Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

You don't even have to be that good. It's not so hard to stand up for yourself.

Socialists want us to believe that, without constant government oversight, we'd all just wallow in the muck helplessly until we expired.

They gotta sell that shit somehow, I guess.
The picture you paint is not correct. It's the extreme of socialism and the left is not at the extreme. What they want is to have a team effort as this is a nation, not just a place for each individual to be alone. Yes, the more talented have to give a bit more than the less talented but that is for the entire nation to prosper. If the less talented get thrown aside and forgotten they go away and that means that the low paying jobs such as agriculture, construction and services suffer as the talented do not do those jobg and if that happens, the nation as whole goes down.

That is what the left is trying to accomplish..........a healthy nation.


That is what the left is trying to accomplish..........a healthy nation.

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If the left wanted a healthy nation they'd bolster the middle class.

Not with $5 gas. And not with 12 million new low wage workers.

The left is in bed with globalist business. They want low wage dependent workers. Socialism is just a bill of goods the rich are selling you for their own benefit.

Leftist policy results in rich and poor and nothing in between.
"It takes a village", right? :p

Just so you know, you're not fooling anyone.

Meat doesn't come from the grocery store, and any doctor will work for money.

People have been living in the wilderness for thousands of years, they do just fine

My grandfather trapped beavers up in Canada. He saw a doctor exactly twice in his life.
You can go back to the caves if you want to, while those who think like me will be colonizing the stars. Good luck caveman.
You have that backwards.
Without other human beings, you're nothing. Humans are social creatures, we survive and thrive in communities, not as creepy lone-ranger hermits out in the woods by ourselves. There's no human progress with the gross, selfish, greedy individualism that capitalism demands and encourages. I'm not religious, but I know what the New Testament teaches, and it's not self-centered individualism or "me, myself and I", that's actually Satanic according to the Christian NT. Many of you Republican conservatives here on the forum claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ, but you sure don't reflect Christ's character and values. You are the antithesis of Jesus and his original disciples.
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I didn’t say it was the woman’s body. I said it’s alive inside of a woman’s body. Why are you going in there to invade her privacy? You are truly a ghoul.
She had the opportunity to not be pregnant and made a choice. Why does the father get no say whatever happened to equal protection. What is inside the woman is a separate human being
No, it’s……. woe is country …. If Republicans win.

I’ve become pretty confident that Trump is not going to win so my “WOE” level is transcending downward. I like seeing young people driving a movement in our multicultural, multi racial population and white suburban women dumping Trump.

But I am not going to quit condemning anti-democracy Republican goons Who believe Donald Trump is way above respecting the rules and propriety on the sacred grounds where so many American soldiers are laid to rest after sacrificing for their country. Trump could take a shit on a Middle Eastern sounding soldier’s name’s grave in Arlington national cemetery and his goons will cheer him on.
If you feel that way you should off yourself if they win.
Did you ask the same about the now defunct president that will spend the rest of his presidency at the beach?
Or have you asked the same questions of Kamala Harris.?
Of course they haven’t.

I’ve noticed that When Trump does something, to them it’s often represented as the shocking first time it’s ever happened in history… when it pretty much never is. They just have to pretend it’s unprecedented to rile up their base’s fear.. and they unfortunately use their radical arm (the MSM), to install this fear into many many clueless, ahistorical Democrat voters, and they do it very successfully

I’d absolutely argue that more Democrat voters don’t know much about Harris or her platform than Republican voters and Trump. Republicans are generally more informed on issues, history, the constitution etc.. democrats generally more emotional, hyperbolic, ignoring or trying to rewrite history
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If you feel that way you should off yourself if they win.
Why is that Saint_Ding?

Why should everybody kill themselves if they don’t agree with the Great Almighty, at one in Jesus Christ and His Supreme Catholic civilizing presence on earth as it is in Heaven, Saint_Ding?
Why is that Saint_Ding?

Why should everybody kill themselves if they don’t agree with the Great Almighty, at one in Jesus Christ and His Supreme Catholic civilizing presence on earth as it is in Heaven, Saint_Ding?
I didn't say everyone, dummy. I said if YOU feel that way.
I didn't say everyone, dummy. I said if YOU feel that way.
Too bad! I speak for everybody who sees Don Trump and MAGA Republicans as unfit to hold office for reasons too numerous to mention.

I know you’re lying when you say you only want me to kill myself for thinking that way.

You are a liar who thinks he’s living in the kingdom of God on earth.

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