Israel Rescues Another Hostage

And there it is.

Now sputter and fume how you don't hate Jews, you just hate Zionists. It won't be believable.
Agree! Without fail, those who demean Israel (“the Jew supremacist state” and lie about genocide and apartheid) just love to insist they aren’t antisemitic, and then they blatantly reveal with the most disgusting remarks that indeed they are.
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Arrest him for what, exactly?

(While noting that you literally just called Israel a "cesspit" and demanded that it be "wiped off the map").
Read his comment again. He praised the Third Reich for having the right idea, and said it should be done again. This man who insists he’s not an antisemite just complimented Hitler.
I read lots of history. I never claimed to be a fighter. History shows us how to deal with violent extremists in your midst.

It also shows us how far those violent extremists can go with the help of the civilian population.

YOU choose to ignore that. I won't accuse you of stupidity.

I know you aren't, thus I am left with the only conclusion possible.

You support them.
I suspect your reading is pretty one sided, that is the only thing that would explain your views. There are a multip,e instances of terrorist entities dropping terrorist tactics and turning to governance.

Your false dichotomy (if you don’t agree with me you must be stupid or you support them) is duly noted and discarded.
I suspect your reading is pretty one sided, that is the only thing that would explain your views. There are a multip,e instances of terrorist entities dropping terrorist tactics and turning to governance.

Your false dichotomy (if you don’t agree with me you must be stupid or you support them) is duly noted and discarded.
My reading is quite broad, I even have all of Zinns and chomskeys works. Oh, I did not present you a false dichotomy.

Read what I said again for comprehension.
My reading is quite broad, I even have all of Zinns and chomskeys works. Oh, I did not present you a false dichotomy.

Read what I said again for comprehension.

Definition: Ithe fallacy of presenting only two choices, outcomes, or sides to an argument as the only possibilities, when more are available

False dichotomy: you are either stupid or you support them. It is right there in your own words.

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