School Shooting in Georgia, At Least 4 Reported Dead, Shooter Said to be a 14-Year-Old.

An illegal alien was arrested after repeatedly attacking a Tennessee man with a pickaxe.
Jeinison Hernandez-Moran, 26, was charged with second-degree attempted murder. Police said the victim was found in bed with a pickaxe embedded his his skull.

** do pickaxe count? I though ole'White said nothing could happen in TENN but for the Tranny shootout and illegal mayhem.
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Australia passed a law after the Port Arthur shooting, guess how that worked out. That's another reason why Australia is a civilised society.
How did it work out? Australia has had more massacres in the 26 years since the ban than during the 26 years before the ban. Yeah, there's something to brag
Can’t stop it. Nations with strict gun laws still have occasional shootings. A handful in a decade.

You can limit it however. As every other first world nation on earth has done.

What about cities and states with strict gun laws?

In the last decade, Illinois has passed at least 17 policies regulating firearms. The state has set standards on who can obtain a gun, how to carry and store them, which types of guns can be sold, and how to flag gun owners who may pose a danger to themselves or others. State law also addresses illegal gun trafficking, licensing requirements for firearms dealers, the availability of data on weapons used in crimes, and funding for gun violence prevention.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- At least 31 people were shot, five fatally, in shootings across Chicago so far this Labor Day weekend, police said.
Because your logic was that because Americans owning guns causes death, there’s a problem with Americans owning guns.

I simply applied cars to your logic
Something that then you said couldn’t compare the two because one is an enumerated right and the other isn’t.

I simply called your bluff and you always.
Guns are the part of the problem but mostly gun cultists who think their gun cult is something to do with freedum. 🤪

If we're going to ban something, I vote for banning stupid people from making stupid statements.

There are many things that cause more death than guns, yet guns are the only thing any of the gun nuts ever talk about banning.
I know. You have watched the endless lies on Progressive run TV media/entertainers/entertainment/movies/etc. No word on that. CNN just rehired Stelter who on just one of his lies smeared Trump with the Russia hoax endlessly. Not a word. Videos exist and all of the lie's broadcast for all to see.
More word salad.
Venezuelan gangs are taking over apartment buildings in Colorado.
No they’re not. You’re a moron.
The Leftist governor says it's a figment of our imagination, so the gun violence must be too. Right?
Nope. There are dead kids all over the place...that really happened. You’re making a joke of it is pretty tasteless.
Agreed. Hopefully one day you'll figure out what that problem is. Until then though, you should prepare for events like today to keep happening.
Anyone with a brain and a grain of honesty has figured it’s the 2nd Amendment.

We’re the only advanced nation with it--the 2nd Amendment
We’re the only advanced nation suffering because of it--regular mass shootings

I guess that “one day” is today.
What about cities and states with strict gun laws?

In the last decade, Illinois has passed at least 17 policies regulating firearms. The state has set standards on who can obtain a gun, how to carry and store them, which types of guns can be sold, and how to flag gun owners who may pose a danger to themselves or others. State law also addresses illegal gun trafficking, licensing requirements for firearms dealers, the availability of data on weapons used in crimes, and funding for gun violence prevention.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- At least 31 people were shot, five fatally, in shootings across Chicago so far this Labor Day weekend, police said.
What about them? You can buy an arsenal in the county and take it into any city, school, church, Walmart, Topps supermarket, Mandalay Bay, and countless other venues that now bathed in blood thanks to the 2nd amendment
They withheld evidence that the Columbine shooters were doped up by the system with mood altering drugs that can backfire in an adolescent's mind to thoughts of suicide (or murder). What did the system do to a 14 year old kid to turn him into a mass murderer?
Australia passed a law after the Port Arthur shooting, guess how that worked out. That's another reason why Australia is a civilised society.

Fact Check: Did Australia Solve Mass Shootings by ... - Newsweek

Despite this, evidence suggests that the number of guns in Australia may now be higher than before Port Arthur.

Gun policy research shows that the total number of firearm imports to Australia since 2008 has been consistently higher than figures recorded in 1996 (although the same statistics show there was a sudden spike of imports in 1997).

A 2021 article published by the University of Sydney also found that, while the proportions of Australians that hold a gun license and Australian households with a firearm have fallen dramatically since 1997, people who already owned guns have bought more.

It added that government figures on imports of modern firearms for private owners now "fluctuate between 65,000 and 116,000 each year."

Furthermore, a 2019 report by The Australia Institute stated the number of guns per gun owner in the country had increased from 2.1 guns per gun owner since 1997 to 3.9. Additionally, it found the number of firearms reported in Australia were higher than pre-Port Arthur levels.

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