You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

They just have NATO there, deployed that's all.

I know because Russia has 700+ military installations around the world, just like the US. They're constantly invading other countries. America now has troops in Syria, taking Syrian oil, and its troops in Iraq as well. Russia is in Syria without permission just like the US is.....But actually no, Russia is there with permission from the Syrian government. Russia should just allow NATO, on its border. Wow Todd, you make so much sense.

They just have NATO there, deployed that's all.

For some reason, those countries didn't like it when Russians were deployed there.

Russia should just allow NATO, on its border.

Not like your commie shithole has much choice, eh comrade?
Why is it then those type of ideology based governments are more corrupt than the dreaded capitalists?
Because they have more control, and in that control they become drunken with it. They become tyrants although they are justified as being well meaning by their cult. In the mean time Rome is burning.
They just have NATO there, deployed that's all.

For some reason, those countries didn't like it when Russians were deployed there.

Russia should just allow NATO, on its border.

Not like your commie shithole has much choice, eh comrade?

Todd the dishonest, illogical asshole, always going back 60, 100 years and applying that context and those conditions to 2024. Whatever happened back then, in the Cold War or the 1920s and 30s, should apply to our foreign policy towards Russia today. That's Todd-fuzzy logic. Todd: "The Soviets many decades ago, were bad, so Putin is bad and NATO must be there saber-rattling on Russia's border, that's good, gooooooood.....".

Forget about the fact that we would never allow Russia or China to do the same to us in Mexico or Canada, deploying its military and hardware on our border. We didn't allow Russia to deploy its military in Cuba in 1962. We would've fought a nuclear war with the USSR if they had deployed those missiles, near America.Todd is a hypocrite.

Supposedly all of the people of those countries didn't like it, because Todd says so, even though in several polls, the people of those countries reminisced about when they were Soviet citizens, actually regretting the dissolution of the USSR. They wanted to go back to those times when they had guaranteed housing, food, a job, healthcare, and an education! That's freedom for them, not "free market" capitalism, where everything is commodified, and reduced to a for-profit venture. Where the wealth of the country, which was once the commonwealth of every citizen, becomes the private property of billionaires. A bunch of wealthy capitalist parasites, living off of the labor of others.

Todd says, "Eastern Europe was a shithole back then, enslaved by the bad bad Soviets, so we should have NATO there in 2024 poking the bear, poking, poking, the bad bad bear....". Supposedly, America, thousands of miles away, on the other side of the EARTH, must keep NATO, a Cold War dinosaur, saber rattling on Russia's border. No, we don't have to keep NATO, a Western relic of the Cold War, threatening Russia with American troops and missiles, right on its border. Todd, you're a fucking warmongering imperialist pig.

If Russia is threatening countries like Estonia and Latvia with military aggression, it's due to NATO, you moron. NATO is the culprit, and assholes like you who support NATO threatening Russia, with American troops and hardware, deployed and training on Russia's border. You warmongering, piece of shit!

"Polling since the mid-1990s on the preferred political and economic system of Russians also shows nostalgia for the Soviet Union, with the most recent polling in 2021 showing 49% preferring the Soviet political system, compared to 18% preferring the current system, and 16% preferring Western democracy, as well as 62% saying they preferred a system of economic planning compared to 24% preferring a market capitalist economy.[17]

In a 2020 Levada Center survey, 75% of Russians agreed that the Soviet era was the "greatest time" in the history of Russia.

Date% regretting the dissolution% not regretting the dissolutionSource
March 199266%23%[16]
March 199363%23%[16]
August 199466%19%[16]
March 199974%16%[16]
December 200075%19%[16]
December 200172%21%[16]
December 200268%25%[16]
December 200468%26%[16]
November 200565%25%[16]
November 200661%30%[16]
November 200755%36%[16]
November 200860%30%[16]
November 200960%28%[16]
November 201055%30%[16]
November 201153%32%[16]
December 201249%36%[16]
December 201357%30%[16]
November 201454%28%[16]
November 201554%37%[16]
March 201656%28%[16]
November 201656%28%[16]
November 201758%26%[16]
November 201866%25%[16]
November 202065%26%[18]
November 202163%28%


