Germany prosecuting NAZIs

An extremely stupid war propaganda, Russian. You should really try to understand why the German philosopher Hannah Arendt had to laugh so loud about the German SS-Obersturmbahnführer Adolf Eichmann. And perhaps you should try to ask yourselve why the death of more than 500,000 young Russians as soldiers who died by fighting against the roots of Russia in the borderland, in the Ukraine, are such a banal theme. Specially in Russia.

An enemy of all mankind is who tries to destroy freedom. But what do you understand by using the word "litigate"? If a government is able to lose against a single citizen then this is normally no problem.
Perhaps we've a loss in translation Zaang.

Inasmuch as freedom is an individual right , it is also a common denominator in the respect that any given government taking an individual's freedoms away takes us all down a notch

Love us or hate us, America has fought many wars toward this concept
Vielleicht haben wir einen Übersetzungsfehler, Zaang.

Insofern Freiheit ein individuelles Recht ist, ist sie auch ein gemeinsamer Nenner in der Hinsicht, dass jede Regierung, die einem Individuum seine Freiheiten nimmt, uns alle herabstuft.

Liebt uns oder hasst uns, Amerika hat viele Kriege für dieses Konzept geführt.

Yes. It's enough to make ya' puke, isn't it.
Indeed but i saw something on the news today that would make you puke, i am in Normandy at the moment paying my respects to the veterans and remembering those who never came home, i saw that mental case Biden up at Omaha beach turning the event into a Russian bashing unhinged rant, talking about Dictators when he had one Zelensky sitting near him, a nauseating spectacle.
Perhaps we've a loss in translation Zaang.

Inasmuch as freedom is an individual right , it is also a common denominator in the respect that any given government taking an individual's freedoms away takes us all down a notch

Love us or hate us, America has fought many wars toward this concept
Vielleicht haben wir einen Übersetzungsfehler, Zaang.

Insofern Freiheit ein individuelles Recht ist, ist sie auch ein gemeinsamer Nenner in der Hinsicht, dass jede Regierung, die einem Individuum seine Freiheiten nimmt, uns alle herabstuft.

Liebt uns oder hasst uns, Amerika hat viele Kriege für dieses Konzept geführt.

How do you translate stupid?
Perhaps we've a loss in translation Zaang.

If you speak out "IQ" how do you speak it out? I+Q or Ee+Q? The second way would be correct because it is a German expression and intelligence is also in English spoken out ee-intell-ee-gence. My experience is that English speaking people often suffer a lack of knowledge combined with a nearly ununderstandadle form of fake-knowledge. What for example could be "WiFi"? I never understood what's the differnce between WLAN and WiFi - the reason for why I did not understand this was it that "WiFi" is an empty phrase basing on "HiFi" (=high fidelity). Spoken out in the same way WiFi would mean "why fidelity?".

Ahm ... I'm a Plappermaul. Sorry. What concrete do you think was "lost in translation"?

Inasmuch as freedom is an individual right , it is also a common denominator in the respect that any given government taking an individual's freedoms away takes us all down a notch

"common denominator" = "gemeinsamer Nenner". Oh nice - means the same in the German dialect English as it means in standard German although you use the Latin language of our Roman ancestors to express this.

Love us or hate us, America has fought many wars toward this concept

The USA has fought against a concept by murdering in masses Germans in two world wars although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA? I guess this gives all Germans the right to be so free to kill as many people of the USA as anyone of us likes to do if one of our governments has found a concept. But when did this happen since 1806? And the 1006 years before we nearly never needed a single concept. We had many concepts and much more relations between all this concepts.

Vielleicht haben wir einen Übersetzungsfehler, Zaang.

Insofern Freiheit ein individuelles Recht ist, ist sie auch ein gemeinsamer Nenner in der Hinsicht, dass jede Regierung, die einem Individuum seine Freiheiten nimmt, uns alle herabstuft.

Liebt uns oder hasst uns, Amerika hat viele Kriege für dieses Konzept geführt.


