Democrats are now party of the rich

You know better. For example Warren Buffet. He doesn't like it that his secretary and workers like her pay less taxes than he does. A higher percentage that is.

Rich guys who aren't greedy. Guys who think like Bernie Sanders.
And Warren Buffet hires an army of tax attorneys to pay as little as he can get away with. Watch what he would say and do if we raised the rates on Capital Gains, where he makes most of his money. He's a massive hypocrite and you fell for his act. Bernie Sanders was bought off to keep quiet when the party kicked him off the campaign trail. Bernie Sanders also got wealthy without holding a real job. He's not credible.
I'm not sold on democrats being for the little guy. That being said, when I hear the gop singing the praises of unionized workers I will believe in a little part the op. Until that happens the op is untrue.
And how much extra did you pay for which products?
Do Republicans want to raise the minimum wage? Why not? Thought you were for the little guys?

Should walmart pay better? Cashier makes $15 hr. Walmart made $15 BILLION last year. Republicans want Walmart to pay the cashiers more right?

Walmart CEO made $27 million dollars last year.

Something wrong here right? He needs to take a $20 million dollar pay cut. Give that to the employees.

That's $10 per employee.

Now take half the $40 billion in profits and cut that in half because you gave the other half to employees. That's $20 per employee.

Now the CEO makes $7 million dollars a year and every Walmart employee makes an extra $30 a year.

Which is about the same amount they saved with Trump's tax breaks.

And costs will come down because you know Walmart passes that CEO pay on to customers right?
And Warren Buffet hires an army of tax attorneys to pay as little as he can get away with. Watch what he would say and do if we raised the rates on Capital Gains, where he makes most of his money. He's a massive hypocrite and you fell for his act. Bernie Sanders was bought off to keep quiet when the party kicked him off the campaign trail. Bernie Sanders also got wealthy without holding a real job. He's not credible.
Why didn't you support Bernie?
Republicans are for the little guy, democrats are for the rich. Democrats show up every 4 years, pandering for votes and trying to cover up their contempt for the poor, then push them to the side until the next election cycle.

Let’s do this

Show any legislation from Republicans that help working Americans more than the wealthy

I will post legislation from Democrats that helps the poor and working class at the expense of the wealthy
The reason working Americans are struggling is because employers have held down wages and benefits

But Republicans point to illegals and people on welfare and say…..

They are the reason you are struggling
And keeping wages down makes shareholders/investors more money. Which in turn further widen's the gap between rich and poor. The worse the workers do the better the stocks do. The better the stocks do the better the rich do.
And Warren Buffet hires an army of tax attorneys to pay as little as he can get away with. Watch what he would say and do if we raised the rates on Capital Gains, wher
e he makes most of his money. He's a massive hypocrite and you fell for his act. Bernie Sanders was bought off to keep quiet when the party kicked him off the campaign trail. Bernie Sanders also got wealthy without holding a real job. He's not credible.

Trump hires an army of tax CHEATS to help him avoid paying taxes ILLEGALLY and you vote for him. You LOVE HIM.

But because Warren Buffet hires tax attorneys and Bernie has money, they aren't credible. It's impossible to win with you. You hold Democrats to a higher standard.

This reminds me of you saying Gore can't be for going green because he owns 4 houses. That makes him a hypocrite you say. No it doesn't. A rich guy with 10 houses can be for humanity going green. He can't do it alone.

And Remember, Trump not paying his taxes doesn't make him smart because he's doing it illegally. Buffet is doing it all by the book.
Do Republicans want to raise the minimum wage? Why not? Thought you were for the little guys?

Should walmart pay better? Cashier makes $15 hr. Walmart made $15 BILLION last year.
Yup, less than 3% profit margin. That's barely staying afloat.
Republicans want Walmart to pay the cashiers more right?
Republicans want Walmart to pay market prices for labor, just like every other store does. Republicans want Walmart to hire teenagers looking for a first job that have no work experience and retirees looking to make a little extra money on the side. Why, do you think government should set wages? We've tried that and it doesn't work. You know that, right? Republicans want Walmart to survive as a company that provides low-cost goods for the low-income people that otherwise couldn't afford them. Sounds like you want them to just do without.
Walmart CEO made $27 million dollars last year.
Obviously, the board thinks he provides a good value for that salary, or they wouldn't pay it.
Something wrong here right? He needs to take a $20 million dollar pay cut. Give that to the employees.
Walmart has 2 million employees. Each one would get 10 bucks. Whoopie freakin' doo. Big spender there, buddy. You're going to make them feel real special.
That's $10 per employee.
As I pointed out.
Now take half the $40 billion in profits and cut that in half because you gave the other half to employees. That's $20 per employee.
Wrong, the profit is already under 3%. Go any lower and it could vanish completely. Stupid, stupid, stupid move. Do you know anything at all about running a business?
Now the CEO makes $7 million dollars a year and every Walmart employee makes an extra $30 a year.

