Germany prosecuting NAZIs

Nearly everyone in the world uses the words "Nazi" and "German" in the same way and nearly everyone in the world uses words "Jews" and "Germans" in an excluding way. So very most people in the world are still victims of Hitlers propaganda ... and victims of all other forms of stupid political and racist propaganda since milleniums.

Except the Germans weren't 'victims' of Hitler, they were co-conspirators. Oh, after the war, they were all contrite, like children who ate too much candy and got sick. But the reality is that the "Good Germans" (as Allied propagandists like to pretend existed) never showed up. They fought for Hitler to the last old man and little boy in the Volksgrenadiers.

A "country" or "homeland" is just simple existing, "John Boy", that's all. And it is for me alwas again astonishsing that everyone expects from the German people of the years 1933 - 1945 (12 years) to be allknowing while they on their own had nearly 80 years to learn and learned nothing up to less than nothing.

Um, they should have been all-knowing enough to realize Hiter was taking them down an immoral and dangerous path. An American expression, there's no education from the second kick of a mule.

It was "in ruins" (rubble) because the allies threw bombs on everyone and showed the intention to murder everyone. Every expert says that this made the war longer as it had to be.

Not sure what experts those were. Strategic bombing destroyed Germany's industrial infrastructure, which weakened it's ability to wage the war. We saw that in the complete collapse of the Reich in 1944 to 1945.

You rebuilded nothing in Germany. Germans rebuilded Germany. Germans and the USA had "since ever" good relations - but you gave a big part of Europe to your ally Stalin. You took somehow care that not whole Germany became a victim of the Soviets. The war of the Russians indeed did not end when Germany was in rubble. The only time you had the chance to understand what war really is was a short time later when you awoke in Korea. But you hate losers and so you do not like to remember how "you" nearly lost whole Korea and a big part of your army.

First, the past tense of Rebuild is "Rebuilt". We didn't "Give" Stalin anything. Stalin took it because Hitler let him. Most of what Stalin took were countries stupid enough to throw in with Hitler, so not a lot of sympathy there.

As for Korea, we did pretty well there, considering what we were up against.

Then you are a naturally born idiot. Why do you "speak" with me? Because you like Germans have to tolerate Nazis?

Naw, I speak with you because you are so hilarious trying to communicate in English, and making an ass of yourself.
Except the Germans weren't 'victims' of Hitler,
You love it to be "right" because you do not listen nor try to understand what others say to you, A typical attitude from extremists in all colors of extremism.

Germans had been victims of the winners of world war 1 and their absurde behavior after world war 1. You - the winners - caused a lot of disasters in the whole world. And one "unimportant" side effect of your deeds was a man born in the trenches of world war 1: Adolf Hitler.

they were co-conspirators.

We Germans are Germans - that's all. Germans are "your" gandparent nations who you do not like to understand. That's why you are a biting baby nation.

Oh, after the war, they were all contrite, like children who ate too much candy and got sick.

Eh? You have absolutelly not any light idea what you try to speak about. How many German soldiers said to your soldiers: "Fine that you came. Let us fight now together against the Soviets.".

But the reality is that the "Good Germans" (as Allied propagandists like to pretend existed) never showed up. They fought for Hitler to the last old man and little boy in the Volksgrenadiers.

Um, they should have been all-knowing enough to realize Hiter was taking them down an immoral and dangerous path. An American expression, there's no education from the second kick of a mule.

Not sure what experts those were. Strategic bombing destroyed Germany's industrial infrastructure, which weakened it's ability to wage the war. We saw that in the complete collapse of the Reich in 1944 to 1945.

First, the past tense of Rebuild is "Rebuilt". We didn't "Give" Stalin anything. Stalin took it because Hitler let him. Most of what Stalin took were countries stupid enough to throw in with Hitler, so not a lot of sympathy there.

As for Korea, we did pretty well there, considering what we were up against.

Naw, I speak with you because you are so hilarious trying to communicate in English, and making an ass of yourself.