To hate the USA would be totally superflous -´and to love the USA ... ¿is this not an impossibility in human terms? ... or is this only stupid from everyone who is not born in the USA - and also from the very most who are born in the USA?

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I will assume that you know what a world of shit Germany was in after WW I ... and the population didn't deserve it so they were thankful to those (Hitler & co.) who brought them out of their misery. In those circumstances I would have supported him myself. When the NAZIS went crazy the ball was already rolling. Some tried to stop it but were lynched for their efforts. So yes, supporting a good idea but being dupped can eventually have you "not supporting what they do". Hitler filled the minds of the German population with outrageous stories about the Jews ... and Biden (those pulling the strings connected to his legs and his mouth) is filling the minds of the American population with outrageous stories about the Russians. This time I hope it won't take so long to crush the Fascist story-tellers.
no comment

... except that "German" and "Jews" are the same for me ... Your whole deadly "concept" drives wrong because of this not existing difference.

... And you try to refer by the way to a 70-100 years old past which you additionally intentionally misunderstand. Meanwhile began a new millenium which needs new ideas and inspirations and not superidiots like for example Trump and Putin who say less than nothing. Looks to me as if both like it to destroy because this hides their real intentions.

... By the way: Do you know what's the most funny thing of quantum-computers? This perfectest of all currently existing machines forget and make mistakes - as if they had been stupid AI's who have not any idea what they really try to speak about.
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Indeed but i saw something on the news today that would make you puke, i am in Normandy at the moment paying my respects to the veterans and remembering those who never came home, i saw that mental case Biden up at Omaha beach turning the event into a Russian bashing unhinged rant, talking about Dictators when he had one Zelensky sitting near him, a nauseating spectacle.

Unfortunatelly Russia did not stop this war, did not arrest fake-czar Putin and his criminal gang and did not send them all to the international court. By the way: Which absurde film shows your spectacles and where's your on/off switch for reality? ... or is your reality switch always on "off"?

Here by the way some interesting words from the unpolitical Austrian singer Falco - spoken in the same interview when Jelzin was president of Russia. Falco made once the only #1 hit in German language in the US-American charts.

„Ich sehe, dass wir eine große Bedrohung durch den Osten haben“
„Das ist realistisch! Das ist absolut realistisch! Wenn der Jelzin morgen erschossen wird, kommt dieser Dreißigprozentige.“ (gemeint ist Putin).
„Der kassiert einmal zuerst die Ukraine.“
„Dann schießt er Atomraketen und erpresst die Länder mit Kohle [=Geld]. Und der Westen verhält sich so abwartend. Weil wir können es uns ja nicht verscheißen mit diesen Russen. Ich sehe da eine große, große Gefahr durch den Osten. Es ist fast wie noch ein Krieg.“

Falco [=Hans Hölzel]
“I see that we have a major threat from the East”
"That is realistic! That is absolutely realistic! If Yeltsin is shot tomorrow, this thirty percenter will come." (meaning Putin).
“He'll take Ukraine first.”
"Then he launches nuclear missiles and blackmails the countries with coal [=money]. And the West takes a wait-and-see approach. Because we can't fuck around with these Russians. I see a great, great danger from the East. It's almost like another war."

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For some reason, this just randomly popped in my head, and got me wonderin...
The NAZIs ruled Germany. It was their government. It also had the support of their people.
Those soldiers were doing what they were told.
Imagine a internment camp officer deciding not to do it anymore, and tries to flee. The german government would kill them. And now, they are prosecuting them for listening to them?
This just doesnt make sense to me. Maybe I am missing something.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Unless you take someone's word for it, did they willingly partake or were they afraid they would be shot/gassed? So unfortunately, if they felt they had to partake to save themselves, they're still alive but prosecuted as opposed to being dead.

Sometimes in life, you have to choose the least worst option, same with voting!!
Well, after losing the war they had to give up a bit of sovereignty.

