Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

He wanted to win fairly.

Listen, here's the deal. If Democrats are so smart that they can "steal" a national election, so smart that they can orchestrate a nationwide conspiracy and leave no evidence, and insure that no one talks - then you guys should just give up now. You have zero chance.

But Democrats aren't that smart. They're fucking idiots. And Trump is a 5 year old whining because he lost.

Listen, here's the deal. If Democrats are so smart that they can "steal" a national election, so smart that they can orchestrate a nationwide conspiracy and leave no evidence, and insure that no one talks - then you guys should just give up now. You have zero chance.

But Democrats aren't that smart. They're fucking idiots. And Trump is a 5 year old whining because he lost.
If Democrats win this election by cheating, America is lost.
I see lots of pie-in-the-sky promises and rosy predictions of how awesome it will be.

That's just fantasy. There is no real, rational basis for your pipe dream.
All of your objections are based on flawed reasoning and fabricated "facts".
You said what you said. No amount of "No, I didn't!" will alter the fact.
Now you're just resorting to gibberish. I grant you the privilege of having the last word, that way you can delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something. Enjoy your ignorance.

Listen, here's the deal. If Democrats are so smart that they can "steal" a national election, so smart that they can orchestrate a nationwide conspiracy and leave no evidence, and insure that no one talks - then you guys should just give up now. You have zero chance.

But Democrats aren't that smart. They're fucking idiots. And Trump is a 5 year old whining because he lost.
You make your point. However, the media does not investigate much of questions on the Republican side. And in elections could start a few points behind because of questionable practices. There is a belief that we are not a Progressive Socialist nation. And yet we are moving there and to eventual Communism. For the Progressives must keep moving. They cannot stop.
You can't have capitalism without enough wage labor. Advanced automation and artificial intelligence is going to eliminate most jobs, hence no paying consumers or not enough of them = no market or not a large enough market worth investing in. The future is socialism.
Automation and ai will increase the need for wage labor.

You are truly stupid. the death for all time of socialism is inevitable

You are an inevitable failure
Maybe its because I am old,
or you never knew anything about Trump before he started running for office.

Try and see if you can find anything about faith in God from him Before running.
Feel sure that God would not care for the the taking of his name in vane.

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