John McCain's son is very angry Gold Star families invited Trump and took pictures at Arlington.

I get that reality bites.

Here you go loserboi,

Saying the above is fake news.....when it is written in book after book....makes you look more stupid than you already appear (and that is quite a feat).

That or your head is stuck in the sand (or elsewhere).
Typiucal hate nonsense from the demented far right.

You never give up.

She is winning, Trump is losing, and McCain will always be favored by America before Trump.
Typiucal hate nonsense from the demented far right.

You never give up.

She is winning, Trump is losing, and McCain will always be favored by America before Trump.

Nonsense....did you read the article. I basically confirms everything I said. Coward.

I don't need to give up. I hate John McStain and I take every opportunity I get to enlighten people to what a huge scumwade he was.

Here's another gem.

She's got cucks like you to lemming out to the max. Of course, she's winning. But she's winning less each day.

Won't be long now.

In Arizona, most republicans know how he destroyed the party.

The McStain's are why Trump lost in 2020.

In spite of the California influx, we are going to hand AZ to Trump as he heads to the WH and Harris noses in.
Anyway here’s a John McCain campaign ad shot at Arlington. So what's the big deal about Trump's photographers taking some pictures?

These Gold Star families are free to invite who they want to, to visit their children's grave....and they are free to take pics of the visit.

The shameless, disgraceful tactics of Harris (the last person in the room that lead to their deaths) making this political, is digusting.
These Gold Star families are free to invite who they want to, to visit their children's grave....and they are free to take pics of the visit.

The shameless, disgraceful tactics of Harris (the last person in the room that lead to their deaths) making this political, is digusting.

Everything about her is disgusting.
Anyway here’s a John McCain campaign ad shot at Arlington. So what's the big deal about Trump's photographers taking some pictures?

McCain received severe backlash, removed the video, and apologized.

And that was without standing over a grave with an Informercial Host smile and two thumbs up.

If your goal was to show how much classier he was than the felon rapist charity thief, nice work.
McCain received severe backlash, removed the video, and apologized.

And that was without standing over a grave with an Informercial Host smile and two thumbs up.

If your goal was to show how much classier he was than the felon rapist charity thief, nice work.
all i read here is weird whining that Harris and the Dembot political stunt backfired.

Have you all no shame? No respect for Goldstar families? It's sick

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