32 ARMED Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO [911 Call Audio Included]

The illegals imported by Biden-Harris are feeling good about crimes while armed.

Those sanctuary cities are a real joy.

Third thread on this long-debunked nonsense.
Very impressivecthat you state "phacts" you cannot support.

Take your pointless "because I say so" nonsense and stop being a buffoon.

I would tell you to go against your natural affinity to say stupid things and follow your orange deity but I won't bother.

We'll just slowly rebuild the Republican Party back to it's Grand Old Party Days.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Yeah, you realized predicting the future is not happening. Don't be so stupid.

Let's look at the future paid for by the Taxes.

Much of the Interstate was finished in the next 10 years
Black Children could get decent educations
The War on Poverty was started
And much more.

And to counter all this, there was also the John Birch Society trying to destroy America. That's your history.
Let's look at the future paid for by the Taxes.

Much of the Interstate was finished in the next 10 years
Black Children could get decent educations
The War on Poverty was started
And much more.

And to counter all this, there was also the John Birch Society trying to destroy America. That's your history.
Nothing at all to do wih open borders and taxpayer dollars being given to illegals.

And Don't forget the democrat party, the party of failure that promotes fear and derision., "the Party of Slavery".

That is your history.

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