Trump calls Joe Biden 'the worst president in the history of the United States', is Trump a sociopath?

is Trump a sociopath?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • no

    Votes: 10 50.0%

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we all know that BIDEN IS NOT 'the worst president in the history of the United States' , SO WHATS wrong with Trump , he sounds more and more like a typical sociopath.

so my question is Trump a sociopath?

"We all know" is code for insecurity. We don't know nothing of the kind, and surely the statement doesn't mean Trump's a sociopath. You made that up to please your TDS.

But I agree, how can Biden be the worst POTUS when he's not running anything? The guy can barely change his own briefs.
"We all know" is code for insecurity. We don't know nothing of the kind, and surely the statement doesn't mean Trump's a sociopath. You made that up to please your TDS.

But I agree, how can Biden be the worst POTUS when he's not running anything? The guy can barely change his own briefs.
∆ Chechen troll likely paid from US funds sent to Ukraine.
Knowledge is our best strength.
My arrow is pointing to litwin
With Trump, USA's bow for Putin will be the end of USA as protector of the free world. And a betrayal of Europe - Japan - Free World . The world order will change with Trump. No rules anymore.
Invader just got rewarded
. Chaos and wars will come for sure. Save the world and by saving America.

Oh. So your posting is based on your silly thinking.
remember when someone tried to assassinate the left's nominee for President? Me either.
That was violence from your side fuckup.
hahaha violence from my side was when someone tried to assassinate the GOP nominee? hahha

no I am not a Actblue donor that is trying to help the Dems win the White House
The shooter was a registered republic and just another young white man turned to violence by the maga party.
That was violence from your side fuckup.

The shooter was a registered republic and just another young white man turned to violence by the maga party.

do you even listen to yourself? hahaha the violent rhetoric and lies from Xiden and the Demafacsit, inspired this ActBlue donor to try and help Xiden win by putting a bullseye on Trump.
We don't all think Biden was the worst president in history, but he has been the worst in my lifetime.

Only delusional QAnon idiots think Biden has been a bad President.

But keep regurgitating whatever your orange god tells you.
That was violence from your side fuckup.

The shooter was a registered republic and just another young white man turned to violence by the maga party.

In an overwhelmingly MAGA region, a homicidal/suicidal Republican gun nut shoots a hole in Trump's ear...

Talk about POETIC JUSTICE!!!!

It almost makes me believe that there is a GOD!
In an overwhelmingly MAGA region, a homicidal/suicidal Republican gun nut shoots a hole in Trump's ear...

Talk about POETIC JUSTICE!!!!

It almost makes me believe that there is a GOD!

You guys really are THAT stupid. Crooks was clearly a Trump hater, like the rest of you TDS fools. He donated to left-wing causes. He registered to vote as a Republican just so he could attempt screw up the Republican primary by voting for a candidate that had no chance in the general. This is a common tactic of the left, particularly when there is no reason to vote in the Democratic primary because there was no opposition.

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