Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

It was one incident a decade ago that you libs keep bringing up to try to show that Jew-hate is on both sides, but it’s widespread and extreme on the left. Just look at what is happening at the Universities! Jews are being slammed against walls, yanked out of dorm rooms, spit on, assaulted, bullied - and now were in our second year of the abuse to Jews!

Even the lib professors are joining in the abuse, mocking and insulting Jews!

And all you people can come up with is…..but, but…but….some people in Charlottesville a decade ago.
Most Jewish folks in this country are Democrats or libs why is that?

You are just a straight out racist and you don't hide it.

Like I said the folks in Charlottesville think just like you do and so you make excuses for them.
White racist have a history of harming Jews in this country, not black folks.
Lately black folks are into it. Black folks have
been SPECIFICALLY targeted by islamo-nazi
imperialists for a long time -----like since at
least the 1930s. ADVERTISING always pays
off---More or Less................specifically targeted. Elijah Muhummad was no accident
Most Jewish folks in this country are Democrats or libs why is that?

You are just a straight out racist and you don't hide it.

Like I said the folks in Charlottesville think just like you do and so you make excuses for them.
Jews are democrats since the age of the UNIONS Not only were jews very pro-union,
some of the original founders of unions were
jews---both in the US and in England
Most Jewish folks in this country are Democrats or libs why is that?

Same reason blacks are. Force of habit.
You are just a straight out racist and you don't hide it.

I never said a single thing that’s racist.
Like I said the folks in Charlottesville think just like you do and so you make excuses for them.
I don’t make excuses for them. I’m pointing out that you libs have been pulling out that SAME single event from a decade ago to “prove” that there is antisemitism on the right. It was a small band of neo-Nazis. That pales in comparison to the raging antisemitism being perpetrated by liberals on college campuses throughout the nation, and now going on for a second year staight.

There is no comparison: 1) one single event of a few hours a decade ago on the right vs 2) massive riots and assaults and threats at campuses nationwide, going on for a second year, and tolerated by the administrators, and even perpetrated by some of the professors on the left.
/the oct 7 massacre was not Pals minding their own business

They murdered, raped, tortured and kidnapped over 2,000 innocent people

Do you have any idea how many more innocent people have received much worse from Palestine's genocidal Zionist occupiers?

The invasion of foreign Zionists terrorist gangs who were armed and trained by the SS began long before 7 October.

How do you justify bombing refugee camps filled with hungry, homeless, sick and traumatized civilians?

So much for the lessons of the Holocaust.
Do you have any idea how many more innocent people have received much worse from Palestine's genocidal Zionist occupiers?

The invasion of foreign Zionists terrorist gangs who were armed and trained by the SS began long before 7 October.

How do you justify bombing refugee camps filled with hungry, homeless, sick and traumatized civilians?

So much for the lessons of the Holocaust.
"armed and trained by the SS " I have to admit that's a new one-----I read the islamo nazi filth that Grau parrots way back in the 1950s---but back then none of her fellow nazi war criminals
who wrote that stuff in egypt and syria made the claim that the SS armed and trained DA JOOOOS to kill arabs. VERY CREATIVE-----expect to read it again and again-----in compliance with the JOSEF GOEBBELS PRINCIPLE. ------seems like surada SHARED
Lately black folks are into it. Black folks have
been SPECIFICALLY targeted by islamo-nazi
imperialists for a long time -----like since at
least the 1930s. ADVERTISING always pays
off---More or Less................specifically targeted. Elijah Muhummad was no accident
You ever heard of the Moors?
Black folks were Muslims before we were slaves in America.
Black folks were the early Jews.
Elijah Muhammad never had black folks targeting Jews.
I find it amazing how you attack anyone who disagrees with any damn thing you say about what is happening in Gaza and try to label them as anti-semitic, but then you will turn around and post the vile and racist garbage about black folks.
She also ignores the anti-Jewish messaging of far right.
Same reason blacks are. Force of habit.
Force of habit? You don't have a clue.
I never said a single thing that’s racist.
You've said multiple things that are racist.
I don’t make excuses for them. I’m pointing out that you libs have been pulling out that SAME single event from a decade ago to “prove” that there is antisemitism on the right. It was a small band of neo-Nazis. That pales in comparison to the raging antisemitism being perpetrated by liberals on college campuses throughout the nation, and now going on for a second year staight.

There is no comparison: 1) one single event of a few hours a decade ago on the right vs 2) massive riots and assaults and threats at campuses nationwide, going on for a second year, and tolerated by the administrators, and even perpetrated by some of the professors on the left.
You libs? Who is that? One single event? Where have you been? Who has a history of harming Jewish folks in this country? There is a reason most Jewish folks are Democrats and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with a force of habit. That was 2017 which wasn't a decade ago, this isn't 2027.
Same reason blacks are. Force of habit.

I never said a single thing that’s racist.