Which is about the same amount they saved with Trump's tax breaks.
Given that they didn't have much more than that forcibly confiscated from them in the first place, what's your main beef?
And costs will come down because you know Walmart passes that CEO pay on to customers right?
When a company sells the volume Walmart does, 20 mil is pocket change and would make zero difference to anyone. Costs won't come down because they're still spending the money. It's just going to labor costs instead of re-investment or dividends. You know, things that help a company grow.
Yup, less than 3% profit margin. That's barely staying afloat.

Republicans want Walmart to pay market prices for labor, just like every other store does. Republicans want Walmart to hire teenagers looking for a first job that have no work experience and retirees looking to make a little extra money on the side. Why, do you think government should set wages? We've tried that and it doesn't work. You know that, right? Republicans want Walmart to survive as a company that provides low-cost goods for the low-income people that otherwise couldn't afford them. Sounds like you want them to just do without.

Obviously, the board thinks he provides a good value for that salary, or they wouldn't pay it.

Walmart has 2 million employees. Each one would get 10 bucks. Whoopie freakin' doo. Big spender there, buddy. You're going to make them feel real special.

As I pointed out.

Wrong, the profit is already under 3%. Go any lower and it could vanish completely. Stupid, stupid, stupid move. Do you know anything at all about running a business?

Given that they didn't have much more than that forcibly confiscated from them in the first place, what's your main beef?

When a company sells the volume Walmart does, 20 mil is pocket change and would make zero difference to anyone. Costs won't come down because they're still spending the money. It's just going to labor costs instead of re-investment or dividends. You know, things that help a company grow.

The Board? Don't you realize that the Board of Directors for Walmart are usually CEO's of other companies? They approve CEO pay for the Walmart CEO and they hope their board approves their raises.

Bottom line is this. The Board and CEO and My VP of HR Brother decided over the last 10 years my brother's pay should be $1 million a year. His pay doubled in 10 years. And employees pay stalled.

This is what's wrong with America. Or, one example of what's wrong with America.

Another problem with America is my brother and his bosses hire illegals. Instead of paying white blue collar Americans.
Trump hires an army of tax CHEATS to help him avoid paying taxes ILLEGALLY and you vote for him. You LOVE HIM.
Illegally? Are you really trying that again? The IRS has had his returns for years and found no problem with them, yet you, who hasn't even seen them, much less could understand them, think he's done something illegal. Oh, who to believe, who to believe?

I keep telling you those foil helmets don't give you mindreading powers, but here we are again...
But because Warren Buffet hires tax attorneys and Bernie has money, they aren't credible.
They're hypocrites, as stated. One notices you haven't even attempted to defend them from that charge.
It's impossible to win with you. You hold Democrats to a higher standard.
I hold them to their professed standard. They CLAIM to want to pay higher taxes, then employ armies of tax attorneys to prevent that from happening. Massive hypocrisy on display. TRUMP! openly states he pays as little taxes as he legally can and does. No hypocrisy there at all. The wealthy democrats lie, TRUMP! tells the truth, it's really pretty simple.
This reminds me of you saying Gore can't be for going green because he owns 4 houses. That makes him a hypocrite you say. No it doesn't.
Absolutely it makes him a hypocrite. He doesn't have to try to do it all himself, he should do what he says we should do. He wants us to drive electric cars charged by windmills and solar panels while he flies around the world in a jet that belches tons of CO2 and pollutants every hour he's in it. He wants us to reduce the size of our houses and do without air conditioning while he lives in a massive mansion powered completely by fossil fuels. Tell you what, I'm going to adopt your viewpoint and burn all the gasoline, fuel oil and use all the electricity I want to pay for, because I can't do it all myself. You apparently would applaud that.
A rich guy with 10 houses can be for humanity going green. He can't do it alone.
In Gore's case, he produces more greenhouse pollution than a LOT of other people put together. Saying he's for humanity going green is like saying Tiger Woods is for humanity going celibate while boinking as many women as he can. He can't do it alone, after all.
And Remember, Trump not paying his taxes doesn't make him smart because he's doing it illegally. Buffet is doing it all by the book.
Hypocritically. He whines that he doesn't pay enough, then does whatever he has to in order to pay less.
The Board? Don't you realize that the Board of Directors for Walmart are usually CEO's of other companies? They approve CEO pay for the Walmart CEO and they hope their board approves their raises.

Bottom line is this. The Board and CEO and My VP of HR Brother decided over the last 10 years my brother's pay should be $1 million a year. His pay doubled in 10 years. And employees pay stalled.

This is what's wrong with America. Or, one example of what's wrong with America.

Another problem with America is my brother and his bosses hire illegals. Instead of paying white blue collar Americans.
And, of course, your brother refused the pay increase because reasons and feelz, right? He only took 100K and distributed the rest among the employees?
Yup, less than 3% profit margin. That's barely staying afloat.

