Another result of MAGA/Trumpism

You cons are stupid. America is great. The only problem is the middle class used to be greater. And over the past 40 years the rich got richer. So this is our only problem. The rich have taken over our government and it’s not looking out for we the people.

And how do the rich con voters into going along? Bullshit wedge issues like abortion and gays. That’s how they conned you. Or guns.
3 guys disagree with me and 5 agree. Thanks guys!!!
When did you stop voting for Democrats? Was it Carter? Bill Clinton? Al Gore? John Kerry? Obama?

I notice a lot of white guys here say they left on Obama's watch. I just don't get it. From Clinton being a great president to hating Obama. Why? I have to believe racism played a role with a lot of you.

I've never voted for a (D) for president. I have for other offices. I voted (R) one time. (Reagan the first time).

I was 19 but quickly learned that neither party actually represents the people.
IMAGINE if someone sincere tried what Trump tried. Took on the Deep State Globalist Republicans then defeated Hillary because, well, she's Hillary.

Then the guy gets in and doesn't pander to the religious right. Tells them that issue is settled. States rights issue folks.

And one who didn't go along with the insanity of denying man made climate change. Arnold Swartzinegger? Too bad he can't.

It would have to be a Republican because the right would not accept a good Democrat. Look how they treated Biden, Obama and Clinton. And why?

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

Clinton left office in 2000? After 8 years, Trump was heaping praise on Bill Clinton. But you Republicans didn't like him any better than Obama or Biden. And why didn't you want Hillary if Bill was so great? Exactly.
No argument there. I don't know how Bush sleeps at night.

I didn't vote for Bush but again with the trained seal responses.

You're the guy who says they are all alike, right? No difference between the two parties? You got me thinking about the 4 times Bill Clinton stabbed us liberal democrats in the back. Is that what you mean? Still, you have to admit Bill was a great president.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

So I'm a liberal and Bill stabbed me in the back 4 times. Still I loved him way more than his Bush book ends.

So why didn't you vote for Gore? And did you like Bush?

And did you vote for Obama after 8 years of Bush? Why not? He lied us into Iraq and caused the greatest recession since the Great Depression. Not to mention stealing 2000 and 2004 elections.

And if Bill Clinton was great, and the only times he wasn't was when he went along with Republicans, what's your problem with Biden and Obama?
Syria for one. Leaving our soldiers spread all over the world to die in a foreign land they had no business being in being the big one.
You coward. You wouldn't go after terrorists just because they are training in Syria? What happened to your resolve? To go after terrorists wherever they hide?

And if Obama didn't go after them, you'd say he was weak. Can't win with you guys.
IMAGINE if someone sincere tried what Trump tried. Took on the Deep State Globalist Republicans then defeated Hillary because, well, she's Hillary.

Then the guy gets in and doesn't pander to the religious right. Tells them that issue is settled. States rights issue folks.

And one who didn't go along with the insanity of denying man made climate change. Arnold Swartzinegger? Too bad he can't.

It would have to be a Republican because the right would not accept a good Democrat. Look how they treated Biden, Obama and Clinton. And why?

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

Clinton left office in 2000? After 8 years, Trump was heaping praise on Bill Clinton. But you Republicans didn't like him any better than Obama or Biden. And why didn't you want Hillary if Bill was so great? Exactly.
Well I that guy would get my vote also . He would not get the Republican vote today. They want a platform of hate and fear. Another Hitler. Trump has proved it. DUCK if I know what is coming. A competent Trump like figure is more likely.
Fortunately there have been many Republicans who refused to go along with the farce that is MAGA/Trumpism, and I've been wondering all along how many of them have actually changed their positions on any issues because of it. In other words, I've been wondering if the closer proximity to Democrats had rubbed off on them in any way. Anecdotally, it kind of seemed like they had.

Anyway, here comes longtime conservative Mona Charen with an example of it: What Are We Conserving?

"None of us has the time or ability to become an expert in everything, so we use shortcuts. If person X agrees with me about anti-communism or phonics, I will be more likely to trust their views on Federal Reserve policy or some other topic that I know less about. We all outsource our judgment to some degree. But in the past nine years, too many people I formerly believed were honest and reliable have proven themselves capable of staggering dishonesty and bad faith. Someone said it’s like finding out that your spouse has been unfaithful or a friend has betrayed you. Suddenly you look back at the entire relationship with a jaundiced eye, interpreting everything differently.

"It’s been wrenching in some ways, but in the end, I’m grateful for the jolt. It has forced me to reconsider ideas that may have become calcified and opened me to people and perspectives I would previously have dismissed."

