Another result of MAGA/Trumpism

I have two eyes. I know Kamala is better for me than trump. I suspect you think trump is better at the economy. Lesser of two evils.

You are certainly free to support that. Trump is indeed a horrible person but the reason the rich continue to thrive is people like you won't hold the politicians they vote for accountable for their failures.

I think BOTH are horrible choices. You display another problem. The idea that you must support one or the other. You do not.

I live in WV. For decades WV was solid Democrat. Why? Because they supported the unions and the workers. Joe Manchin was still elected as Senator as a (D) in WV even after it went red because of his solid support for miners.

Hillary came into the state telling the miners she was going to end their jobs but there would be government programs for them. Miners make a good living (even though it's a lousy way to do so). Well, they used to make a good living.

They didn't want to be put on "government programs". Now in the big picture WV is indeed small potato's but just an example.

WV has went from solid blue to super solid red in a very short amount of time. (sadly the Republican's are easily even worse) but the people weren't going to support anyone pulling their jobs out from under them.
Oh really? Please elaborate on THAT notion 🤣
Since 1989 to now democratic presidents added 50 million jobs. Republicans only 1 million.

The gw bush years sucked and Obama got us out of his mess. Handed trump a great economy. First crisis trump shit the bed.
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Did you see what I wrote in the previous post? America is great except in the last 40 years the middle class has stalled and the rich got richer than ever.

And it’s directly because of Republican policies. Try to take back those unwise tax breaks from the mega rich and which party cries? Wake up. You’re not rich enough to be a Republican. Sorry dems aren’t perfect. But I suspect you’d cry Commy! If they did any more.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts. He promised to end them.
I’m sure a lot of German conservatives in 1939 didn’t like Hitler. It really feels like the trump gop is very much like the Nazis back then. Only todays Nazis are courting Jews. At least for now. You know the saying. At first they went after immigrants and unions. I wasn’t an immigrant or in a union so I said nothing. Then they went after the gays, I’m not fgay so I said nothing. Then they came for the socialists. I wasn’t a socialist so I said nothing. Then they came for me and there was no one left to complain to
It's never about the one guy. Ever. It's about those who enable him.
Probably wise considering he was getting us out of the greatest recession since the Great Depression.

One might have considered that before promising to end them. But like in my post previously, you will excuse their failures and lies no matter what.

Do you forget the mess we were in when bush was leaving office?

And I remember deciding that I would never vote for Obama when he rushed back to D.C. to help save the bailout (massive give away to the rich). He showed where his priorities would lie.

He could have decided to help the homeowners. He decided to help the bankers instead.
You cons are stupid. America is great. The only problem is the middle class used to be greater. And over the past 40 years the rich got richer. So this is our only problem. The rich have taken over our government and it’s not looking out for we the people.

And how do the rich con voters into going along? Bullshit wedge issues like abortion and gays. That’s how they conned you. Or guns.
/----/ "And over the past 40 years the rich got richer."
In your communist utopia, no one gets richer. Everyone is equally poor, except for the ruling party, which lives like the Kings.
/----/ "And over the past 40 years the rich got richer."
In your communist utopia, no one gets richer. Everyone is equally poor, except for the ruling party, which lives like the Kings.

The alternatives are not Communism or sucking off the rich. There are many positions in between there.
Fortunately there have been many Republicans who refused to go along with the farce that is MAGA/Trumpism, and I've been wondering all along how many of them have actually changed their positions on any issues because of it. In other words, I've been wondering if the closer proximity to Democrats had rubbed off on them in any way. Anecdotally, it kind of seemed like they had.

Anyway, here comes longtime conservative Mona Charen with an example of it: What Are We Conserving?

"None of us has the time or ability to become an expert in everything, so we use shortcuts. If person X agrees with me about anti-communism or phonics, I will be more likely to trust their views on Federal Reserve policy or some other topic that I know less about. We all outsource our judgment to some degree. But in the past nine years, too many people I formerly believed were honest and reliable have proven themselves capable of staggering dishonesty and bad faith. Someone said it’s like finding out that your spouse has been unfaithful or a friend has betrayed you. Suddenly you look back at the entire relationship with a jaundiced eye, interpreting everything differently.

"It’s been wrenching in some ways, but in the end, I’m grateful for the jolt. It has forced me to reconsider ideas that may have become calcified and opened me to people and perspectives I would previously have dismissed."

Trump (or, far more importantly, those who have enabled him and this disaster) has caused great damage to the Republican Party. And one of the ways is thathe has caused many in the party to re-evaluate where they stand politically.
the never trumpers, lincoln, the bulwark (tim miller at bulwark is very good) are great alloies . keep those rinos coming, maga

charon and tim miller were on his podcast yesterday. these are real conservatives with legitimate opinions and can be very persuasive.
The alternatives are not Communism or sucking off the rich. There are many positions in between there.
/---/ A quote from your cult leader: "The goal of socialism is communism." - Vladimir Lenin
Gee name the war Trump got us into

We were engaged in war his entire 4 years. Sadly I believe he actually knew it was bad policy but there was nothing he could do about it.

Trump: I'm going to bring the soldiers home from Afghanistan.

Lindsey Graham: No you aren't.

Trump: No, I'm not.
You cons are stupid. America is great. The only problem is the middle class used to be greater. And over the past 40 years the rich got richer. So this is our only problem. The rich have taken over our government and it’s not looking out for we the people.

And how do the rich con voters into going along? Bullshit wedge issues like abortion and gays. That’s how they conned you. Or guns.

Our problem is both of these worthless parties.
Excellent article and persuasive argument. Ive said on here many times that it Trump were running as a liberal with liberal policies I would be voting for whatever conservative opposed him. Some things are more important than tax policy or the role of government in our daily lives and preserving the nation's founding is one of them.
One might have considered that before promising to end them. But like in my post previously, you will excuse their failures and lies no matter what.

And I remember deciding that I would never vote for Obama when he rushed back to D.C. to help save the bailout (massive give away to the rich). He showed where his priorities would lie.

He could have decided to help the homeowners. He decided to help the bankers instead.
No. You must not have been paying attention. And you don't know the facts or history.

1. Bush was going to just hand the bankers the money no questions asked.

2. Obama gave them a loan, held them accountable Of course that's not what Fox told you.

3. Remember how Republicans demonized Occupy Wallstreet? Took the attention off the bankers and made it about the evil protesters camping out. Reminds me of how they mock college students who protest for Palestine.

4. I think we all know it was good and wise Obama didn't let the banks fail. Are you stupid?

5. Mitt wanted the car companies to go bankrupt too. Democrats bailed them out. Much like Reagan did in the 80's. But Romney/Republicans wanted to break the unions and renig on pensions. So did GM's management.

6. 2009

Obama tells bankers it's payback time​

By Reuters
December 14, 2009

Wake up dummy. The GOP have fucked you over financially.

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