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Armenia.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 66% of Armenians thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, the highest of any country surveyed, compared to 12% who thought it was beneficial.[7] A 2016 survey showed that 71% of Armenians believed life was better under the USSR.[8] Regret about dissolution later increased to 79% according to a 2017 Pew survey, compared to just 15% saying dissolution was a good thing.[9]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Azerbaijan.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 31% of Azerbaijanis thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 44% who thought it was beneficial.[7] In a 2016 survey, 69% of Azerbaijanis believed life was better under the USSR.[8]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Belarus.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 38% of Belarusians thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 26% who thought it was beneficial.[7] In a 2016 survey, it increased to 53% of Belarusians saying life was better under the USSR.[8] Regret about dissolution later increased again slightly to 54%, compared to 34% saying dissolution was a good thing according to a 2017 Pew survey.[9]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Estonia.[edit]
In a 2017 survey, 75% of Estonians said the dissolution of the USSR was a good thing, compared to only 15% who said it was a bad thing.[10]

(NATO member, getting its asshole eaten by the West, pampered for being a client state on the border of Russia, with the EU carrot dangling before them - keep in mind that by the standards of American Republican conservatism, Democrats are "COMMIES!", for wanting universal healthcare/medicare, tuition-free college, more labor unions..etc yet these policies are taken for granted in Western Europe..So essentially Estonia wants to go back to being COMMIE! HAHAHAHA!)

Georgia (Not the state in the US but the country in Eastern Europe by the same name)...
This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Georgia.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 33% of Georgians thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 37% who thought it was beneficial.[7] Later, a 2017 survey showed that 47% of Georgians thought the dissolution was a good thing, compared to 38% who thought it was a bad thing.[11] Another Pew survey, also in 2017, showed that 43% of Georgians thought the dissolution was a good thing, compared to 42% who thought it was a bad thing.[9]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Kazakhstan.[edit]
In 2005, a survey showed that 49.7% of Kazakhs "strongly agreed or agreed" that the Soviet government responded to the citizens' needs, compared to only 9.1% saying the current Kazakh government responded to citizens' needs.[12] However, a 2013 Gallup survey showed that 25% of Kazakhs thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 45% who thought it was beneficial.[7] In a 2016 survey, around 60% of Kazakhs above the age of 35 believed life was better under the USSR.[8]

Most Kazakhs who actually lived as Soviet citizens, missed the USSR! Yet Todd claims they were "enslaved", they were being tortured under the Soviets.


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Kyrgyzstan.[edit]
In 2005, a survey showed that 70.3% of Kyrgyz "strongly agreed or agreed" that the Soviet government responded to citizens' needs, compared to only 16.9% saying the same about the current Kyrgyz government.[12] A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 61% of Kyrgyz thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 16% who thought it was beneficial.[7]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Latvia.[edit]
In a 2017 Pew survey, 30% of Latvians said the dissolution of the USSR was a bad thing, while 53% said it was a good thing.[13]

30% of the population of Latvia missing the USSR is pretty high, considering that they're members of NATO and getting their buttholes eaten by the West as a client state, serving the interests of Western power elites.


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Lithuania.[edit]
In a 2009 Pew survey, 48% of Lithuanians said life was worse economically nowadays compared to the Soviet era.[14] Later, a 2017 Pew survey showed that 23% of Lithuanians believed the dissolution of the USSR was a bad thing compared to 62% who said it was a good thing.[9]

Another NATO member, there you see a dramatic contrast between not having their butthole eaten by the West in 2009, to getting their salad tossed in 2017, with the EU carrot dangling in front of them. Remember according to American conservative Republicans, the Democrats are a bunch of "COMMIES" for wanting Universal Medicare, tuition-free education, and more labor unions. Policies that are widely accepted and well established in the EU. Essentially the Lithuanians want to become COMMIES! With free healthcare at the point of service, tuition-free education, plenty of government involvement in the economy..etc. Amazing! They want to be socialists!


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Moldova.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 42% of Moldovans thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 26% who thought it was beneficial.[7] Regret about dissolution later increased to 70% according to a 2017 Pew survey, with only 18% saying the dissolution was a good thing.[15]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Tajikistan.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 52% of Tajiks thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 27% who thought it was beneficial.[7] By 2016, only 39% of Tajiks had believed life under the USSR was better.[8]

39% is pretty impressive and it's an Islamic nation.


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Turkmenistan.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that only 8% of Turkmen thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, the lowest of any country surveyed, compared to 62% who thought it was beneficial.

