Another result of MAGA/Trumpism

You are certainly free to support that. Trump is indeed a horrible person but the reason the rich continue to thrive is people like you won't hold the politicians they vote for accountable for their failures.

I think BOTH are horrible choices. You display another problem. The idea that you must support one or the other. You do not.

I live in WV. For decades WV was solid Democrat. Why? Because they supported the unions and the workers. Joe Manchin was still elected as Senator as a (D) in WV even after it went red because of his solid support for miners.

Hillary came into the state telling the miners she was going to end their jobs but there would be government programs for them. Miners make a good living (even though it's a lousy way to do so). Well, they used to make a good living.

They didn't want to be put on "government programs". Now in the big picture WV is indeed small potato's but just an example.

WV has went from solid blue to super solid red in a very short amount of time. (sadly the Republican's are easily even worse) but the people weren't going to support anyone pulling their jobs out from under them.
People of West Virginia vote against their self-interest because the GOP wealthy construct a culture war of fear demonizing people that overcomes the commonsense stance of Democrats to the uneducated in order to broaden their reach. Its pretty pathetic and an indictment of the intelligence levels in this nation.
No. You must not have been paying attention. And you don't know the facts or history.

1. Bush was going to just hand the bankers the money no questions asked.

That's what Obama also did. Remember Timmy Geithner said that bankers did indeed violate financial laws but it would be bad for the economy to prosecute them.

It seems that not only is the president above our laws, so are bankers.

2. Obama gave them a loan, held them accountable Of course that's not what Fox told you.

TARP was repaid with HARP. Figure it out. The bankers repaid taxpayers money with more taxpayers money.

Bankers were gave billions and also were paid interest on those billions. That was not paid back.

3. Remember how Republicans demonized Occupy Wallstreet? Took the attention off the bankers and made it about the evil protesters camping out. Reminds me of how they mock college students who protest for Palestine.

Obama had them arrested.

4. I think we all know it was good and wise Obama didn't let the banks fail. Are you stupid?

We would be far better off today if we had allowed them to fail. Yes the initial pain would have been bad but now they know no matter what they do the taxpayers will bail them out.

5. Mitt wanted the car companies to go bankrupt too. Democrats bailed them out. Much like Reagan did in the 80's. But Romney/Republicans wanted to break the unions and renig on pensions. So did GM's management.

The car companies did go through bankruptcy under Obama.

6. 2009

Obama tells bankers it's payback time​

By Reuters
December 14, 2009

Wake up dummy. The GOP have fucked you over financially.

Obama said a lot of stuff. I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama said but only 10% of what President Obama actually did.
People of West Virginia vote against their self-interest because the GOP wealthy construct a culture war of fear demonizing people that overcomes the commonsense stance of Democrats to the uneducated in order to broaden their reach. Its pretty pathetic and an indictment of the intelligence levels in this nation.

Keeping their jobs is not voting against their own self interest.
Save our democracy! Vote for Harris!


The nation is far from great when millions live in or near poverty, infrastructure is crumbling, HC sucks and is unbelievably expensive, schools failing, life expectancy falling, etc…

We’re not a democracy or a representative republic. We are a plutocracy run by sociopaths and psychopaths, strictly for their benefit.

The middle class has been shrinking for 40 years. This is noise. Look who is doing business with whom. Look at trading partners.

This is all noise. Trump is earning his living as a pickpocket.
People of West Virginia vote against their self-interest because the GOP wealthy construct a culture war of fear demonizing people that overcomes the commonsense stance of Democrats to the uneducated in order to broaden their reach. Its pretty pathetic and an indictment of the intelligence levels in this nation.
Think about how poor Kentuckians benefit from social programs. Think about how much federal $ Kentucky takes. I bet they take more than they pay.

But ask a poor Kentuckian and they say "tell government to take their hands off my medicare"

They believe socialized medicine is socialism/communism and they are free. They have not teeth but they are free.

And they love their guns, hate gays and blacks.
Fortunately there have been many Republicans who refused to go along with the farce that is MAGA/Trumpism, and I've been wondering all along how many of them have actually changed their positions on any issues because of it. In other words, I've been wondering if the closer proximity to Democrats had rubbed off on them in any way. Anecdotally, it kind of seemed like they had.

Anyway, here comes longtime conservative Mona Charen with an example of it: What Are We Conserving?

"None of us has the time or ability to become an expert in everything, so we use shortcuts. If person X agrees with me about anti-communism or phonics, I will be more likely to trust their views on Federal Reserve policy or some other topic that I know less about. We all outsource our judgment to some degree. But in the past nine years, too many people I formerly believed were honest and reliable have proven themselves capable of staggering dishonesty and bad faith. Someone said it’s like finding out that your spouse has been unfaithful or a friend has betrayed you. Suddenly you look back at the entire relationship with a jaundiced eye, interpreting everything differently.

"It’s been wrenching in some ways, but in the end, I’m grateful for the jolt. It has forced me to reconsider ideas that may have become calcified and opened me to people and perspectives I would previously have dismissed."

Trump (or, far more importantly, those who have enabled him and this disaster) has caused great damage to the Republican Party. And one of the ways is thathe has caused many in the party to re-evaluate where they stand politically.
I've been wondering if the closer proximity to Democrats had rubbed off on them in any way.

is that what happened to you?.....hey just asking...
The middle class has been shrinking for 40 years. This is noise. Look who is doing business with whom. Look at trading partners.

