"Senator Kennedy, I Refuse to be Shackled by Your Question."

If you say 'no' it doesn't mean abortion in dire circumstances can't be done. Which is what I already told you. Yes means you WOULD condone an abortion for convenience which is also what I already said.
Actually it does.
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Kennedy did not give conditions. You're trying to change the subject.
That was the problem. It's like my question, should police have the power to shoot totally unarmed people with no criminal record and not previously wanted by the police.

It should be a simple Yes / No.
That was the problem. It's like my question, should police have the power to shoot totally unarmed people with no criminal record and not previously wanted by the police.

It should be a simple Yes / No.
The answer is no 99% but with a caveat that if someone is applying deadly force or inflicting severe injury without being armed, cancel Christmas.
The answer is no 99% but with a caveat that if someone is applying deadly force or inflicting severe injury without being armed, cancel Christmas.
So the answer is YES 1% of the time.
and the answer is NO 99% of the time.

That's not a single answer, that's two answers. Kennedy wanted them to pick just one with no qualifications.
This proves that very few questions can be answered with a simple Yes / No, when it involves a wide range of situations to be covered.
So the answer is YES 1% of the time.
and the answer is NO 99% of the time.

That's not a single answer, that's two answers. Kennedy wanted them to pick just one with no qualifications.
Kennedy asked a different question.
Actually it is. As the OP points out. Some questions can't be answered with a simple Yes / No.
We’re talking about Sen. Kennedy not you and your pretend world where you change the subject because you’re losing.
We’re talking about Sen. Kennedy not you and your pretend world where you change the subject because you’re losing.
It's funny, how many questions that you cry as being "off topic", are examples of questions like what Kennedy asked. And all phrased so as not to be answerable by a simple yes / no.

And meant to make it look like the person doesn't have an answer, and not that they can't give an exacting answer, but for having to answer with only yes / no.

Since Kennedy's question didn't address any exceptions.
It's funny, how many questions that you cry as being "off topic", are examples of questions like what Kennedy asked. And all phrased so as not to be answerable by a simple yes / no.

And meant to make it look like the person doesn't have an answer, and not that they can't give an exacting answer, but for having to answer with only yes / no.

Since Kennedy's question didn't address any exceptions.
No, you gave no similar examples and, yes, Sen. Kennedy's questions can be answered with a simple yes or no. You just want the option for infanticide apparently. Sen. Kennedy's question did not say no exceptions either, you're lying.

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