Another result of MAGA/Trumpism

The Democrats executed 2 coups in 4 years.
Possibly a record.

Listening to that shrew Alex Wagner......

Calling Trump a low-life and then doing all the name calling he does.

She seem to think her repeated use of the word dystopian is somehow going to change things.

The GOP ran their process....and we have Trump.

The democrats push Biden as being sane, then he's not.

And OMGosh.....we need a change.

He says he's staying.

But then he quits (hmmmmmm.......)

Then they chose Harris, an empty suit they didn't want. Many said she needed to go too. She never made it to the actual primaries.

An empty suit for president.

With a marxist loving VP.

You best something is dystopian.
The Democrats executed 2 coups in 4 years.
Possibly a record.
Through with asshats like g5000, now on ignore.

Someone so consumed with hatred she is willing to push the constitution aside and allow two admitted marxists into the WH where they will try to push agendas that will bankrupt the country.

And she calls herself a "conservative".

You bet.
1 million people died because he didn't tell us how serious the virus was. He admitted that to Bob Woodward. Didn't want to fuck up his precious economy. We see how that turned out.

The 1 million people, for the most, didn't get vaccinated because Republicans said it was a hoax. So, basically most of the deaths were Trump supporters. Which could be one reason why he lost to Biden in 2020. A lot of his supporters were dead before November. Like Herman Cain. Like 5 anti vax right wing radio hosts.

The reason I don't mind that Trump killed so many Americans is they voted for him.
If you really believe that, you’ve got problems.
Fortunately there have been many Republicans who refused to go along with the farce that is MAGA/Trumpism, and I've been wondering all along how many of them have actually changed their positions on any issues because of it. In other words, I've been wondering if the closer proximity to Democrats had rubbed off on them in any way. Anecdotally, it kind of seemed like they had.

Anyway, here comes longtime conservative Mona Charen with an example of it: What Are We Conserving?

"None of us has the time or ability to become an expert in everything, so we use shortcuts. If person X agrees with me about anti-communism or phonics, I will be more likely to trust their views on Federal Reserve policy or some other topic that I know less about. We all outsource our judgment to some degree. But in the past nine years, too many people I formerly believed were honest and reliable have proven themselves capable of staggering dishonesty and bad faith. Someone said it’s like finding out that your spouse has been unfaithful or a friend has betrayed you. Suddenly you look back at the entire relationship with a jaundiced eye, interpreting everything differently.

"It’s been wrenching in some ways, but in the end, I’m grateful for the jolt. It has forced me to reconsider ideas that may have become calcified and opened me to people and perspectives I would previously have dismissed."

Trump (or, far more importantly, those who have enabled him and this disaster) has caused great damage to the Republican Party. And one of the ways is thathe has caused many in the party to re-evaluate where they stand politically.
This farce keeps you up at night. Hack away no one is listening.
If you really believe that, you’ve got problems.

What do you mean? Most of the people who died of covid were not vaccinated. That's before and after the vaccine came out.

And most people who died didn't wear masks or social distance from people. It only makes sense.

Don-old Trump killed a million Americans with his ignorance, stupidity, incompetence, and arrogance.

Harris could not possibly do worse.
Trump & his W.H. goon squad led by Kushner & Miller figured blue states like N.Y. would take the brunt of Covid deaths & illnesses so they lied thru their teeth about what was happening despite warnings from medical experts. Then they acted in a half assed manner but by then it was too late anyway. And of course Trump continued to lie thru his filthy yap so he could hold hate rallies which were massive Covid petri dishes. As this was going on they lined their pockets off the Covid loan fiasco enriching themselves & their cronies.

Trump & his W.H. goon squad were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Trump is a domestic terrorist for that fact alone.

Now watch the MAGA dupes howl.
Trump & his W.H. goon squad led by Kushner & Miller figured blue states like N.Y. would take the brunt of Covid deaths & illnesses so they lied thru their teeth about what was happening despite warnings from medical experts. Then they acted in a half assed manner but by then it was too late anyway. And of course Trump continued to lie thru his filthy yap so he could hold hate rallies which were massive Covid petri dishes. As this was going on they lined their pockets off the Covid loan fiasco enriching themselves & their cronies.

Trump & his W.H. goon squad were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Trump is a domestic terrorist for that fact alone.

Now watch the MAGA dupes howl.
Cuomo killed those seniors. Whitmer killed senors. Pritzker killed seniors. Not Trump.
Through with asshats like g5000, now on ignore.

Someone so consumed with hatred she is willing to push the constitution aside and allow two admitted marxists into the WH where they will try to push agendas that will bankrupt the country.

And she calls herself a "conservative".

You bet.

G is a fraud

no one is more fraudulent on this site than G

You simply have to point and laugh
Trump & his W.H. goon squad led by Kushner & Miller figured blue states like N.Y. would take the brunt of Covid deaths & illnesses so they lied thru their teeth about what was happening despite warnings from medical experts. Then they acted in a half assed manner but by then it was too late anyway. And of course Trump continued to lie thru his filthy yap so he could hold hate rallies which were massive Covid petri dishes. As this was going on they lined their pockets off the Covid loan fiasco enriching themselves & their cronies.

Trump & his W.H. goon squad were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Trump is a domestic terrorist for that fact alone.

Now watch the MAGA dupes howl.
He's on tape admitting he lied about the danger of the virus.

Perhaps the worst dereliction of duty by a President in our history.

And the rubes do the only thing they know: They defend him.
He's on tape admitting he lied about the danger of the virus.

Perhaps the worst dereliction of duty by a President in our history.

And the rubes do the only thing they know: They defend him.
Of course. That's the luxury of being mentally handicapped enough to hold two contradictory truths in your brain at once.

The vaccines are a scam, and we should be thanking Trump for saving lives with the vaccines.

Like that.
Through with asshats like g5000, now on ignore.

Someone so consumed with hatred she is willing to push the constitution aside and allow two admitted marxists into the WH where they will try to push agendas that will bankrupt the country.

And she calls herself a "conservative".

You bet.
So you put g5000 on ignore, and then you slam him, when he can't respond to you?

So you put g5000 on ignore, and then you slam him, when he can't respond to you?


Did you have a point to make, or were just working to make your usual quota of stupid posts ?

He can respond all he wants. I just don't have to read his crap.

Or he can put me on ignore.

Frankly, don't care.

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