The USA is a great nation - but unbelievable flat. What you did do was it to support the colonial powers in World War 1 and to destroy a Germany with many sovereignities and to destroy the multi-national (and multi-souvereign) empires Austria-Hungaria and the multi-national Osman empire. You did not act as a sovereign nation in this context - but specially also under influence of the British secret service who fought also against citizens of the USA - together with your own government.
A result of this all had not only been that Arabia, Russia, France and England (and other "colonialists") had been winners of this big European war who became a world war - a result also had been Commies, Nazis and Islamists.
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PArty membership was a requirement for many jobs and employment in certain companies, so most 'Party members' were not Goebbels or Hitler, just regular people trying to keep food on their tables; this was the case with many of the scientists who were sent to the U.S. to work on rocket and weapons systems after the war. So, yes, it doesn't make much sense, but it seems they only prosescute some of the obvious Hitler fans and not all of them for merely being members.

They would have had to prosecute several million if Party membership was prosecuted to the full extent.
The USA is a great nation - but unbelievable flat. What you did do was it to support the colonial powers in World War 1 and to destroy a Germany with many sovereignities and to destroy the multi-national (and multi-souvereign) empires Austria-Hungaria and the multi-national Osman empire. You did not act as a sovereign nation in this context - but specially also under influence of the British secret service who fought also against citizens of the USA - together with your own government.
A result of this all had not only been that Arabia, Russia, France and England (and other "colonialists") had been winners of this big European war who became a world war - a result also had been Commies, Nazis and Islamists.
I agree with the point that the US supported a wrong side in the WWI. The reasons of it may vary - influence of London over some of the US elite; the fear of Germany achieving great influence after the winning; desire to get a bit of a colonial pie from Britain and France as 'payment' - every one can choose what they prefer.

But yes, the way this war ended fucked up all of Europe. It paved a way for Nazis in Germany, it enabled the Bolsheviks to regain control over contemporary Ukraine and Belarus, it leaved Europe quire weak and divided.
The USA is a great nation - but unbelievable flat. What you did do was it to support the colonial powers in World War 1 and to destroy a Germany with many sovereignities and to destroy the multi-national (and multi-souvereign) empires Austria-Hungaria and the multi-national Osman empire. You did not act as a sovereign nation in this context - but specially also under influence of the British secret service who fought also against citizens of the USA - together with your own government.
A result of this all had not only been that Arabia, Russia, France and England (and other "colonialists") had been winners of this big European war who became a world war - a result also had been Commies, Nazis and Islamists.

Ah, your twisted history.

Let's start with the obvious. The US didn't destroy the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires—they destroyed themselves. The Ottoman Empire had been "The Sick Man of Europe" for a century, and the same was true of the Habsburgs. There were a bunch of nationalities that didn't want to be part of Austria, and were happy to chuck them over the side at the first opportunity.

Now, there is much to criticize about the post-war settlement. The Treaty of Versailles was unduly harsh, and Italy received very little for all its sacrifices.

As unfortunate as Communism, Fascism, and Islamism are, they are probably also the end result of a realization that Autocracy was unsustainable. Giving someone absolute power because his father (or some other relative) had it? Absurd. Franz Josef was a senile old man who plunged the world into war over a Nephew he didn't even particularly like. Wilhelm II was a fool, as was Nicholas II, which is why they were both deposed by their own people. Mehmed V was a senile man who had lost the Balkans and Libya before the first World War started, and the Arabs revolted against him. Turkey was fortunate in the leadership of Kamal Ataturk, which prevented Turkey from being dismembered like a Thanksgiving Turkey by the powers, driving the Greeks and Italians out of Anatolia.
Ah, your twisted history.

Let's start with the obvious. The US didn't destroy the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires—they destroyed themselves. The Ottoman Empire had been "The Sick Man of Europe" for a century, and the same was true of the Habsburgs.

Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Ottoman empire and their allies had won this war. Only the USA changed this result of this war which is called now world war 1. And this result was and is a disaster. Every "solution" of world war 1 exploded and/or is still exploding.

There were a bunch of nationalities that didn't want to be part of Austria, and were happy to chuck them over the side at the first opportunity.

