Bolton : "This is madness. Trump has no idea how he ´ll negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine" I Gen. Hodges: " Beating Moscow is Our Only Choice "

still , do you agree with ex-adviser on national security John Bolton?

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2. OK, so Russia gave Crimea to Ukraine back in 1954
No, wrong again, Politburo have changed ussr´s internal borders many times. "RSFSR" got ethnic Ukranien, Finish and Belarusian lands so what ? by the way, do you know that Crimea is not ethic Muscovite land but its colonial possession ?


If Trump expands US oil & gas production, plus adds ANWR and the KeystoneXL pipeline the price of energy should drop.
That could happen but if that would have an impact on Russian sales is doubtful since Russia is already offering large discounts.
All the sanctions even made the Russians stronger and richer. They are now a high income country. A lower price can easily hurt the American sales to abroad while the Russians continue to earn.
It all might not be as easy as Trump thinks.
No, wrong again, Politburo have changed ussr´s internal borders many times. "RSFSR" got ethnic Ukranien, Finish and Belarusian lands so what ? by the way, do you know that Crimea is not ethic Muscovite land but its colonial possession ?
No point arguing how we got here.
Point being that Crimea and Donbas were Ukraine's, and the peace deal would give them to Russia as Ukraine enters NATO. A land for peace deal, with NATO protection Ukraine long term.
That could happen but if that would have an impact on Russian sales is doubtful since Russia is already offering large discounts.
All the sanctions even made the Russians stronger and richer. They are now a high income country. A lower price can easily hurt the American sales to abroad while the Russians continue to earn. It all might not be as easy as Trump thinks.
1. Russia is building pipelines to China. Not sure when they will be operational.
2. Russia has a $2.2T GDP. Not enough to be a major player. (stronger & richer??)
3. How can lower prices hurt US sales abroad? That makes no sense.
4. Trump knows how to leverage power. No worries as long as Navarro & Lightheizer are helping Trump.
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No point arguing how we got here.
Point being that Crimea and Donbas were Ukraine's, and the peace deal would give them to Russia as Ukraine enters NATO. A land for peace deal, with NATO protection Ukraine long term.
Moscow 🇷🇺 empire want more much more... dont you know it ?
1. Russia id building pipelines to China. Not sure when they will be operational.
2. Russia has a $2.2T GDP. Not enough to be a major player. (stronger & richer??)
3. How can lower prices hurt US sales abroad? That makes no sense.
4. Trump knows how to leverage power. No worries as long as Navarro & Lightheizer are helping Trump.
At first China would not trade Russian for American resources.
Second, nominal GDP is inappropriate to compare economies, consult this one instead: List of countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia
Third, if you lower your price and the world keeps buying Russian stuff, that will decrease only your income.
And fourth, nobody wants Trump. His policy of being unpredictable scares everybody away.
At first China would not trade Russian for American resources.
Second, nominal GDP is inappropriate to compare economies, consult this one instead: List of countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia
Third, if you lower your price and the world keeps buying Russian stuff, that will decrease only your income.
And fourth, nobody wants Trump. His policy of being unpredictable scares everybody away.
1. Russia sells energy to China.

2. Even using your chart, Russia's GDP of $5T is far far less than NATO's GDP of $50T.

3. Energy is a global commodity, Russia is a tiny producer compared to the total global supply. The world wouldn't buy higher priced Russian energy, duh.

4. If Trump wins, it doesn't matter what anyone wants.
That makes no sense. Moscow can't even take Kiev.
for me and you yes, but Muscovy is a Mongol empire, it can exist only as long as it EXPENDS

THIS is the 🇷🇺 prime - time political show ( not just my words ) on the main 🇷🇺state TV channel :

With Trump, USA's bow for Putin will be the end of USA as protector of the free world. And a betrayal of Europe - Japan - Free World . The world order will change with Trump. No rules anymore. 🇷🇺 Invader just got rewarded. Chaos and wars will come for sure. Save the world and by saving America.

still , do you agree with ex-adviser on national security John Bolton?

View attachment 981637

This is nuts. He has no idea how he's going to negotiate an end to this war, except, I think, that his affinity for vladimir putin will lead to concessions to the Moscow side that are going to be devastating for Ukraine. So, I think this is a very dark moment."

