Vets Roast Trump in New Ad

He was invited and caused no harm. Your faux outrage just shows how biased and corrupt you are.
The video I posted is from veterans. They didn't approve of what Trump did. Tell them they are biased and corrupt.
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The video I posted is from veterans. They didn't pprove of what Trump did. Tell them they are biased and corrupt.
Have you seen the video from the gold star families praising Trump for showing up. very telling Trump is great man. He proved it that day,
Where was biden and harris during the memorial?

Trump was there

Biden and harris werent
Appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy. Regardless of what Biden and Harris did or did not do, it does not change what Trump did . You people resort to logical fallacies when you don't have an actual argument that will stand on it's own merits- which is pretty much always
Have you seen the video from the gold star families praising Trump for showing up. very telling Trump is great man. He proved it that day,
Gold Star families have condemned trump also.
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Appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy. Regardless of what Biden and Harris did or did not do, it does not change what Trump did . You people resort to logical fallacies when you don't have an actual argument that will stand on it's own merits- which is pretty much always
Yeah we pretty much err on the side of patriotism unlike Democrats Who err on the side of power for themselves.
/---/ So the families were lying?
“President Trump was invited by us, the Gold Star families, to attend the solemn ceremonies commemorating the three-year anniversary of our children's deaths,” said the relatives' joint statement. “He was there to honor their sacrifice, yet Vice President Harris has disgracefully twisted this sacred moment into a political ploy.”
Where have those families been for the past three years? They waited that long to "commemerate" the loss of those soldiers?

Or was this just a stunt to ball wash their pal Trump right before the election, with video included to blow smoke up MAGA's Trump loving ass?
he didn't idiot .. the families of those vets that invited him have stated that he didn't ..
He didn't violate the law by taking video of Arlington and posting the video I watched on Tik Tok because the families say he didn't.

Is this a joke post or something?
Trump did nothing except attend a memorial for soldiers killed on Harris’s watch

I wonder what the voter registration is of the employee who physically assaulted members of trumps entourage

Chances are she’s a democrat who could lose her job if trump has a chance to downsize washington dc
You love the idea of revenge for a superficial, orange bag of shit. You're a small, small person.
Where have those families been for the past three years? They waited that long to "commemerate" the loss of those soldiers?

Or was this just a stunt to ball wash their pal Trump right before the election, with video included to blow smoke up MAGA's Trump loving ass?
No actually it wasn't you are way off base. Next
Multiple veteran groups have spoke out against Trump obvious disregard for veterans and making it about him;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj/RV=2/RE=1726697038/RO=10/RU=

Trump Claims Harris Made Up Arlington Controversy—Even Though Army Confirmed It​

Veterans are up in arms over his total disregard for rules at a cemetary that honors vets who gave their lives.

It was not because he visited the site it was his behavior and the behavior of his people such as the shoving incident and then ignoring the rules and making it a political stunt to gain votes.

Disregarding the rules for personal benefit by filming the visit and ignoring the employee who was just telling them the rules and that they should abide by it

Trump as president had visited arlington ceremony and plenty of photo ops, There are a couple of visits that were filmed.

He then tries to put the blame on Harris as it was all her fault
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Appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy. Regardless of what Biden and Harris did or did not do, it does not change what Trump did . You people resort to logical fallacies when you don't have an actual argument that will stand on it's own merits- which is pretty much always
Trump attended a memorial for 13 soldiers who died under biden/harris command

A memorial that biden/harris ignored

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