If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

Seems unlikely... so many of these folks only talk a good game. When the rubber meets the road, they'd mostly turn tail and run.
Yeah, we’re terrified of the purple hairs

The Republicans need to take back the party from the Trumpist RINOs who have infiltrated and poisoned it. They need to go back to being a sane conservative party again and not one controlled by a temperamental, unstable huckster and his grifter family.

This Republican house cleaning has been a long time coming.
The Democratic Party isn’t a party of one. It will seamlessly move forward.

LOL So if Harris gets beat by a rapist, conman, convicted felon, dictator, Project 2025 Hitler, you're not going to second guess letting your cult leaders pick your candidate for you?
Is "Stopped on Goofy" your default mode?
The FBI committed treason by offering forged documents to undermine the Trump administration. Democrats found about 50 "intelligence experts" who were willing to commit treason by swearing that Hunter's laptop was "Russian disinformation" but it wasn't. Federal agents allowed an assassin to gain access to a Trump rally. Hardly goofy.
There will be MASS Democrat suicides :)
The statist left needs to start stocking up on both prayer rugs & knee pads cause they are going to need them when Donaldo the Magnificent lights up the statist left constituency & their dudnamic duo like an 880 volt lighted Christmas tree! The ONLY chance the statist left has left for victory is if they can get Riga-Votus to set in, like short of that there is not a snowball's chance in hell for them.

The Republicans need to take back the party from the Trumpist RINOs who have infiltrated and poisoned it. They need to go back to being a sane conservative party again and not one controlled by a temperamental, unstable huckster and his grifter family.

This Republican house cleaning has been a long time coming.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use, the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting, immoral globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes dark socialist foreign shithole we seek.”

If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war​

  • If that is the case, then you are shit outta luck as republicans have the lion's share of the guns! Remember, it is YOUR crowd who is anti-gun!
  • If that is the case, then why is it that we only get a war when the LEFT doesn't get their way? You lost in 2016, and you haven't stopped whining or warring since.
  • Oh and J6? It was actually a peaceful event (as video shows) until the Cap Police started throwing flashbang grenades into the crowd, because it was democrats intention all along to use the event as an opportunity to hold against Trump with the intention to try to keep him from running again.
Today, identifying as a Republican is not about conservative governing principles but automatic loyalty to Trump, with his MAGA troops in control of the party machinery from top to bottom.
The fact is that ‘conservative governing principles’ is Trumpism – indeed, Trump is a product of the GOP.

The myth is that prior to Trump, the GOP was a right of center party interested in sound governance and responsible public policy – but nothing could be further from the truth.

For more than 50 years – starting with the GOP’s embrace of the Christo-fascist right – the Republican party has become more authoritarian, more illiberal, more reactionary and extreme in its blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

Trump’s departure from the political scene won’t change that.
This page reeks of MAGA desperation and silliness.

Bring the guns out and the LEO and NG will put you into holes in the ground and not notify your families.
It’s 50/50-ish right now. You have to be prepared for the possibility of a loss. If it occurs, what is next?
She needs to be above 50 to have any hope in beating him. Her horrendous CNN interview is not going to win her the swing voters. RFK Jr nudge from some of his voters will learn towards Trump not Harris.

Looks like Trump will win, even with these fake polls..

So the thread title is more like what will the left do when Trump wins, civil war?

She needs to be above 50 to have any hope in beating him. Her horrendous CNN interview is not going to win her the swing voters. RFK Jr nudge from some of his voters will learn towards Trump not Harris.

Looks like Trump will win, even with these fake polls..

So the thread title is more like what will the left do when Trump wins, civil war?
Trump's not going to lose....
It’s 50/50-ish right now. You have to be prepared for the possibility of a loss. If it occurs, what is next?
Right now the pollsters are polling more democrats than republicans... they always do that until the last week or so before an election...
Study showing Maga is more likely to support violence. they are becoming more irrational.

“A growing body of research [16], assessments by experts in domestic violent extremism [7], and events such as the insurrection of January 6, 2021 have raised concern about the prospect of widespread political violence in the United States (US).

“MAGA Republicans, as defined, are more likely than others to endorse political violence. They are not more willing to engage in such violence themselves; their endorsement may increase the risk that it will occur.”

“Three items addressed the central elements of the QAnon mythology and a separate religious belief (Table 5, S4 Table in S1 File). MAGA Republicans were much more likely than others to agree strongly or very strongly that US institutions “are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation”

MAGA Republicans’ views of American democracy and society and support for political violence in the United States: Findings from a nationwide population-representative survey

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