"Senator Kennedy, I Refuse to be Shackled by Your Question."

NO was the correct answer for anyone with a soul. The 'beat your wife' question is totally different because it contains an assumption. Kennedy's question did not contain any assumption.
It depends can also be an answer
NO was the correct answer for anyone with a soul. The 'beat your wife' question is totally different because it contains an assumption. Kennedy's question did not contain any assumption.
Actually NO was the correct answer for an uneducated individual without higher education or a medical degree.

People who don't know of medical complications that would require choosing one life over the other.

The birth of Siamese twins joined at the chest (thoracopagus twins) and sharing a heart creates an ethical dilemma. Infants with conjoined hearts survive no more than a few months, and physicians must decide whether to give one child a chance at life by separating the twins and sacrificing one to give the other an intact heart.

Nevertheless, Annas concludes that the bleakness of the twins' prognosis if they remain joined justifies separation and the death of one child, despite the difficulty of developing a rationale for the act.
I would have told Sen Kennedy the same thing

YOU get to ask the questions
I GET to decide how it should be answered
Because Kennedy is being a Dick and telling her how to answer

She is obligated to answer truthfully, not how you tell her to answer
No, Kennedy asked for a yes or no answer. Yes would mean they condoned abortion for any reason at any time. No would mean the opposite. He didn't tell anyone how to answer all he wanted was an answer and the pro-aborts obviously couldn't come up with a yes or no because they condone infanticide. There is no other way to take their non-replies.
Said this Democratic witness in the Senate to avoid answering a very straightforward yes or no question (1:20):

That'd be a good line for Kamala Harris. She might have used it if she hadn't run off all of her best speechwriters by treating them so badly.

I wish Democratic witnesses would just answer questions, but I respect that lady for openling refusing more than those who give rambling non-responsive replies and then say "I'm answering your question."

Children are not safe around Democrats
She was not required to answer either "yes" or "no," and then stop talking.

If Kennedy had asked me, "do you support it being legal to abort a baby up to the moment of birth?" I would have said, "certainly not! There is no health problem in the later months of pregnancy that cannot be addressed by inducing labor instead of killing the baby!"

That lady, had she been honest, could have somplly said, "yes. The right to abortion is absolute."

Then an honest discussion could be had. Avoiding the question was for the purpose of avoiding an honest discussion.
Actually NO was the correct answer for an uneducated individual without higher education or a medical degree.

People who don't know of medical complications that would require choosing one life over the other.

The birth of Siamese twins joined at the chest (thoracopagus twins) and sharing a heart creates an ethical dilemma. Infants with conjoined hearts survive no more than a few months, and physicians must decide whether to give one child a chance at life by separating the twins and sacrificing one to give the other an intact heart.

Nevertheless, Annas concludes that the bleakness of the twins' prognosis if they remain joined justifies separation and the death of one child, despite the difficulty of developing a rationale for the act.
So, you condone abortion at any time for any reason? You would have no problem with a woman aborting her child just before birth for convenience sake? BTW there was never any mention of disallowing abortion for health reasons. Why do you go there?
I would have told Sen Kennedy the same thing

YOU get to ask the questions
I GET to decide how it should be answered
No one said they couldn't decide how to answer. All Kennedy wanted was a yes or no answer. The fact they could not say no to an abortion for any reason is troubling.
What if Kennedy asked "How much is two times two? Yes or No.


So you refuse to answer the question.

I reclaim my time.
That was not the question and it's telling that you question the question instead of giving an honest answer.
That doesn't answer Kennedy's question. Some of them did not in fact answer which means these people are not capable of ruling out an abortion for convenience.
They did
It depends is an answer

Republicans push this issue that rarely happens. Very, very few pregnancies are terminated in the third trimester.
If they are, there is usually a very strong medical reason for that abortion.
The decision should be made by a woman and her doctor.
Not some Republican who knows nothing about her case
No one said they couldn't decide how to answer. All Kennedy wanted was a yes or no answer. The fact they could not say no to an abortion for any reason is troubling.
Actually Kennedy wouldn't let them answer with anything other than Yes or No.
He did not give them a chance to give a qualified answer.
Said this Democratic witness in the Senate to avoid answering a very straightforward yes or no question (1:20):

That'd be a good line for Kamala Harris. She might have used it if she hadn't run off all of her best speechwriters by treating them so badly.

I wish Democratic witnesses would just answer questions, but I respect that lady for openling refusing more than those who give rambling non-responsive replies and then say "I'm answering your question."

Nothing like women that will murder their babies.....Must be a "Marxist" thing. Yeah, i know, what would Jesus do?

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