You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

Watching you socialist/communist pour it on, and doing so with your twisted interpretation of the history and purpose of this nation's travels is just simply amazing.

I am a smart individual that is smart enough for some reason or another, too have been granted the insight that is fortunate enough to read between the lines in order to spot bull chit no matter how good you leftist try to package it, and then attempt to wrap it up nicely, and sadly with a traditional RW&B bowe.
and yet you couldn't point out where I was wrong... just you trying to prove your worth in the conversation with nothing but a debatable response ... just you trying to make yourself sound smart ...well ya failed there too
How so? You're afraid to debate me on what you disagree with on that post. You won't even identify what you object to in that post. Go ahead, and be specific, as to what you disagree with in that post. If not you're the one who needs a "brain software update".
I'd love to peruse your non sourced material but you seem afraid to reveal your sources, Hal...................... :biggrin:
I'd love to peruse your non sourced material but you seem afraid to reveal your sources, Hal...................... :biggrin:
You're afraid to even discuss the talking points in that post, demanding I give you a list of references as if the measures and policies proposed can't be scrutinized on their own merits. You're just being a disingenuous, pedantic jerk. If you disagree with anything in that post, let me know and we'll discuss it. I couldn't be more willing and open to defend the policy ideas and measures that I mentioned in that post. So what's your objection and gripe with what I said?
You're afraid to even discuss the talking points in that post, demanding I give you a list of references as if the measures and policies proposed can't be scrutinized on their own merits.
Thank you for admitting your afraid to reveal your sourcing for your one sided debate.
Thank you for admitting your afraid to reveal your sourcing for your one sided debate.
My sources are completely irrelevant hence I'm not going to play your stupid, childish games. That's an ad hominem attack, that does nothing to help your case, assuming you even have one. My talking points on the issue we were discussing, stand on their own merits, and if you disagree with them, express why. You're obviously the one who is afraid.

As far as me having a "one-sided debate", what does that even mean?
Exactly. It's no surprise the formerly enslaved nations wanted to join NATO.

Even if that makes you cry and pout and stomp your feet and whine "NO FAIR!!"

Nations that were supposedly enslaved by the Soviets, that wish the USSR was still in charge? The irony Todd. I showed in that post that a significant % of the people of those nations which you claim were horribly abused and enslaved, express regret that they're no longer Soviet citizens. Amazing, how out of touch with reality you are.

NATO shouldn't be in Eastern Europe, on the border with Russia, deploying American troops and hardware, that's a direct provocation, creating unnecessary tension with Russia. You don't care because you're a geriatric pro-capitalist imperialist, likely living the last years of his life and don't give a fuck what happens to the world after he's gone. You and your ilk are going to start WW3 with your jingoist saber-rattling on Russia's doorstep.

There are many ways we can help those countries that you claim need protection from the "bad bear", that don't include NATO, a Cold War dinosaur, with a hell of a lot of unnecessary baggage.
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