Another result of MAGA/Trumpism

The only problem is the middle class used to be greater. And over the past 40 years the rich got richer. So this is our only problem. The rich have taken over our government and it’s not looking out for we the people.

And how do the rich con voters into going along? Bullshit wedge issues like abortion and gays. That’s how they conned you. Or guns.
Talking Away the MAGA

That's the Old Right and you know it. You're desperate to avoid confronting the once-silent majority. Liberal policies are what has excluded the middle from the bottom up, while the Old Right excluded them from the top down.

The gun-grabbers know what strength we have.
Thanks for proving again that you're an imbecile.

Right on cue, without fail.

I live in WV. For decades WV was solid Democrat. Why? Because they supported the unions and the workers. Joe Manchin was still elected as Senator as a (D) in WV even after it went red because of his solid support for miners.

Hillary came into the state telling the miners she was going to end their jobs but there would be government programs for them.

They didn't want to be put on "government programs". Now in the big picture WV is indeed small potato's but just an example.
Paternalistic Patricians

Exactly the way the Preppy Progressive snobs "support the workers."
One might have considered that before promising to end them. But like in my post previously, you will excuse their failures and lies no matter what.

And I remember deciding that I would never vote for Obama when he rushed back to D.C. to help save the bailout (massive give away to the rich). He showed where his priorities would lie.

He could have decided to help the homeowners. He decided to help the bankers instead.
For That Betrayal, a Lawn Jockey Got to Own Mansions
For sure Biden thought he had the best chance of beating Trump. Because he beat him before. But after all our letters, Biden realized he was going to lose and he dropped out for the sake of the country.
if you believe that you probably already own a bridge in Brooklyn
if you believe that you probably already own a bridge in Brooklyn

I know....seriously ?

He thinks his letter made a difference.

A corrupt egotistical slimewad gave up his place at the table for the "good of country" and put his DEI hire in his place.

You can't make this stuff up.
Pensions for workers, strenghten social security and medicare, I could fucking go on and on about why the Democrats are better. But all I should need is one. Remember Republicans wanted to allow insurance companies to deny people coverage because of pre existing conditions?

That alone should be enough. That ONE difference should be all you need to know. Republicans would FUCK YOU HARD Harry. You dumb white son of a bitch.
MAGA Is Taking Over Hoover's Party, Just Like Race Traitors Took over FDR's Party
All of those things are wonderful. As we expand more and more social programs, getting the resources for it is more difficult. Who pays for it? People who paid into Social Security and Medicare have their points. The rest though is pure largesse on the taxpayer. Privilege is in the kind of work you do. And there are many people who are privileged in work that are inferior to others not so privileged doing work. In the DEI world we see it now. and in lower ranks there are people in charge who are inferior to those below them. If you are a good employee with no future to move up, e as the worst worker. Slow down. Take your time. Skate. Letting others take the credit, which is what we are doing, is detrimental to civilization that wants to prosper and provide a better life for a higher percentage of its population.
There Is Also DEI for HeirHeads and Their Bootlickers

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