So You Are Actually Considering Voting Democrat????

No riots under Biden so we obviously don’t need Trump to prevent riots. We already did that.
Two wars, loss of 85B worth of military hardware and 13 service members, Inflation, unbridled illegal immigration, 50% increase in fuel prices, human trafficking, homeless, fentanyl crisis, no foreign policy, no one at home in DC---such successes. You're dismissed----AGAIN.
America is on a dangerous path.
It very much reminds me of pre-Nazi Germany where so many Germans grew weary of being neglected and abused and then along came a ruthless man who promised salvation and he was able to seize absolute power then millions died.

Donald Trump will NOT be that man, but I sincerely believe the climate is ripe for such a person to rise.
And that person will not be good for either side nor humanity at large.
Two wars, loss of 85B worth of military hardware and 13 service members, Inflation, unbridled illegal immigration, 50% increase in fuel prices, human trafficking, homeless, fentanyl crisis, no foreign policy, no one at home in DC---such successes. You're dismissed----AGAIN.

For every point you make against their side, they will present two against yours...right wrong or indifferent.
They are mindless drones fully programmed to allow others to dictate their beliefs based on lies.
You will not change that.

Do as much as you humanly can off the forum to fight them in every way you can come up with.
Take off the white gloves if you have to. It's war.
Two wars, loss of 85B worth of military hardware and 13 service members, Inflation, unbridled illegal immigration, 50% increase in fuel prices, human trafficking, homeless, fentanyl crisis, no foreign policy, no one at home in DC---such successes. You're dismissed----AGAIN.
Biden ended our war in Afghanistan. Trump couldn’t. He was too weak. That makes zero wars.

Inflation is down to below 3%.

Pumping more oil now than ever.

Fentanyl deaths starting to decline. Trump saw an increase in opiate deaths by 50%.

Trump was chaos brought on by total lack of leadership.
America is on a dangerous path.
It very much reminds me of pre-Nazi Germany where so many Germans grew weary of being neglected and abused and then along came a ruthless man who promised salvation and he was able to seize absolute power then millions died.

Donald Trump will NOT be that man, but I sincerely believe the climate is ripe for such a person to rise.
And that person will not be good for either side nor humanity at large.
Embrace the “Joy”.
Two wars, loss of 85B worth of military hardware and 13 service members, Inflation, unbridled illegal immigration, 50% increase in fuel prices, human trafficking, homeless, fentanyl crisis, no foreign policy, no one at home in DC---such successes. You're dismissed----AGAIN.
Making up crazy butthurt stories flopped hard for you in 2022, so why do you think it will work any better in 2024?

I can see the problem your cult has. Everyone outside of your cult knows you're crazy and brainwashed. There aren't enough stupid and cowardly people in your cult to win elections. If you keep lying, you lose. But if you tell the truth, you lose the cult members, so you still lose.

Sucks to be you, Trump cult losers.

Oh, Trump raised the fuel prices, and you still tonguebathe him. The magnitude of your dishonesty and hypocrisy makes it impossible for anyone to take you seriously. Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your fascist losers' cult. You'll keep trying, because it's all your side can do, but it won't work.
Biden ended our war in Afghanistan. Trump couldn’t. He was too weak. That makes zero wars.

Inflation is down to below 3%.

Pumping more oil now than ever.

Fentanyl deaths starting to decline. Trump saw an increase in opiate deaths by 50%.

Trump was chaos brought on by total lack of leadership.
Biden-Harris ended Afghanistan with a humiliating disaster of an exit. Inflation is down only because the public demanded an end to Biden-Harris policies that pushed inflation to 40 year highs.

Pumping more oil is a direct snub to the leftist greenies who Biden- Harris promised to placate.

Fentanyl deaths spiked under Biden- Harris because of their willingness to enable cartels. It’s the same situation with the Biden-Harris child sex trafficking syndicate.
Making up crazy butthurt stories flopped hard for you in 2022, so why do you think it will work any better in 2024?

I can see the problem your cult has. Everyone outside of your cult knows you're crazy and brainwashed. There aren't enough stupid and cowardly people in your cult to win elections. If you keep lying, you lose. But if you tell the truth, you lose the cult members, so you still lose.

