Bolton : "This is madness. Trump has no idea how he ´ll negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine" I Gen. Hodges: " Beating Moscow is Our Only Choice "

still , do you agree with ex-adviser on national security John Bolton?

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no, you are a troll. I just hate Moscow 🇷🇺Jihadi imperialism , and I have never hided it.

Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, The global reaction to the war in Ukraine in fact shows that such empires will no longer be tolerated."The Mongol-Muscovy style empire could be defined as a dominating, rapacious empire upheld by violence, especially unruly violence, and exhibiting three prominent characteristics.First, it uses unruly violence as a regular means of resolving international disputes. While violence is common and sometimes necessary in political or social governance, rules have been set for its use under a modern lawful democratic system. Unlike in ancient times, the use of violence now comes under heavy restrictions and is “predictable”. Such an evolution also applies to international relations.
You hate Moscow! No one would have ever guessed.
Personally I could care less what happens to the Ukraine, or to most of the countries in Europe, long term.

Why is MY MONEY being STOLEN from me, by this government, and being used to buy influence overseas?

I get that. My bitch always was that the US pays to protect the EU from Russia, while the EU bought Russian gas to fund the Russian military. I used to know the dollar amount to keep US troops in the EU, its a big number. Now we're paying to fund Ukraine's war with Russia. Granted much of those funds buys US military equipment.

How much of the US national debt was the cost of keeping troops in the EU? (a lot)

Looking at NATO obligations, it does make sense to keep Russia out of Ukraine, as long as the EU matches US spending.

I do like Trump's peace plan of Crimea & Donbas for Ukraine into NATO.

Responding to your post:
1. We do have NATO responsibilities
2. Our tax dollars are being well spent wearing the Russian military down w/o US lives lost.
3. Agree that we need Trump in the WH to secure the border and deport problem illegals.
Putin is getting ready for WW3??
man, putin is not en idiot . he knows that his 🇷🇺 empire produces only 1 % (before the war, today less) of the world GDP...🇷🇺THEY call it brat na pont

When the towed artillery has carriages with wooden spokes in the wheels, Putin knows the jig is up. its basically a post-WW2 artillery like almost WW2 artillery gun.

There is a reason why they are using motorcycles, golfcarts from China and other shitty equipment now to attack on top of reactivating post-ww2 gear and using it. 🇷🇺They can't build equipment from scratch and some already is at 0 basically in stock or close to 0.

Jonatan Vseviov, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonia . Wow, excellent he has assessed czar Putin very well and his tactics. We need more of Jonatans speeches.

samarium : we must finish off Moscow 🇷🇺empire in Ukraine , if we dont want to fight them in Belarus - Poland - Baltics or in Finland (very soon)
US tax money support
Ukraine is your best investment ever
Seriously, you think this is any fucking way possible...

First off, OPEC will tell to go to fuck...

As for funding, this war has not broken two month of Iraq yet and that is the replacement costs... Reality, I say it has hardly cost a couple weeks of Iraq... You only give a fuck about spending when you aren't doing it...
The investment in Ukraine is some of the best spending on US defence since WW2... For relative peanuts the second biggest army in the world is on its knees and everyone is looking... China is looking... They are seeing the way US can fuck you up without putting a single boot on the ground... So China know your own borders and be a good boy...

Biden has played a master stroke of international diplomacy... He got Europe to take responsibility... It was that which led to the main bunk of increased spending... Trump is a fucking joke in Europe, let us be clear, he is a fucking fool, there is no respect for the con artist...
European Leaders want as little to do with him as possible because they know their voters think he is a fucking fool. They mainly dislike him because he has tricked some decent US Citizens that he some how the answer, he is not, he is a con artist who can't resist making a mockery out of US on the world stage.
You need to re-think Trump.
Before Trump the EU was buying energy from Putin to fund his military, while most of NATO was not meeting their financial commitments.
Trump told NATO deadbeats to pay the fuck up or get thrown to Putin. They paid up, more than $100b.

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

Ukraine is your best investment ever
I believe if your troll farms use US funds to influence a US election that is illegal.
1. Russia sells energy to China.

2. Even using your chart, Russia's GDP of $5T is far far less than NATO's GDP of $50T.

3. Energy is a global commodity, Russia is a tiny producer compared to the total global supply. The world wouldn't buy higher priced Russian energy, duh.

4. If Trump wins, it doesn't matter what anyone wants.
1. China will not trade Russian for American resources. Because the US is hostile towards China.
2. The chart provides a realistic comparison. Stuff is cheap in Russia so the nominal GDP is low. It only counts the money spent. PPP counts the economic output with US prices, so you can compare it with the US. That means US nominal GDP is the same as US PPP GDP.
Anyway, Russia´s $5T is enough to outpace Nato arms production by a multitude, which is why I wonder you come up with that.
3. Maybe not, maybe yes. Russian gas comes without political conditions. But it wasn´t about higher Russian prices, anyway.
4. Trump holds no trumps. Anything he can do will hurt his own country. If he wants to MAGA, he will have to focus on his own country. You have to fear though, that he will spend his second term on chasing Communists in Cuba. And the more mischief he creates in Latin America, the more Latinos will knock on your border.
I believe if your troll farms use US funds to influence a US election that is illegal.
RT 🇷🇺 .ru crap. do you remember them ?
In the meeting with Trump Johnson made his own proposal: The US should provide Ukraine with all the arms they need to retake lost territories. On the other hand, the Russians there would be protected and Russia no longer isolated. Ukraine said Johnson acted on his own...

Before Trump the EU was buying energy from Putin to fund his military
we stopped to buy stolen Siberian oil - gas only when Moscow empire invaded (again ) Ukraine.

Siberia will be FREE AGAIN !

Who pays you Chechen?

ME + Chechen :


ME + Chechen :

Who pays you
With Trump, USA's bow for Putin will be the end of USA as protector of the free world. And a betrayal of Europe - Japan - Free World . The world order will change with Trump. No rules anymore. 🇷🇺 Invader just got rewarded. Chaos and wars will come for sure. Save the world and by saving America.

still , do you agree with ex-adviser on national security John Bolton?

View attachment 981637

This is nuts. He has no idea how he's going to negotiate an end to this war, except, I think, that his affinity for vladimir putin will lead to concessions to the Moscow side that are going to be devastating for Ukraine. So, I think this is a very dark moment."

Gen. Hodges: " Beating Moscow 🇷🇺 empire is Our Only Choice "

Trump explained how, drill baby drill. And you still don't get it, amazing how stupid you are.
Trump explained how, drill baby drill.
I HAVE ALWAYS SUPPORTED IT AND nuclear energy as well . so what is your point ?

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