The Turkmen apparently, obviously, didn't like the USSR, but does that align with Todd's exaggerated claims? Todd pretends all of the citizens of the Soviet Union were enslaved and mistreated, even tortured. IT WAS HORRIBLE! That supposedly justified us having NATO, saber-rattling on Russia's doorstep in Eastern Europe in 2024. Most former Soviet citizens in Eastern Europe, don't agree with the Turkmen.


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Ukraine.[edit]
In a 2009 Pew survey, 62% of Ukrainians said life was worse economically nowadays compared to the Soviet era.[14] A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 56% of Ukrainians thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, while only 23% thought it was beneficial.[7] In a 2016 survey, 60% of Ukrainians above the age of 35 said life was better under the USSR.[8] However, by 2020, a survey from the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology showed that 34% of Ukrainians regretted the dissolution of the USSR, compared to 50% who do not regret it. Regret was highest in Eastern Ukraine where 49% of Ukrainians regretted it compared to 35% who did not, while it was lowest in Western Ukraine where only 15% regretted it compared to 69% who did not.[19]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! UKRAINE!!!!! Most of them miss the USSR! They don't like Putin, they want the Soviet Union back in power! HAHAHAHAH! TODD, WHAT A MORON!!!!


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Uzbekistan.[edit]
In 2005, a survey showed that 48.1% of Uzbeks said the Soviet government responded to citizens' needs, compared to 28.1% saying the same about the current government.[12] However, in 2016, only 4% of Uzbeks believed life was better under the USSR.[8]

Uzbek's for whatever reason, changed their minds ten years later. Again, supports Todd's extreme claim about the USSR and its former citizens being enslaved and mistreated? No.

Even if Todd's claims were true, it would not justify NATO being deployed today on the Russian border, saber rattling, poking the bear with American and Western European troops, conducting operations and exercises..etc. Deploying missiles and other strategic assets right on Russia's doorstep. That's a source of instability in the region, as we can see today with the current Russo-Ukrainian war.

If Russia did to us here in the Western Hemisphere, on the American continent, right on our border with Mexico or Canada, or anywhere in Latin America, we would go fucking berserk and declare war on those Latin American countries. We would not allow the Russians to do to us here, what we are doing to them over there, in their part of the world. Todd needs to learn and apply the golden rule:

Don't do unto others, what you don't want done to you.

This video was produced by an American - US State Dept NGO in Russia:

And yet, despite probably choosing the very worst interviews, they couldn't hide the fact that most Russians miss Soviet times. Todd's Cold War capitalist-imperialist caricature of the Soviets is bullshit and completely irrelevant in 2024. It doesn't justify NATO, the Cold War relic, conducting operations and maneuvers, right on Russia's doorstep. Todd and his ilk will UNNECESSARILY plunge us all into WW3.
Last edited:
Todd the dishonest, illogical asshole, always going back 60, 100 years and applying that context and those conditions to 2024. Whatever happened back then, in the Cold War or the 1920s and 30s, should apply to our foreign policy towards Russia today. That's Todd-fuzzy logic. Todd: "The Soviets many decades ago, were bad, so Putin is bad and NATO must be there saber-rattling on Russia's border, that's good, gooooooood.....".

Forget about the fact that we would never allow Russia or China to do the same to us in Mexico or Canada, deploying its military and hardware on our border. We didn't allow Russia to deploy its military in Cuba in 1962. We would've fought a nuclear war with the USSR if they had deployed those missiles, near America.Todd is a hypocrite.

Supposedly all of the people of those countries didn't like it, because Todd says so, even though in several polls, the people of those countries reminisced about when they were Soviet citizens, actually regretting the dissolution of the USSR. They wanted to go back to those times when they had guaranteed housing, food, a job, healthcare, and an education! That's freedom for them, not "free market" capitalism, where everything is commodified, and reduced to a for-profit venture. Where the wealth of the country, which was once the commonwealth of every citizen, becomes the private property of billionaires. A bunch of wealthy capitalist parasites, living off of the labor of others.

Todd says, "Eastern Europe was a shithole back then, enslaved by the bad bad Soviets, so we should have NATO there in 2024 poking the bear, poking, poking, the bad bad bear....". Supposedly, America, thousands of miles away, on the other side of the EARTH, must keep NATO, a Cold War dinosaur, saber rattling on Russia's border. No, we don't have to keep NATO, a Western relic of the Cold War, threatening Russia with American troops and missiles, right on its border. Todd, you're a fucking warmongering imperialist pig.