Sucks to be you, Trump cult losers.

Oh, Trump raised the fuel prices, and you still tonguebathe him. The magnitude of your dishonesty and hypocrisy makes it impossible for anyone to take you seriously. Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your fascist losers' cult. You'll keep trying, because it's all your side can do, but it won't work.
The Trump leg humper has arrived.
Unless you truly have no cognitive ability, and/or are fearful of the violence Democrats have proven capable of, perhaps you should consider the facts of Democrat governance:

Gas prices up 38%

Food prices up 21%

Mortgage rates up 148%

Home insurance up 61%

Car insurance up 118%

Real wages down 2.24%

Drug deaths up 36%

The border isn't.....
8.5 illegals crossed the Southern border
plus 3 million got-aways
for the hightest number of invaders in our history
None of that is related to the President though… so there is that.
None of that is related to the President though… so there is that.
Of course it is. You should pay attention. Coincident with rising home and apartment rents/ Prices, flooding the country with 12 million illegals increases demand. Rising fuel prices are a result of both limiting leases for oil and gas exploration plus the demand of millions of illegals who are driving cars.

So there is that.
Fentanyl deaths spiked under Biden- Harris because of their willingness to enable cartels.
A big lie, so no one is surprised that you push it.

Trump just told a big lie than fentanyl deaths are about 300k A year.

The actual number is about 75k. It's now kind of stable at that level.

Over Trump's term, the numbers rose from a low number to 60k/year. Talk about a spike. That is, the rise over Trump's term was much bigger than the rise over Biden's term.

Trump claims it's illegals bringing it in. Almost all fentanyl comes in through ports of entry, not on people's backs. And 90% of those arrested for trafficking are American citizens.

I don't have to ask if you regret pushing that lie. Sociopaths never regret lying. They only get angry about being caught.

You know what to do now. Deflect with some sort of perverted story.
It's so weird and creepy, how you think it's okay to perv out like you do.

It's not. You're not even close to normal.
It’s weird and creepy that you’re desperate for my attention. Do you fantasize about me as you fantasize about your emotional attraction to Trump’s leg?
A big lie, so no one is surprised that you push it.

Trump just told a big lie than fentanyl deaths are about 300k A year.

The actual number is about 75k. It's now kind of stable at that level.

Over Trump's term, the numbers rose from a low number to 60k/year. Talk about a spike. That is, the rise over Trump's term was much bigger than the rise over Biden's term.

Trump claims it's illegals brining it in. Almost all fentanyl comes in through ports of entry, not on people's backs. And 90% of those arrested for trafficking are American citizens.

I don't have to ask if you regret pushing that lie. Sociopaths never regret lying. They only get angry about being caught.

You know what to do now. Deflect with some sort of perverted story.
Oh, dear, I hurt your feelings. The fact is. Millions of unvented illegals, enabled by Biden-Harris on behalf of the cartels is the reason for the record number of fentanyl deaths.

This is where you should start humping Trump’s leg.
The usual. I talked issues, you responded with stalking and perversion, jumping into a conversation that you weren't a part of to fantasize about leg-humping. That means you fit in well with the Trump cult.
As is usual, yout desperate pleas for attention are concerning. Is Trump’s leg not enough for you?
Of course it is. You should pay attention. Coincident with rising home and apartment rents/ Prices, flooding the country with 12 million illegals increases demand. Rising fuel prices are a result of both limiting leases for oil and gas exploration plus the demand of millions of illegals who are driving cars.

So there is that.
Hollie. We all know you are not bright but I will point this out to you anyway:

Oil production is at record levels, gas is historically at a low price when compared to wages, and immigrants produce nearly all of our economic growth.

Housing shortages occured everywhere due to Covid and post meltdown fears, and finally prices are not related to immigration.
Oh, dear, I hurt your feelings. The fact is. Millions of unvented illegals, enabled by Biden-Harris on behalf of the cartels is the reason for the record number of fentanyl deaths.
I pointed out the facts show you're just making crap up, you respond by flat-out ignoring the facts and just repeating the same dumb lies.

Yes, you're part of a cult, and a devoted servant of the Lord of Lies.

This is where you should start humping Trump’s leg.
This is why people keep their pets and children far away from you.

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