More Strong Evidence for Evolution: Anatomical Vestiges

Low class trolling. ^^^

No one's going to waste their time trying to educate you when you don't want to be educated.

If you did, you would start with Google and Wikipedia to get the lay of the land.

And "then" ask questions. You can't grasp stuff that's way above your pay grade. You have to start with the basics. In this case, fossil evidence and DNA evidence are only 2 of the 18 converging lines of evidence for biological evolution. Each has several million pieces of evidence. You can't read them all overnight. It takes time.
Dishonorably Discharged RetreadGaySgt took to much incoming. Nothing left under the helmet.
He just says "no."
He's in the most childish of all the the denier clusters. That is to just dismiss Everything: great sci article soures, graphics, hard fossil and DNA citations which all corroborate Evo.
Infinitely more evidence than for the god he believes in.

Seen many of this especially obtuse group.
The only thing thing that would satisfy him is a 10 million year video tape.

IAC, ALL Evidence points to Evo
160 years, many new sciences. All of he relevant new ones help confirm it,,, and still not a bone out of place.

The stupid scvmbag should be ignored except for leaving him negative feedback.

Same with Sherlock the deflection/diversion guy.
The objectors here are worse (tho many are the same/GodDidIts) than the Warming deniers in sci ability and conscientiousness.

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