Kamala Harris is cutting off Trump’s political oxygen

LOL No problem understanding your words. Your problem is that they don't show Harris is stealing anyone's oxygen, let alone Trump's

Sure. Everything is great on the Trump campaign:

1. JD Vance
2. Losing every swing state and tied in NC
3. Money flow has been dwarfed by Harris
4. He's not debating, he is debating, he is only debating on Fox, ok he is showing up at ABC and letting Harris decide next step
5. Lost the endorsement of 200 former Republican leaders including 22 who directly worked for him and every former US president

All going as planned.

I realize you prefer Trump's wisdom but if you searched out a thesaurus you'd be able to follow once you understand words.

More Aware If You're Right There

The Donald backs up his statements with anecdotes about them that he's actually experienced in person rather than reading shallow second-hand accounts about the real world. He's showing that he's actually been around in high places rather than having experiences derived from the Beltway echo chamber and superficial media interpretations of reality.
Aaron Rupar outlines how Harris has neutered Trump through adeptly learning from the failures of those before her. Basically letting Trump self destruct and refusing to let Trump or his unwitting dupes, the press, drive the narrative with silliness. Her campaign has been masterful. She has stayed above the fray and has let her witty social media accounts do the trolling.

Kamala Harris is succeeding in accomplishing something none of Donald Trump’s adversaries have since 2016: Turning off his political oxygen supply by refusing to engage with his manufactured spectacles of insults and taunts, or with the often wholly substance-free issues that preoccupy the press.

As last Thursday’s CNN interview of Harris and her running mate Tim Walz made clear, she’s resolutely unwilling to let the press — or Trump himself — set the agenda for her presidential campaign. In the process, she’s managed to blunt the tools Trump has repeatedly used to undermine his opponents: drawing them into responding to his schoolyard slights, and turning the media’s pursuit of purportedly “legitimate” questions about his opponents — many of them formulated by GOP partisans — into political weapons.

Harris’s refusal to engage with Trump on his terms represents a break from how Democrats traditionally have dealt with him. In related news, her favorables continue to rise while an obviously flustered Trump flails at ghosts and searches in vain for a smear campaign that will allow him to regain the initiative.

It’s hardly a coincidence that over the past several weeks, the power of the press to impact the tenor and focus of the presidential campaign — and the power of Trump to do the same — has been suddenly thrown into question. By refusing to engage with Trump’s taunts or play by journalists’ rules, Harris has upended presumptions about politics that have dominated during most of the past decade. And that’s a good thing.
Wow so the press is doing trump’s bidding now? That a weird thing to say
Sure. Everything is great on the Trump campaign:

1. JD Vance
2. Losing every swing state and tied in NC
3. Money flow has been dwarfed by Harris
4. He's not debating, he is debating, he is only debating on Fox, ok he is showing up at ABC and letting Harris decide next step
5. Lost the endorsement of 200 former Republican leaders including 22 who directly worked for him and every former US president

All going as planned.

You are right, even after switching hitters in the 9th inning and an influence of billionaire donations, the dems are still neck to neck with trump and his grass roots movement…must be way the demafacist indicted him again
More Aware If You're Right There

The Donald backs up his statements with anecdotes about them that he's actually experienced in person rather than reading shallow second-hand accounts about the real world. He's showing that he's actually been around in high places rather than having experiences derived from the Beltway echo chamber and superficial media interpretations of reality.
Anecdotes by definition do not back up statements. However, I have no doubt that Trump and his fans believe his anecdotes do.

Wow so the press is doing trump’s bidding now? That a weird thing to say
They are indeed unwitting dupes, accidental allies, or however you want to call providing billions of free coverage to Trump.
As last Thursday’s CNN interview of Harris and her running mate Tim Walz made clear, she’s resolutely unwilling to let the press — or Trump himself — set the agenda for her presidential campaign.
Yes, she and her campaign have been quite good at this.

Deprive the trolls of oxygen, and they shrivel up.
Trump would be wrong. Deporting millions would crash the economy which is based on consumerism. Economic neophytes should probably read up on it.

The deportation of substantial numbers of unauthorized people, most of whom work, would, self-evidently, have substantial negative consequences for those deported and their families. Research shows that mass deportation would also negatively impact the American economy and people in a number of ways.

• The U.S. economy would noticeably contract as it lost the contributions of unauthorized immigrants.
• Jobs for American workers would decline. Instead of native-born Americans having new work opportunities opened up for them and replacing deported unauthorized workers, research shows that overall employment would fall for the native-born.
• Instead of more competition for workers driving up wages, for most Americans wages would face downward pressure as jobs were lost and the economy shrinks.
• Tax revenues would decline.
• The government would spend many billions of dollars capturing, detaining, processing, and deporting people. • As domestic production of goods and services dropped, inflation would increase
We disagree. Most illegals don't work or pay taxes. They probably steal more than they buy.
Deport them and grocery costs drop, less demand.

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