Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

Fuck you, asshole! I mean that! Fuck you!

Trump desecrated the memory of our fallen war dead.

you just called the parents of these fallen dead liars....and you are claimng someone else desercated their memory? hahah pathetic and weird
Try again. She was invited and so was Biden. Fast forward to 4:15. Facts... Kamala ignored the gold star families.

To repeat, it was cheap political stunt. Taking pictures or making vids were NOT allowed. Fuck that Orange Shit Pile and double fuck his brainless MAGA MAGGOT asshole supporters.
To repeat, it was cheap political stunt. Taking pictures or making vids were NOT allowed. Fuck that Orange Shit Pile and double fuck his brainless MAGA MAGGOT asshole supporters.
The truth sure as hell triggered you. LOL Good! Says a lot about your character, or lack of.
Lib loons stating the parents are lying about inviting Trump and being happy about it
These immature, presumptive , frequently paid twits need a new fake to latch onto and zealously pearl clutch over.
Fine. Then HE should show up. But bringing his entire entourage to record it for political reasons is agains the law.
The families asked for the pictures. They are gold star families. Trump isn't going to say NO to them. Video of the gold star families explaining all of this is circulating on the internet. I doubt you'd see them on CNN or MSNBC. Kamala made a huge mistake by criticizing Trump for this. Her team should have done their homework before putting out their statement.
"First, he called me 'Ms. Lopez,' and I was not 'Mrs. Lopez,'" Briseno said. "And he just talk[ed] about his son and said how much he knows or he understand how we feel because he lost his kid and he didn't feel -- he didn't know how we feel because he was there with his son when he passed. We didn't have the privilege. We received our kids in a casket."

Briseno added that she felt the president made the encounter "all about him."

"We had decided as a family that we would not meet with the president, so we were actually in a room on the side," Barnett emphasized.

The family ultimately decided to go onto the tarmac, where Biden checked his watch multiple times.

"It was just total disrespect," Barnett said. "It's beyond disgusting."

Raddatz recalled a prominent moment during Biden's exit, where someone in the crowd screamed, "Burn in hell."

"That was my daughter," Barnett said. "And she meant it."
Congratulations, not only did you prove the meeting with the families occurred as I said, but that they were lying if they claimed there was never a meeting with the president.
The families asked for the pictures. They are gold star families. Trump isn't going to say NO to them. Video of the gold star families explaining all of this is circulating on the internet. I doubt you'd see them on CNN or MSNBC. Kamala made a huge mistake by criticizing Trump for this. Her team should have done their homework before putting out their statement.
Don't the families have an iPhone or a Galaxy to take photographs and videos.
Why do they need Trumps entire entourage and video crew there to record it?

I went to a funeral, where I, along with several other family members took pictures and video of the event, and sent them to family members who lived far away, or for other reasons couldn't attend.
Just the ones trying to shift blame.
Haha you are the one shifting blame and making this political.

Harris in a deplorable act tried to make trump invite to this memorial service political…not trump, not the gold star families.

You folks are shameless
Trump giving a smile and a "thumbs up" over the grave of a fallen war veteran.

Trump taking pictures in a section where it is not permitted.

Trump's entourage assaulting a cemetery worker.

Trump using those pictures for a campaign ad.

That's why I am "melting down", fuckhead!
I'm outraged as well. It would be one thing if the families held such an event in a private cemetery, where they can do as they please, but Arlington is the nations most sacred grounds. Where there is a covenant that the graves of the fallen will never be desecrated or exploited.
The truth sure as hell triggered you. LOL Good! Says a lot about your character, or lack of.

I told YOU truth and you think it is funny. It is expressly forbidden to engage in political activity on the grounds of Arlington Cemetery. Federal Law and U.S. Regulations forbid such actions. Standing the grave a fallen U.S. with his thumbs and smiling like monkey that he is was NOT a celebration. It was cheap fucking political stunk.

Baron Von Shitzinpantz desecrated sacred ground for a cheap political stunt. I know that VP Harris had the same thing you demanding blood. Fucking MAGA MAGGOT shit head.

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