how to calculate the evolution of a protein

Nobody here has said that a "program code is a language"

So why to make a "German" translation - which is not German - of a fake program code?

I would never say that nor would I write so poorly. If I said something that you disagree with then just quote my words and I'll happily explain things.

It's a test source file, written purely for testing the grammar and parser, it's not mean to represent a real problem, it is just test text that we use to test the grammar/parser, the text is syntactically correct, obeys the rules of the grammar.

I would never dream of doing so, and of course I understand what "machine code" means, why do you think I don't?

Because this "program" not works. It's an idea clothed "in the naked clothing of the emperor" as I had said when I had been a little child.
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@Sherlock Homes

Another question: Why do you think "evolution" is a kind of machine from the 19th century? A protein is for example near to quantum structures - with particles which are for example able to be in two different positions at the same time.
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