Take your soldiers and leave Germany, baby asshole. "Allies" like you are more than only totally superflous. I have the feeling you were born for to win yourselve to death.
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How was it illegal coming from the government who determines what is legal or not?
So since the Nazi government said it was okay to enslave and murder Jews, that absolves the people who did it?

Nice logic.
Yes - exactly! The "Nazis" - more exact the "Nationalsozialisten" - are wa criminal organisation. And if you have a problem to understand history then seperate Hitler in 56 persons and seperate every of this persons in F,S,H,W (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and try to find out in which way Germany, Austria-Hungaria and Hitler had been traumatized from all the criminal nations of the world including the USA. You will find out that Hitler was the most time of his life a dreamer and loser. This Hitler you seem to know and you try to speak about was born in the trenches of world war 1 - and all "solutions" of world war 1 exploded and are still exploding.

First of all you misunderstand the role of the USA and you have an extreme problem with the logic of time. When Hitler was born in 1889 German actors for example gave performances in the USA - not only in standard German but also in German dialects. It was said Germans brought joy to the USA. Parades for example and such things. And what you never asked yourselve is "Why did do the USA 2 times war on Germany although never in history Germany had done anything bad to the USA?"

Fellow Americans:

Be very wary of Germany and Germans. I'm not kidding.

Here is a good reason why.

Remember they are/were the ONLY nation to industrialize mass killing for no other reason other than racial hatred. I guess their stage of grief now is to blame the USA for that.

Reject that. And never, ever drop your guard.
Well .....

Probably. Serving in the German Military didn't make you a Nazi. I was a soldier in the Vietnam War but I didn't agree with Lt. Calley or LB Johnson. In fact, I didn't even want to be there. The population may have supported the German government but not the atrocities committed by it. You know it, I know it, the Germans know it, and those who conducted the Nüremberg trials knew it. That's why some were acquitted.

I think there may have been a period in the 80s when Germany/Germans were properly starting to process the abject horror they inflicted on the world.

But then they quickly Got Woke and decided, nah, it's not our fault. It's America's fault. And then of course, Donald Trump's fault.

For my part, I just don't trust Germany at all.
So since the Nazi government said it was okay to enslave and murder Jews, that absolves the people who did it?

Nice logic.

Excellent! What most people seem not [like] to understand is it that Jews had been Germans like all others. The Nazis not had been Germans like all others. Antisemitism never had been a wide spread problem under Germans before the Nazis propagated their nonsense and transformed this nonsense into a continuous stream of brainwash after they had overtaken the power.
Take a look at North Korea in this context and you will see people who are totally unreal because of a continuous stream of nonsense propaganda during decades. Take a look at the education of child soldiers and you are able to see how stupid propaganda destroys all forms of sane psychological structures in individual beings. The Holocaust in the hot phase was made when the Nazis knew they will lose the war. In this situation they created an industrialized system of death factories. Looks like this liars started to believe in their own lies.

The only problem. This was not the reason why the USA started to do war on Germany. You was in war before this had happened and the racist laws of the Nazis had not been very different from the racist laws in the USA at this time of history. The very big difference: The Nazis made a racism with marker so everyone was able to become a victim of this form of racism.
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Fellow Americans:

Be very wary of Germany and Germans. I'm not kidding.

Here is a good reason why.

Remember they are/were the ONLY nation to industrialize mass killing for no other reason other than racial hatred. I guess their stage of grief now is to blame the USA for that.

Reject that. And never, ever drop your guard.

I am by the way a Jew in the eyes of the Nazis. ¿And? How feels it to hate Jews? Specially if they are blue haired and blond eyed? Hate on Jews is very modern again and a basic element of the propaganda of Putin. "Jews are the real Nazis" is currently one of the most popular anti-Semitic cliches.
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I think there may have been a period in the 80s when Germany/Germans were properly starting to process the abject horror they inflicted on the world.

But then they quickly Got Woke and decided, nah, it's not our fault. It's America's fault. And then of course, Donald Trump's fault.