Gen. Hodges: " Beating Moscow 🇷🇺 empire is Our Only Choice "

Bolden is a war mongering patsy
for me and you yes, but Muscovy is a Mongol empire, it can exist only as long as it EXPENDS

THIS is the 🇷🇺 prime - time political show ( not just my words ) on the main 🇷🇺state TV channel :
Bluster for the uninformed masses to pump up Putin's failing nationalistic popularity.

Either that, or Putin is getting ready for WW3??
2. Even using your chart, Russia's GDP of $5T is far far less than NATO's GDP of $50T.
ppp has the second name - hamburger index , it has nothing to do with reality . its a purely theoretical thing . Moscow propaganda always use ppp, cos Muscovy is a poor country (where everything is cheaper )

this is the real numbers
Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png

Thx, but I'm just baiting a troll. If I get the answer I expect, it will be the 5th time.
no, you are a troll. I just hate Moscow 🇷🇺Jihadi imperialism , and I have never hided it.

Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, The global reaction to the war in Ukraine in fact shows that such empires will no longer be tolerated."The Mongol-Muscovy style empire could be defined as a dominating, rapacious empire upheld by violence, especially unruly violence, and exhibiting three prominent characteristics.First, it uses unruly violence as a regular means of resolving international disputes. While violence is common and sometimes necessary in political or social governance, rules have been set for its use under a modern lawful democratic system. Unlike in ancient times, the use of violence now comes under heavy restrictions and is “predictable”. Such an evolution also applies to international relations.
No point arguing how we got here.
Point being that Crimea and Donbas were Ukraine's, and the peace deal would give them to Russia as Ukraine enters NATO. A land for peace deal, with NATO protection Ukraine long term.
Personally I could care less what happens to the Ukraine, or to most of the countries in Europe, long term.

Why is MY MONEY being STOLEN from me, by this government, and being used to buy influence overseas?

no, you are a troll. I just hate Moscow 🇷🇺Jihadi imperialism , and I have never hided it.

Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, The global reaction to the war in Ukraine in fact shows that such empires will no longer be tolerated."The Mongol-Muscovy style empire could be defined as a dominating, rapacious empire upheld by violence, especially unruly violence, and exhibiting three prominent characteristics.First, it uses unruly violence as a regular means of resolving international disputes. While violence is common and sometimes necessary in political or social governance, rules have been set for its use under a modern lawful democratic system. Unlike in ancient times, the use of violence now comes under heavy restrictions and is “predictable”. Such an evolution also applies to international relations.
So you are not AI. A group? Where are you located?
Why are you trying to influence an American election Chechen?
Afraid the money dries up if the election goes to trump because the war ends?
Personally I don't give a damn about your war, but I do care about US tax money support of this shit.
You need to factor in that the US has a $35T National Debt that has over $1T in interest that must be paid.
Simply put, there is no long term funding for Ukraine.
Trump would lower the prices of oil and gas to starve Putin of his cash cows.
After Putin realizes that the war is not winnable he'd be fine with a win-win solution.

Trump's negotiated peace deal would be something like the 2014 boundaries for peace, including Ukraine gets into NATO. A win-win.

Bolton is an idiot. His recommendations were always to nuke everyone. Democrats and the MSM love Bolton as a "Republican" who hates Trump. So why isn't Nikki Haley being interviewed as much as Bolton? She is more level-headed.
Seriously, you think this is any fucking way possible...

First off, OPEC will tell to go to fuck...

As for funding, this war has not broken two month of Iraq yet and that is the replacement costs... Reality, I say it has hardly cost a couple weeks of Iraq... You only give a fuck about spending when you aren't doing it...
The investment in Ukraine is some of the best spending on US defence since WW2... For relative peanuts the second biggest army in the world is on its knees and everyone is looking... China is looking... They are seeing the way US can fuck you up without putting a single boot on the ground... So China know your own borders and be a good boy...

Biden has played a master stroke of international diplomacy... He got Europe to take responsibility... It was that which led to the main bunk of increased spending... Trump is a fucking joke in Europe, let us be clear, he is a fucking fool, there is no respect for the con artist...
European Leaders want as little to do with him as possible because they know their voters think he is a fucking fool. They mainly dislike him because he has tricked some decent US Citizens that he some how the answer, he is not, he is a con artist who can't resist making a mokery out of US on the world stage.

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