Trump (or, far more importantly, those who have enabled him and this disaster) has caused great damage to the Republican Party. And one of the ways is thathe has caused many in the party to re-evaluate where they stand politically.
Hell no, leftism is the practice of denial, projection, dishonesty, contrary thought and behavior. Go left is code for a weak mind and spine.
What pisses me off is you guys don't shut up for one second after you lose. And you won't admit wrongdoing. Example. You still think the election was stolen from Donald Trump.

So you won't even accept a loss.

Gonna start a civil war? LOL

Do election deniers bother you?

You're the guy who says they are all alike, right? No difference between the two parties? You got me thinking about the 4 times Bill Clinton stabbed us liberal democrats in the back. Is that what you mean? Still, you have to admit Bill was a great president.

He was OK but he was an absolutely lousy excuse as a human being. That matters to me.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

So you and Trump have the same standards.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

So I'm a liberal and Bill stabbed me in the back 4 times. Still I loved him way more than his Bush book ends.

So why didn't you vote for Gore? And did you like Bush?

I couldn't imagine listening the Gore's droning on for 4 years and I really disliked his "Global Warming" hyperbole.

Bush seemed OK at first but I wasn't going to vote for him until he proved himself. He proved himself unworthy.

And did you vote for Obama after 8 years of Bush? Why not? He lied us into Iraq and caused the greatest recession since the Great Depression. Not to mention stealing 2000 and 2004 elections.

LOL, I really can't take anyone serious making these claims.

And if Bill Clinton was great, and the only times he wasn't was when he went along with Republicans, what's your problem with Biden and Obama?

I've stated my thoughts many times.
If you are voting for Trump or didn't vote for Obama or Hillary, I put you all in the same category. At what point did you fuck yourself by not voting Democratic? Tell me so I don't have to guess.
Damn. Speaking of cults.
You coward. You wouldn't go after terrorists just because they are training in Syria? What happened to your resolve? To go after terrorists wherever they hide?

And if Obama didn't go after them, you'd say he was weak. Can't win with you guys.

Always with the excuses to start wars. That wasn't even the excuse Obama used.

But spin, spin, spin.
Fortunately there have been many Republicans who refused to go along with the farce that is MAGA/Trumpism, and I've been wondering all along how many of them have actually changed their positions on any issues because of it. In other words, I've been wondering if the closer proximity to Democrats had rubbed off on them in any way. Anecdotally, it kind of seemed like they had.

Anyway, here comes longtime conservative Mona Charen with an example of it: What Are We Conserving?

"None of us has the time or ability to become an expert in everything, so we use shortcuts. If person X agrees with me about anti-communism or phonics, I will be more likely to trust their views on Federal Reserve policy or some other topic that I know less about. We all outsource our judgment to some degree. But in the past nine years, too many people I formerly believed were honest and reliable have proven themselves capable of staggering dishonesty and bad faith. Someone said it’s like finding out that your spouse has been unfaithful or a friend has betrayed you. Suddenly you look back at the entire relationship with a jaundiced eye, interpreting everything differently.

"It’s been wrenching in some ways, but in the end, I’m grateful for the jolt. It has forced me to reconsider ideas that may have become calcified and opened me to people and perspectives I would previously have dismissed."

Trump (or, far more importantly, those who have enabled him and this disaster) has caused great damage to the Republican Party. And one of the ways is thathe has caused many in the party to re-evaluate where they stand politically.
I, too, have been shocked and disgusted at how easily and cravenly so many Republicans have betrayed their avowed principles. The way Trump has been able to convert these slugs is almost biblical.

However, unlike Mona Charen, I have not become more liberal. I have become more conservative than ever.

Nothing could ever convince me to vote for liberal Kamala Harris. And not even a hot poker up my ass would ever get me to vote for the Antichrist Donald Trump.

I will be writing in Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

My number one issue is, was, and will always be the federal debt. This is why I cannot vote for Harris.

She reminds me of Obama in that she is writing checks which the American taxpayer cannot cash.

However, Trump will run up even more debt than Harris. Of this I have no doubt.
What's your "fix?"
Term limits, publicly-funded elections, ranked choice voting, bipartisan redistricting committees, for starters.

Or some combination therein. Or some version therein.

Or maybe some new ideas brought about by collaboration and innovation. If we were allowed to collaborate and innovate.

Only the ends of the spectrum think they have all the answers. The rest of us want cooperation and critical thinking.
He is too old to ever tun again - this is his last election cycle, for sure.

He does talk too much, but -

The Democrats are establsihing a totalitarian system.
It always starts with the silence of legitimate criticism.
President Trump and Elon Musk are the most effective critics of the Democrat Totalitarianism and that is why the Democrats have decided that those two must be eliminated by any means.

If the Democrats are not stopped, this may be the last election cycle for all of us.

Don't get me wrong, but I will be voting for him.

Harris and the democrats 11th hour change is a load of crap. It doesn't impact me (I was always going to vote for Trump), but as people settle in realize this is a coup, she's going down in flames like the Hindenburg.

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