I don’t make excuses for them. I’m pointing out that you libs have been pulling out that SAME single event from a decade ago to “prove” that there is antisemitism on the right. It was a small band of neo-Nazis. That pales in comparison to the raging antisemitism being perpetrated by liberals on college campuses throughout the nation, and now going on for a second year staight.

There is no comparison: 1) one single event of a few hours a decade ago on the right vs 2) massive riots and assaults and threats at campuses nationwide, going on for a second year, and tolerated by the administrators, and even perpetrated by some of the professors on the left.
Grandma lisa

What’s the excuse for tucker Carlson platforming a neo-NAZI on his xwatter show this week.
Force of habit? You don't have a clue.

You've said multiple things that are racist.

You libs? Who is that? One single event? Where have you been? Who has a history of harming Jewish folks in this country? There is a reason most Jewish folks are Democrats and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with a force of habit. That was 2017 which wasn't a decade ago, this isn't 2027.
Sorry, if you’re going to keep falsely accusing me of being a racist when I’ve never said anything racist (and no….your claim that I’ve said lots of racist things is meaningless unless you QUOTE something), you are underserving of my time.

P.S. Opposing DEI and AA, or any decision that uses race to decide who, to hire, is not racist. The people supporting it are the racists.
You ever heard of the Moors?
Black folks were Muslims before we were slaves in America.
Black folks were the early Jews.
Elijah Muhammad never had black folks targeting Jews.
Your grasp of history is extremely deficient. Feel free to ask questions. First read a bit as to what a MOOR is----and ain't. You seem to have been educated by throwaways like Farrakhan's "Final Call" are you over 20 years
of age? Do you have any idea as to the position of Black people in traditional muslim society? well----no you don't because FINAL CALL told you that there is no social distinction or caste structure in ISLAM (WRONG!!!!) Do you know what the arabic word ABED means? maybe but probably not. If you are under 20 I would not want to BUST YOUR BUBBLE
Do you have any idea how many more innocent people have received much worse from Palestine's genocidal Zionist occupiers?

The invasion of foreign Zionists terrorist gangs who were armed and trained by the SS began long before 7 October.

How do you justify bombing refugee camps filled with hungry, homeless, sick and traumatized civilians?

So much for the lessons of the Holocaust.

Were German civilians in Berlin during WW2 less innocent than the Pals?

They were Nazi’s and Pal civilians enable Hamas

Were German civilians in Berlin during WW2 less innocent than the Pals?

They were Nazi’s and Pal civilians enable Hamas
My impression of Grau is that she is probably a young muslim female. There is no cohort of people so PROTECTED from reality as young muslim females-----or at least they are compelled to PRETEND to be clueless and buy
into the entire muslimah fantasy
My impression of Grau is that she is probably a young muslim female. There is no cohort of people so PROTECTED from reality as young muslim females-----or at least they are compelled to PRETEND to be clueless and buy
into the entire muslimah fantasy
The whole Free Palestine movement is surreal

Whether muslim asylum seeker or clueless guilt-ridden college kid, they are all out of touch with reality
The whole Free Palestine movement is surreal

Whether muslim asylum seeker or clueless guilt-ridden college kid, they are all out of touch with reality
It is FAR from confined to spaced out american college kids. IT is UMMAH WIDE (ummah---refers to the entire collection of muslims of the world). I have worked with hundreds. They all get the same "world view" education and MOST seem to believe it or for social reasons, pretend to believe it.
She also ignores the anti-Jewish messaging of far right.
no she doesn't----it happens that right now the old "far right" antisemetic canards" are being
drowned out by the very ACTIVE and GROSS
Antisemitism of the new and perverse "LEFT"
ISLAMO NAZI has met and embraced the DONKEY
The whole Free Palestine movement is surreal

Whether muslim asylum seeker or clueless guilt-ridden college kid, they are all out of touch with reality
Whatever it is, it has unleashed antisemitism unseen since the lead-up to Nazi Germany, and it is being tolerated or even outright promoted by the leftist administrators and professors at universities nationwide.

And at the same time, we have leftists crying “racism” if people oppose hiring decisions based on race pr mispronouncing a black man’s name wrong.

How the left can downplay the rampant antisemitism (or worse, enable it) while at the same time looking for ways to call “racist!!” at things that are not racist speaks to their hypocrisy (at best) and truly anti-Jew sentiments (at worst).
no she doesn't----it happens that right now the old "far right" antisemetic canards" are being
drowned out by the very ACTIVE and GROSS
Antisemitism of the new and perverse "LEFT"
ISLAMO NAZI has met and embraced the DONKEY
Exactly! Any antisemitism on the far right (and there isn’t much, or they wouldn’t keep trotting out that same example of Charlottesville from the last decade) is nothing when one considers there are so many antisemites in the Democrat base that Harris was warned not to pick the Jew from PA or she would risk losing the election!

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