Voters slam Kamala After Disastrous Train Wreck Interview...

/——/ recent grads with useless degrees. They bring in Mommy or Daddy who answers most of the questions and negotiates salary.
A few years ago the Dad showed up for his son’s interview alone. He said his son needed a break to decompress after graduation. He would be in Aruba for two weeks and could start work in three weeks.
RichKid Reich. Let Daddy Do It.
Yeah in the middle of the Covid pandemic you deceitful twit. Your guy held narcissistic spreader rallies. He didn't give a shit if people caught covid at them, Herman Cain found out.
The Cronyvirus Was Not Contagious. It Was an Immune-Deficiency Problem.

Just like Lou Gehrig's disease. If Fascist Fauci had been in charge in 1939, he would have shut down baseball.

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