Its Time for Blacks to leave the Republican Party.

I never presented any study of white people being particularly fearful or pliable.

It attempts to by being amusingly paternalistic and racist about black people.

I never presented any study of white people being particularly fearful or pliable.

The “study” in this case (and I should have put it in quotes), are the articles, videos, and books that people like IM2 presents daily about how bad white people are, which leads people like you to think that everything that doesn’t fit neatly in your basket, is racism.

It attempts to by being amusingly paternalistic and racist about black people.

It attempts to understand why black people vote overwhelmingly for democrats. It’s not racist to try and understand those reasons, IM2 just gave us an example of what those studies were talking about….social pressure.
You are wromg. We have complained about continuing racism coming from whites. The Democratic policies have created what progress we have had. Whites have been the dependent class since this country was "founded". Democrats have not destroyed the black family structure. The slums a part of a bi partisan effort. Todays Republican party has people in it who believe we are not legal citizens of this country. Blacks should not belong to party with people in it who believe that.

Stop repeating that bullshit.
Democrat policies destroyed the black family and created a permanent dependent class. That’s what you wanted. You want to keep those people in their place. You are the closet racist.
Democrat policies destroyed the black family and created a permanent dependent class. That’s what you wanted. You want to keep those people in their place. You are the closet racist.
Again, whites need to shut the fuck up about government deoendency. Your asses hve been dependent on the government since Juy 4, 1776. I'm black and no black family was destroyed by the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Fair Housing Act, or equal opportunity policies.

Let’s take a real look at government dependency. The assistance to single women with children part of the Social Security Act provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910.

The plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the Children’s Bureau in 1910 until 1965, no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family. The program was not denigrated as something creating dependence on government; it was seen as essential assistance needed to help women without husbands who had children. The no man in the house rule ws a conservative rule and that rule ended in 1968. By a black woman in Alabama.

So the reality here is this: Government dependency was and is fine for whites, but only when the law required that others besides whites be included does the story change to the garbage your racist ass is posting today.
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The “study” in this case (and I should have put it in quotes), are the articles, videos, and books that people like IM2 presents daily about how bad white people are, which leads people like you to think that everything that doesn’t fit neatly in your basket, is racism.
So now I can't think for myself? Maybe stop being a little bitch and just be a proud boy racist. By the way it's reading your posts that has lead me to conclude that you're both a racist and a little bitch.
It attempts to understand why black people vote overwhelmingly for democrats. It’s not racist to try and understand those reasons, IM2 just gave us an example of what those studies were talking about….social pressure.
Why black people routinely vote opposite of that of rural white conservatives is obvious if you ever opened a fucking history book. Were you Trailerhome schooled?
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  • Brilliant
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The “study” in this case (and I should have put it in quotes), are the articles, videos, and books that people like IM2 presents daily about how bad white people are, which leads people like you to think that everything that doesn’t fit neatly in your basket, is racism.

It attempts to understand why black people vote overwhelmingly for democrats. It’s not racist to try and understand those reasons, IM2 just gave us an example of what those studies were talking about….social pressure.
Social pressure doesn't have damn thing to do with it. Whites like you look for every excuse you can find to deny that YOU are the problem. It is not social pressure, it's your fucked up policies and the attitudes of the people who currenty control the Republican Party. Any black person who is working to restore white supremacy or supports policies that do, should be roundly criticized and rejected by all other sane black people, and for that matter people of every race.
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The “study” in this case (and I should have put it in quotes), are the articles, videos, and books that people like IM2 presents daily about how bad white people are, which leads people like you to think that everything that doesn’t fit neatly in your basket, is racism
White victimhood gets no sympathy from me. The things I post show that there are whites still practicing racism and/or the government policies enacted by whites that have created the probems that blacks face today. If you don't like seeing these things, then they should never have been done. So if you don't like seeing these things then shut the fuck up with your lectures to blacks on how we should live and the every day stories about blacks committing crimes, complete with the lectures on"black culture" while you want to tell us how we need to vote for a white boy who is a convicted felon to be president of this country. Stop whining white man, you reap what you sow. Whites aren't superior to anyone, your asses have made huge mistakes, and if you want this country to be great, stop crying about people showing your punk asses the mistakes you made and start doing the work needed to fix what you fucked up.

Don't start the bullshit that was in the past lie to deny the existing problems today. Don't hide behind the irresponsible excuse of I should not be blamed for what my granparents did when whites are doing the same stuff today. We should not be facing the same racist bullshit OUR grandparents faced, but we are. We should not have to be born into deficits created before we were born so that your white asses can remain comfortable.

But we are.

Whites created the racism here, not blacks. That means whites are responsible for fixing what their racism has caused. So stop telling everybody else to take responsibiity for their behavior when not one generation of whites has ever fully taken responsbiity for their behavior.

We are mostly democrats because that is the party where whites have at least tried doing that. They have not been perfect, nowhere near, but they are at least making the effort instead of blaming us for the problems, telling us to be quiet, denigrating any black individual or group, calling us racists for pointing out the problems that still exist, then claiming that because we do so that somehow whites are being oppressed.

We see that in the last 5 Presidential elections, Democrats have put up a black candidate 3 times. Republicans can't even get a black vice president. In this election cycle, you had a black senator who had served several terms, a hispanic senator who had served several terms, a former cabinet department head who was black, and yet who ended up being the VP on the ticket? A white boy who had not served 1/2 a term in the senate and yet you bitches call Kamala Harris a DEI candidate. Then you sit on on your ass questioning why I say:

It's Time for Blacks to leave the Republican Party.

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