Republicans want Walmart to pay market prices for labor, just like every other store does. Republicans want Walmart to hire teenagers looking for a first job that have no work experience and retirees looking to make a little extra money on the side. Why, do you think government should set wages? We've tried that and it doesn't work. You know that, right? Republicans want Walmart to survive as a company that provides low-cost goods for the low-income people that otherwise couldn't afford them. Sounds like you want them to just do without.

Obviously, the board thinks he provides a good value for that salary, or they wouldn't pay it.

Walmart has 2 million employees. Each one would get 10 bucks. Whoopie freakin' doo. Big spender there, buddy. You're going to make them feel real special.

As I pointed out.

Wrong, the profit is already under 3%. Go any lower and it could vanish completely. Stupid, stupid, stupid move. Do you know anything at all about running a business?

Given that they didn't have much more than that forcibly confiscated from them in the first place, what's your main beef?

When a company sells the volume Walmart does, 20 mil is pocket change and would make zero difference to anyone. Costs won't come down because they're still spending the money. It's just going to labor costs instead of re-investment or dividends. You know, things that help a company grow.
Here you are defending the CEO's. So why do CEO's vote Democratic when you Republicans defend them?
And Warren Buffet hires an army of tax attorneys to pay as little as he can get away with. Watch what he would say and do if we raised the rates on Capital Gains, where he makes most of his money. He's a massive hypocrite and you fell for his act. Bernie Sanders was bought off to keep quiet when the party kicked him off the campaign trail. Bernie Sanders also got wealthy without holding a real job. He's not credible.
Warren Buffet hires an army of tax attorneys to pay as little as possible and then?

Warren Buffett donates record $5.3 billion Berkshire shares to charity. June 28 (Reuters) - Warren Buffett donated another $5.3 billion of Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa. N) , opens new tab stock to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and four family charities, his biggest annual donation since he began making them in 2006.

Donald Trump hires tax cheats to rob the American tax payers of his fair share and then

Trump's charitable giving dropped to $0 by the time he left office, returns show​

Warren Buffet hires an army of tax attorneys to pay as little as possible and then?

Warren Buffett donates record $5.3 billion Berkshire shares to charity. June 28 (Reuters) - Warren Buffett donated another $5.3 billion of Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa. N) , opens new tab stock to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and four family charities, his biggest annual donation since he began making them in 2006.
Notice that they don't pay more into the government treasury after wailing that they don't get taxed enough. That is rank hypocrisy. Basically, you're giving them credit for acting exactly like a rich conservative would act, keep as much out of the hands of the government as possible, then give to charities of THEIR choice, not the government's. That's to be applauded, but democrats whine when the government doesn't get to dictate where the money goes.
Donald Trump hires tax cheats to rob the American tax payers of his fair share and then
Please do prove that, BTW. Show us when he was convicted of cheating on his personal income taxes. Cite the court case.

Trump's charitable giving dropped to $0 by the time he left office, returns show​

Well, what do you know, he didn't report his charitable giving, including his presidential salary. That's noble. Do democrats have to make their giving public to get acknowledgement?
Notice that they don't pay more into the government treasury after wailing that they don't get taxed enough. That is rank hypocrisy. Basically, you're giving them credit for acting exactly like a rich conservative would act, keep as much out of the hands of the government as possible, then give to charities of THEIR choice, not the government's. That's to be applauded, but democrats whine when the government doesn't get to dictate where the money goes.

Please do prove that, BTW. Show us when he was convicted of cheating on his personal income taxes. Cite the court case.

Well, what do you know, he didn't report his charitable giving, including his presidential salary. That's noble. Do democrats have to make their giving public to get acknowledgement?
Warren Buffet wouldn't cry if the government raised his taxes and the money went to fund social security and medicare.

But good point. No one WANTS to give their money to the government. Not with the debt where it is.

Did you know some people will their money to the Federal debt?
Warren Buffet wouldn't cry if the government raised his taxes and the money went to fund social security and medicare.

But good point. No one WANTS to give their money to the government. Not with the debt where it is.

Did you know some people will their money to the Federal debt?
Nobody ever wants to pay more of their money in taxes, they always want someone else to pay more money. That' one of the fundamental difference between the Dembot party today, and folks that ID as Conservative. Conservatives want everyone to pay less in taxes, and ask not what their country can do for them, but what they can do to be in service to their country. Dembots ask others to pay, and ask what their country can do for them.

We also see this in the fact that people that ID as Dembot are far more selfish, and give less of their time or money to charity to help their fellow country men and women
Warren Buffet wouldn't cry if the government raised his taxes and the money went to fund social security and medicare.

But good point. No one WANTS to give their money to the government. Not with the debt where it is.

Did you know some people will their money to the Federal debt?
That doesn't surprise me. I think they're foolish, but it's their choice.

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