This is all noise. Trump is earning his living as a pickpocket.
surada all politicians pick our pockets....even the ones you back...
That's what Obama also did. Remember Timmy Geithner said that bankers did indeed violate financial laws but it would be bad for the economy to prosecute them.

It seems that not only is the president above our laws, so are bankers.

TARP was repaid with HARP. Figure it out. The bankers repaid taxpayers money with more taxpayers money.

Bankers were gave billions and also were paid interest on those billions. That was not paid back.

Obama had them arrested.

We would be far better off today if we had allowed them to fail. Yes the initial pain would have been bad but now they know no matter what they do the taxpayers will bail them out.

The car companies did go through bankruptcy under Obama.

Obama said a lot of stuff. I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama said but only 10% of what President Obama actually did.
Hey, if you believe the bankers took over the Federal Reserve in 1913, if that's where you're going with this, I agree. But we ain't gonna tackle that pal. What we can do is fix the wage gap between CEO's and the rest of us.

It's so fucking obvious. But THEY got YOU arguing for the CEO's.

That's okay. Biden, Kamala and Unions will fix the middle class without your help or support. You keep telling yourself there's no diff.
Hey, if you believe the bankers took over the Federal Reserve in 1913, if that's where you're going with this, I agree. But we ain't gonna tackle that pal. What we can do is fix the wage gap between CEO's and the rest of us.

It's so fucking obvious. But THEY got YOU arguing for the CEO's.

That's okay. Biden, Kamala and Unions will fix the middle class without your help or support. You keep telling yourself there's no diff.

Your spin is worthless. There is no difference other than in the empty rhetoric.
Your spin is worthless. There is no difference other than in the empty rhetoric.
Then don't vote my friend. I'm sick of the "there's no difference" idiots. If you think that, I have even less respect for you than Trump supporters because even they are smart enough to see the difference.

95% of Americans see the difference. You don't. Okay, fucking retard.
Keeping their jobs is not voting against their own self interest.
There are 13,000 coal mining jobs in WV out of a state of nearly 2M people who live there. Under Trump total coal miner jobs in the US went from 55,000 when Trump came into the office to 37,000 when he left. Saying you'll do something for coal miners and actually doing it are two different things. Trump has no answer for how to fix things, he just says how much he loves what is important to you.

Keeping their jobs is not voting against their own self interest.
Trump lied!!!

Under Trump total coal miner jobs in the US went from 55,000 when Trump came into the office to 37,000 when he left.

He promised to create coal mining jobs. HE LIED! RIGHT?
The middle class has been shrinking for 40 years. This is noise. Look who is doing business with whom. Look at trading partners.

This is all noise. Trump is earning his living as a pickpocket.
Not sure your point. Of course the MC has been shirking since the 80s. There is a reason for this. Both parties have colluded to cause it.

If you think K or Don will do anything to change this, you’re sadly mistaken.
Obama could only do so much with what he had.
bobo you do realize you are just making excuses....the guy had 8 years .....and my union wasnt to happy with him and the democrats during his time.....he and your party did not stop that ridiculous 5 billion a year bullshit that they co=sponsored to kill the PO....
Then don't vote my friend.

Why? There are always more than two candidates.

I'm sick of the "there's no difference" idiots. If you think that, I have even less respect for you than Trump supporters because even they are smart enough to see the difference.

95% of Americans see the difference. You don't. Okay, fucking retard.

95% of people have voted us into stupid wars and massive debt. Don't point to them as examples to follow.
There are 13,000 coal mining jobs in WV out of a state of nearly 2M people who live there. Under Trump total coal miner jobs in the US went from 55,000 when Trump came into the office to 37,000 when he left. Saying you'll do something for coal miners and actually doing it are two different things. Trump has no answer for how to fix things, he just says how much he loves what is important to you.

View attachment 1006239

I'm not defending Trump.

Again with the one or the other as the only alternatives. I clearly do not support that.

And just because Trump isn't the answer here, clearly for the people of WV, the Democrats no longer are either.
bobo you do realize you are just making excuses....the guy had 8 years .....and my union wasnt to happy with him and the democrats during his time.....he and your party did not stop that ridiculous 5 billion a year bullshit that they co=sponsored to kill the PO....
There's a reason CEO's really want Trump to win stupid.

Kamala's poll numbers going up is being driven by key demographic groups such as Hispanic and Black voters as well as young people and those with annual incomes less than $20,000.

Not rich hispanics, rich blacks, rich young people. Wake up Harry. One party is better than the other. Me thinks you like the GOP better. Because you're dumb af
Trump lied!!!

Under Trump total coal miner jobs in the US went from 55,000 when Trump came into the office to 37,000 when he left.

He promised to create coal mining jobs. HE LIED! RIGHT?

Trump lies all the time. The story is when if ever, he isn't.

Obama told more than his fair share.
The middle class has been shrinking for 40 years. This is noise. Look who is doing business with whom. Look at trading partners.

This is all noise. Trump is earning his living as a pickpocket.
ALEXA is a Progressive Socialist Communist tool. One of many. For Harris. Against Trump. Propaganda.

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