Democrats are now party of the rich

You don’t know the half of it

I was in the supermarket yesterday behind a family of illegals
They all had designer clothes, latest smartphones and were buying Lobster, Filet Mignon and Caviat

They looked at what I was buying and laughed at me

Republicans say Democrats are the party for the rich? Ignoring that CEO's mostly vote GOP. And Bruce Jenner, Kanye, Ben Carson. All these minorities have one thing in common. They are rich.

And Kamala is beating Trump in the polls. It's being driven by key demographic groups such as Hispanic and Black voters as well as young people and those with annual incomes less than $20,000.

It's not rich voters.
Republicans say Democrats are the party for the rich? Ignoring that CEO's mostly vote GOP. And Bruce Jenner, Kanye, Ben Carson. All these minorities have one thing in common. They are rich.

And Kamala is beating Trump in the polls. It's being driven by key demographic groups such as Hispanic and Black voters as well as young people and those with annual incomes less than $20,000.

It's not rich voters.
Wall Street globalists are supporting the Democrats. That’s the point.
Well unions support Democrats and CEO's support Trump
You’d have to prove that the majority of CEO’s support Trump.

But we know all of the major corporations who promote DEI initiatives and support Democrat campaigns.
And I doubt Wall Street globalists support Democrats. They support RINO's. Deep state Globalist RINO's.
Globalists are leftists. They regularly demonize America
Republicans say Democrats are the party for the rich? Ignoring that CEO's mostly vote GOP. And Bruce Jenner, Kanye, Ben Carson. All these minorities have one thing in common. They are rich.

And Kamala is beating Trump in the polls. It's being driven by key demographic groups such as Hispanic and Black voters as well as young people and those with annual incomes less than $20,000.

It's not rich voters.
Democrats are for the rich.
You’d have to prove that the majority of CEO’s support Trump.

But we know all of the major corporations who promote DEI initiatives and support Democrat campaigns.

Globalists are leftists. They regularly demonize America

Come on now stop it. You don't know any CEO's. My brother has been a VP for 4 CEO's. NONE OF THEM were Democrats. They HATE having to find diversity candidates. You think white males like having to find blacks or women to fill roles usually white men only qualify for?

AND, they are all still old white men. REPUBLICANS.

Stop pretending. It makes you seem either dumb or like a liar. Are you stupid or fucking with me?

I shouldn't have to prove shit to you. The rich vote GOP. That's obvious. Then the GOP get suckers like you with god, gays, guns and racism. It's obvious YOU vote GOP because of social wedge issues.

Or are you now going to tell me Republicans are the
Come on now stop it. You don't know any CEO's. My brother has been a VP for 4 CEO's. NONE OF THEM were Democrats. They HATE having to find diversity candidates. You think white males like having to find blacks or women to fill roles usually white men only qualify for?

AND, they are all still old white men. REPUBLICANS.

Stop pretending. It makes you seem either dumb or like a liar. Are you stupid or fucking with me?

I shouldn't have to prove shit to you. The rich vote GOP. That's obvious. Then the GOP get suckers like you with god, gays, guns and racism. It's obvious YOU vote GOP because of social wedge issues.

Or are you now going to tell me Republicans are the
Republicans are for the little guy, democrats are for the rich.
Republicans are for the little guy, democrats are for the rich.
You do know what the W stands for right?


1. Timothy Mellon is number one on the list. Gives GOP $90 million and Democrats $6K.

2. Ken Griffin. Gives $75 mill to Republicans zero to Democrats
3-6 SAME
7-8. FINALLY, Reid Garrett Hoffman and Bloomberg give to Dems
You do know what the W stands for right?


1. Timothy Mellon is number one on the list. Gives GOP $90 million and Democrats $6K.

2. Ken Griffin. Gives $75 mill to Republicans zero to Democrats
3-6 SAME
7-8. FINALLY, Reid Garrett Hoffman and Bloomberg give to Dems
Yes, a few at the top remember what it's like at the bottom so give to Republicans. Rich guys give to democrats.
They are for the little guy as long as he is willing to work for a low wage

Republicans are clever. They've never been for the little guy before. Today suddenly Trump wants to tariff imports to bring jobs back home. But don't forget, they won't pay a lot.

Republicans tell people on welfare that illegals are taking all their welfare money. Illegals get better benefits than you! Illegals are why we're going to have to cut your benefits.

Never mind Republicans will cut their benefits first chance they get.

I was waiting to see if Trump would stand with the unions last year when they went on strike. I have to give him credit. He didn't stand with the workers. Because they ask for too much money. He's a low wage employer himself. He doesn't want mara lago employees going on strike or organizing.

Also, by pretending to want to solve the illegal worker problem, they rightfully tell blue collar Americans that ILLEGALS keep their wages down. That is true. Illegal employers are doing this. But notice Trump doesn't talk about going after illegal employers. He himself is one. He just wants to pretend by playing wack a mole with illegal immigrants when we catch them. Won't solve a damn thing.
Yes, a few at the top remember what it's like at the bottom so give to Republicans. Rich guys give to democrats.
Democrats pass legislation to make the wealthy contribute more

Republicans pass legislation to make the wealthy pay less and pay for it with benefit cuts to the poor
Yes, a few at the top remember what it's like at the bottom so give to Republicans. Rich guys give to democrats.
You know better. For example Warren Buffet. He doesn't like it that his secretary and workers like her pay less taxes than he does. A higher percentage that is.

Rich guys who aren't greedy. Guys who think like Bernie Sanders.
Democrats pass legislation to make the wealthy contribute more

Republicans pass legislation to make the wealthy pay less and pay for it with benefit cuts to the poor
Republicans are for the little guy, democrats are for the rich. Democrats show up every 4 years, pandering for votes and trying to cover up their contempt for the poor, then push them to the side until the next election cycle.
Republicans tell people on welfare that illegals are taking all their welfare money. Illegals get better benefits than you! Illegals are why we're going to have to cut your benefits.

The reason working Americans are struggling is because employers have held down wages and benefits

But Republicans point to illegals and people on welfare and say…..

They are the reason you are struggling

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