For my part, I just don't trust Germany at all.
I don’t think it’s fair to blame/mistrust Germany today for the crimes of the Nazis

The youngest WWII Nazis alive today are well into their 90s. This all happened before the Germans of today were even born.

The United States committed genocide against the Native Americans only a generation or two before WWII. We practiced apartheid-like segregation policies well into the 1960s. Are we, today, responsible for those crimes?

And you think Germany shifted blame for the holocaust to the USA. Where on earth did you get that from?
So since the Nazi government said it was okay to enslave and murder Jews, that absolves the people who did it?

Nice logic.
The US govenment said there were WMDs in Irak. It was a lie. American soldiers went to Irak, bombed the shit out of the country, tortured innocent men at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, and murdered one millioin innocent men, women, and children. Are the American soldiers absolved of those crimes?
The US govenment said there were WMDs in Irak. It was a lie. American soldiers went to Irak, bombed the shit out of the country, tortured innocent men at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, and murdered one millioin innocent men, women, and children. Are the American soldiers absolved of those crimes?
You can’t possibly be comparing that to the holocaust?
I think there may have been a period in the 80s when Germany/Germans were properly starting to process the abject horror they inflicted on the world.
I think that's true.
But then they quickly Got Woke and decided, nah, it's not our fault. It's America's fault.
That's probably also true.
And then of course, Donald Trump's fault.
Oh, shit!
For my part, I just don't trust Germany at all.
I do.
The US govenment said there were WMDs in Irak. It was a lie. American soldiers went to Irak, bombed the shit out of the country, tortured innocent men at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, and murdered one millioin innocent men, women, and children. Are the American soldiers absolved of those crimes?
You can’t possibly be comparing that to the holocaust?
So, it is your notion that every German in the military during that time manned the gas chambers, huh? You'll have to stop using comic books for your source of education.
I don’t think it’s fair to blame/mistrust Germany today for the crimes of the Nazis

The youngest WWII Nazis alive today are well into their 90s. This all happened before the Germans of today were even born.

The United States committed genocide against the Native Americans only a generation or two before WWII. We practiced apartheid-like segregation policies well into the 1960s. Are we, today, responsible for those crimes?

And you think Germany shifted blame for the holocaust to the USA. Where on earth did you get that from?

I do not blame current Germans for what their ancestors did, no. I do blame them for shifting that blame to us. Germans have done this for decades now online and it's reflected in polling. They hate us more than any other Western European nation.
I think that's true.

That's probably also true.

Oh, shit!

I do.

To put a finer point on it: they went too quickly from wow, what we did was truly abjectly awful to we've moved beyond it, now we're gonna tell the rest of you--but especially the USA--how to be evolved and better!!

Not a great look. At all. Need a couple of centuries for that at least.
The US govenment said there were WMDs in Irak. It was a lie. American soldiers went to Irak, bombed the shit out of the country, tortured innocent men at Abu Graib and Guantanamo, and murdered one millioin innocent men, women, and children. Are the American soldiers absolved of those crimes?

That's bad enough. And it's bad, make no mistake.

It is not feeding babies into gas chambers because you don't like their religion/race--and doing so industrially and systematically.
I do not blame current Germans for what their ancestors did, no. I do blame them for shifting that blame to us. Germans have done this for decades now online and it's reflected in polling. They hate us more than any other Western European nation.
How much blame do you put upon the Jewish kapos in the death camps?
I do not blame current Germans for what their ancestors did, no. I do blame them for shifting that blame to us. Germans have done this for decades now online and it's reflected in polling. They hate us more than any other Western European nation.
I still don’t understand. Are you saying that the Germans have shifted blame for their WWII war crimes to us?
I still don’t understand. Are you saying that the Germans have shifted blame for their WWII war crimes to us?

Over the years I have been on MB and forums, multiple Germans have asserted that we are just as bad because our ancestors conquered land from the Indigenous, we had Jim Crow, etc. So they don't blame us for what they did, but they say we're just as bad and the heavy implication is that they have evolved beyond it and we're still a racist trash nation.

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