How MAGA Is Already Justifying The Use Of Military Force At Home If Trump Wins

I'm sure you recall as I do trump's demand that police "dominate the streets" in response to protests. What happened in Lafayette Sq. is what that looks like.
You mean when the brownshirts Burnt down a church, broke in the Dept of Tres and attempted to over run the White House? Yes I do.
You Dems are willing to rig elections to see that happen.
How did Dem election-rigging decide the 2020 election?

You jokers had sixty-two (62) chances to prove that in the law courts.

Oftentimes appearing before Republican - and even Trump-appointed - judges and justices.

And with one minor exception amounting to mere accommodation in one (1) of those sixty-two cases...

You got laughed out of court, 61 out of 62 times... and that 1 time never really amounted to anything...

Your Orange Baboon-God's wild, hairy-a$$ed claims were viewed as ridiculous, from one side of the country to the other...

Democrats do, indeed, rig elections...

Hell, in my neck-of-the-woods... metropolitan Chicago... Democrats have ruled for 90 years and are infamous for it...

But those rigged elections are for mayor or alderman or trustee or judge or dogcatcher... not for Federal offices...

And that's in one of the most corrupt Democratic strongholds in the country..

No... four years of your boy's profoundly flawed character and ignorant overnight tweeting are what killed his re-election...

A larger percentage of Americans repudiated his flawed personality than were willing to look the other way to hold power...

But your boy's hyper-fragile ego could not accept his legitimate loss so he invented his Big Lie and sold it to you suckers...

And you've spent the last four years trying (and failing) to defend the indefensible, at the expense of credibility and soul...

The Dems stole the November 2020 general election from your boy?


You lie...

So does your Orange Baboon-God master...

Tell a Lie big enough and often enough until it becomes the Truth?

Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels would have been proud of all of you.

But the rest of us are not willing to let you get away with it.

After January 6, 2021 vast legions of your fellow Americans would rather vote for a fence post than vote for your boy.

You will understand the Reality of this on the morning of November 6, 2024.
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