Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots

Who in this list should they notify?

Texas removed from its rolls people who are noncitizens, deceased, or those who had moved out of the state and were no longer residents, according to a press release from Abbott's office
Dembot apparently see dead people and expect them to be notified

It’s weird
Your sudden absolute faith in government's unfailing accuracy is...yea.
Who said I had absolute faith? Weird

If I had absolute faith In govt, Paxton wouldn’t have to do this, cause xiden and harris would be enforcing immigrantion law making sure non citizens weren’t voting
Who in this list should they notify?

Texas removed from its rolls people who are noncitizens, deceased, or those who had moved out of the state and were no longer residents, according to a press release from Abbott's office
People who they think have moved, depending on how they determined such should be notified...a post office change of address could be temporary if they used that way to determine, and the illegals, because they may be legal through naturalization and it was missed or are Americans who have the same name as the illegal....and potential felons they may have removed and every similar name to a felon they may have removed etc etc etc. Military who have been transferred to another state but still votes in their home state...
Who said I had absolute faith? Weird

If I had absolute faith In govt, Paxton wouldn’t have to do this, cause xiden and harris would be enforcing immigrantion law making sure non citizens weren’t voting
There were 1.1 million people on their voter rolls that DID NOT belong there...only 6500 of those 1.1 million inelligible were illegals...just a smidgen of the total..6/10ths of 1%....your Biden blame is bullcrap...😁
There were 1.1 million people on their voter rolls that DID NOT belong there...only 6500 of those 1.1 million inelligible were illegals...just a smidgen of the total..6/10ths of 1%....your Biden blame is bullcrap...😁
1.1 million is a lot of people
1.1 million is a lot of people
1.1 million American citizens, 6500 non citizens....

And yes, it is an awful lot of people....the state obviously was not keeping their voter rolls clean, prior to this search starting 2 years ago. Why weren't they?
1.1 million American citizens, 6500 non citizens....

And yes, it is an awful lot of people....the state obviously was not keeping their voter rolls clean, prior to this search starting 2 years ago. Why weren't they?
Yeah that’s a lot of people.

Not sure. They are now. Which is a good thing, and allows me to have a little more faith in govt.

And this is just Texas, imagine what a bigger state like Cali might have!?

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