by using the word "litigate"? If a government is able to lose against a single citizen then this is normally no problem.

The problem of freedom is to accept the freedom of others - what's not so easy as long as someone else is doing stupid things (What fortunatelly no one is doing on the own). Stupidity is dangerous - but is no crime.
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An enemy of all mankind is who tries to destroy freedom. But what do you understand by using the word "litigate"? If a government is able to lose against a single citizen then this is normally no problem.

How do you explain your Cult Christian Goddy character , Germy ?
He was so Guilty of destroying freedom that he sent his son ( how did he conceive the Essene Monk? )- also strangely a Jew -- to provide a get-out clause so that now they can play the standard Jewish routine of ---

Blaming others of the very crimes that they constantly commit

Ask an educated friend to help translate and answer .

You made a mistake. I have some dozend or hundreds of "fake news" from you - what's your way to call me a liar. You are by the way the only one who is doing so. But what had happened now? A "Thanks"??? Keyboard defect?
New German authorities (those in post-War period) took obligations on them to persecute people who committed war crimes or those ones who enabled people to do so. It was their obligation to the Allies.
I understand that, but its fucked up.
Well .....

Probably. Serving in the German Military didn't make you a Nazi. I was a soldier in the Vietnam War but I didn't agree with Lt. Calley or LB Johnson. In fact, I didn't even want to be there. The population may have supported the German government but not the atrocities committed by it. You know it, I know it, the Germans know it, and those who conducted the Nüremberg trials knew it. That's why some were acquitted.
"I support our government, just not what they do!" :rofl:
How do you explain your Cult Christian Goddy character , Germy ?

I do not have any idea for what you need an explanation in this context. Example: Take the expression "mark of Cain". Cain murdered his brother. Most people think Cain got this mark from god so everyone has to know that he is a murderer. But this anyhow everyone knew. Cain got this mark from god because no one should punish him. Cain was a free man as along as he lived. Although he had murdered his brother.

He was so Guilty of destroying freedom that he sent his son ( how did he conceive the Essene Monk? )- also strangely a Jew -- to provide a get-out clause so that now they can play the standard Jewish routine of ---

Eh? Do you seriosly expect any answer to this absurde bullshit? Jesus and his father are the same.

Blaming others of the very crimes that they constantly commit

Ask an educated friend to help translate and answer .

Most people are unbelievable intelligent amd allknowing. But I am an idiot and do not know everything and what I know is able to be wrong tomorrow. So what about first to try to learn something about the Christian religion before you try to tell me what I believe or not believe?

God was so free to die like a criminal on a cross. He came not with any Air Force 1 of the world to an official state visit. He broke into our hearts like a thief. And there he still is. And I will not hand him over to you. Capisce?

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Oh I forgot. Since some time you are also using this strange "Fake News" marker (="You are a liar"-pee), slave of Putin. I would wish you and your Russian comrade Luiza could understand what's really going on in the world. I guess you sold your souls for less than nothing to Putin and his personal KGB-patriarch of Moscow.
... Serving in the German Military didn't make you a Nazi. I was a soldier in the Vietnam War but I didn't agree with Lt. Calley or LB Johnson. In fact, I didn't even want to be there. The population may have supported the German government but not the atrocities committed by it. You know it, I know it, the Germans know it, and those who conducted the Nüremberg trials knew it. That's why some were acquitted.
"I support our government, just not what they do!" :rofl:
I will assume that you know what a world of shit Germany was in after WW I ... and the population didn't deserve it so they were thankful to those (Hitler & co.) who brought them out of their misery. In those circumstances I would have supported him myself. When the NAZIS went crazy the ball was already rolling. Some tried to stop it but were lynched for their efforts. So yes, supporting a good idea but being dupped can eventually have you "not supporting what they do". Hitler filled the minds of the German population with outrageous stories about the Jews ... and Biden (those pulling the strings connected to his legs and his mouth) is filling the minds of the American population with outrageous stories about the Russians. This time I hope it won't take so long to crush the Fascist story-tellers.
Yes. It's enough to make ya' puke, isn't it.
Indeed but i saw something on the news today that would make you puke, i am in Normandy at the moment paying my respects to the veterans and remembering those who never came home, i saw that mental case Biden up at Omaha beach turning the event into a Russian bashing unhinged rant, talking about Dictators when he had one Zelensky sitting near him, a nauseating spectacle.
Indeed but i saw something on the news today that would make you puke, i am in Normandy at the moment paying my respects to the veterans and remembering those who never came home, i saw that mental case Biden up at Omaha beach turning the event into a Russian bashing unhinged rant, talking about Dictators when he had one Zelensky sitting near him, a nauseating spectacle.
Are you serious?!!! Too bad you couldn't get within puking range of his tie!

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