Now, there is much to criticize about the post-war settlement. The Treaty of Versailles was unduly harsh, and Italy received very little for all its sacrifices.

As unfortunate as Communism, Fascism, and Islamism are, they are probably also the end result of a realization that Autocracy was unsustainable.

Stalin, Hitler and Muslim leaders are not autocrats - while you try to see in the very complex systems of rulership in Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Ottoman empire tyrannies? You are mad!

Giving someone absolute power because his father (or some other relative) had it? Absurd. Franz Josef was a senile old man who plunged the world into war over a Nephew he didn't even particularly like.

You are really a superidiot who has not any real idea about history. "The Serbs" murdered the heir of the thrones of Austria and Hungaria. This was the basic problem. Austria was not able to ignore this. Could be this Serbs who murdered the archduke and his lovely wife had been sent from Russia. Who knows? Never anyone found out who gave them the order for this murder. And many nobels of this time did by the way think about representative monarchies as they still exist today in the Scandinavian countries and in England.

Wilhelm II was a fool,

This Prussian and Brit was no godless fool - he was just simple one of the worst idiots the world ever had seen.

as was Nicholas II,

Your ally. Also the king of England was your ally.

which is why they were both deposed by their own people. Mehmed V was a senile man who had lost the Balkans and Libya before the first World War started, and the Arabs revolted against him.

Hmm. What a luck that you are not senile but a naturally born idiot.

Turkey was fortunate in the leadership of Kamal Ataturk, which prevented Turkey from being dismembered like a Thanksgiving Turkey by the powers, driving the Greeks and Italians out of Anatolia.

What do you call Anatolia? Asia minor? In Asia minor lived "since ever" Greeks. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became by the way in the last decades under Erdogan more and more a kind of persona non grata in the Turkish politics - while Islamism grew.
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Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Ottoman empire and their allies had won this war. Only the USA changed this result of this war which is called now world war 1. And this result was and is a disaster. Every "solution" of world war 1 exploded and/or is still exploding.

All those things would have happened anyway.

Stalin, Hitler and Muslim leaders are not autocrats - while you try to see in the very complex systems of rulership in Germany, Austria-Hungaria and the Ottoman empire tyrannies? You are mad!

No, they were dictators... not the same thing.

The reason it was called "Austria-Hungary" was the Hungarians already wanted out, and demanded autonomy. The problem was they also had Poles, Czechs, Slovakians, Slovenes, Croats, Bosnians, Romanians, Italians, and Serbs who didn't want to be ruled by Austrians, either.

When a German diplomat went to Austria to assess their value, he reported to the Kaiser, 'Your majesty, we are allied to a corpse."

You are really a superidiot who has not any real idea about history. "The Serbs" murdered the heir of the thrones of Austria and Hungaria. This was the basic problem. Austria was not able to ignore this. Could be this Serbs who murdered the archduke and his lovely wife had been sent from Russia. Who knows? Never anyone found out who gave them the order for this murder. And many nobels of this time did by the way think about representative monarchies as they still exist today in the Scandinavian countries and in England.

Austria used the pretext of Franz Ferdinand's assassination as a pretext to annex Serbia, after they had already illegally annexed Bosnia.

Now, that said, if it hadn't been that crisis, some other crisis would have eventually kicked off the war.

Your ally. Also the king of England was your ally.
Not my allies. I wasn't born yet, and my Grandfather fought for the Kaiser's Army. He immigrated to America after the war, changed the way he pronounced his name because he didn't want to be seen as "too German".

Hmm. What a luck that you are not senile but a naturally born idiot.
You make me wonder about the quality of the German Education system.
What do you call Anatolia? Asia minor? In Asia minor lived "since ever" Greeks. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became by the way in the last decades under Erdogan more and more a kind of persona non grata in the Turkish politics - while Islamism grew.

Ataturk is still considered a national Hero in Turkey, but his vision for a secularized Turkey is failing. Then again, George Washington would look at modern America and say, "WTF"?

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