Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots

Quote me where I said this.
Cite the post and copy/paste the text.
And then tell me whey you disagree with what I said.
You simply place the burden on the individual to know or find out, rather than the state to make minimal effort to notify. I disagree with that.
So, you think states have no obligation to let individuals know, somebody in the state bureaucracy has determined (without your knowledge) remove you from the voting rules, and figure that is fine, and your responsibility to find out, in time to protect your rights from the (possibly partisan) state. It makes you sound like a statist pawn, covering for the powers that be. Nobody said, states should not be checking their voter rolls and casting out, those deemed not to qualify, or insisting on a court date hearing on an individual basis. I only suggest states have a duty to inform you, when they remove you, by letter to last known address, the one registered. What else, do you believe the state has the right to do in secret decision, without notification? Can they revoke your business license and not tell you until the day the cop show up to shut down your business? How about selling your house at auction, for unpaid taxes, or seizing your home for eminent domain? It is your responsibility to know you personally have been disenfranchised by a bureaucrat in silence, hundreds of miles away? You should find out on your own, that what you had, you have no more?

Not sending a letter by the state is simply wrong, and probably opens them to legal action, but if the goal is actually to get people that will not support the party in power, time is on the side of the party controlling the bureaucrats, especially as long as they do not even have to notify by mail of the action.
Why send letters to dead people, illegals, and people who moved out of the state?
The logic is pretty basic. So, where do people who don't like specific types of speech focus their efforts to stop it?
You are conflating (free) speech with the right of social media platforms to monitor content containing lies.

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