If Russia is threatening countries like Estonia and Latvia with military aggression, it's due to NATO, you moron. NATO is the culprit, and assholes like you who support NATO threatening Russia, with American troops and hardware, deployed and training on Russia's border. You warmongering, piece of shit!

"Polling since the mid-1990s on the preferred political and economic system of Russians also shows nostalgia for the Soviet Union, with the most recent polling in 2021 showing 49% preferring the Soviet political system, compared to 18% preferring the current system, and 16% preferring Western democracy, as well as 62% saying they preferred a system of economic planning compared to 24% preferring a market capitalist economy.[17]

In a 2020 Levada Center survey, 75% of Russians agreed that the Soviet era was the "greatest time" in the history of Russia.

Date% regretting the dissolution% not regretting the dissolutionSource
March 199266%23%[16]
March 199363%23%[16]
August 199466%19%[16]
March 199974%16%[16]
December 200075%19%[16]
December 200172%21%[16]
December 200268%25%[16]
December 200468%26%[16]
November 200565%25%[16]
November 200661%30%[16]
November 200755%36%[16]
November 200860%30%[16]
November 200960%28%[16]
November 201055%30%[16]
November 201153%32%[16]
December 201249%36%[16]
December 201357%30%[16]
November 201454%28%[16]
November 201554%37%[16]
March 201656%28%[16]
November 201656%28%[16]
November 201758%26%[16]
November 201866%25%[16]
November 202065%26%[18]
November 202163%28%


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Armenia.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 66% of Armenians thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, the highest of any country surveyed, compared to 12% who thought it was beneficial.[7] A 2016 survey showed that 71% of Armenians believed life was better under the USSR.[8] Regret about dissolution later increased to 79% according to a 2017 Pew survey, compared to just 15% saying dissolution was a good thing.[9]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Azerbaijan.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 31% of Azerbaijanis thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 44% who thought it was beneficial.[7] In a 2016 survey, 69% of Azerbaijanis believed life was better under the USSR.[8]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Belarus.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 38% of Belarusians thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 26% who thought it was beneficial.[7] In a 2016 survey, it increased to 53% of Belarusians saying life was better under the USSR.[8] Regret about dissolution later increased again slightly to 54%, compared to 34% saying dissolution was a good thing according to a 2017 Pew survey.[9]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Estonia.[edit]
In a 2017 survey, 75% of Estonians said the dissolution of the USSR was a good thing, compared to only 15% who said it was a bad thing.[10]

(NATO member, getting its asshole eaten by the West, pampered for being a client state on the border of Russia, with the EU carrot dangling before them - keep in mind that by the standards of American Republican conservatism, Democrats are "COMMIES!", for wanting universal healthcare/medicare, tuition-free college, more labor unions..etc yet these policies are taken for granted in Western Europe..So essentially Estonia wants to go back to being COMMIE! HAHAHAHA!)

Georgia (Not the state in the US but the country in Eastern Europe by the same name)...
This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Georgia.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 33% of Georgians thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 37% who thought it was beneficial.[7] Later, a 2017 survey showed that 47% of Georgians thought the dissolution was a good thing, compared to 38% who thought it was a bad thing.[11] Another Pew survey, also in 2017, showed that 43% of Georgians thought the dissolution was a good thing, compared to 42% who thought it was a bad thing.[9]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Kazakhstan.[edit]
In 2005, a survey showed that 49.7% of Kazakhs "strongly agreed or agreed" that the Soviet government responded to the citizens' needs, compared to only 9.1% saying the current Kazakh government responded to citizens' needs.[12] However, a 2013 Gallup survey showed that 25% of Kazakhs thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 45% who thought it was beneficial.[7] In a 2016 survey, around 60% of Kazakhs above the age of 35 believed life was better under the USSR.[8]

Most Kazakhs who actually lived as Soviet citizens, missed the USSR! Yet Todd claims they were "enslaved", they were being tortured under the Soviets.


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Kyrgyzstan.[edit]
In 2005, a survey showed that 70.3% of Kyrgyz "strongly agreed or agreed" that the Soviet government responded to citizens' needs, compared to only 16.9% saying the same about the current Kyrgyz government.[12] A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 61% of Kyrgyz thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 16% who thought it was beneficial.[7]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Latvia.[edit]
In a 2017 Pew survey, 30% of Latvians said the dissolution of the USSR was a bad thing, while 53% said it was a good thing.[13]

30% of the population of Latvia missing the USSR is pretty high, considering that they're members of NATO and getting their buttholes eaten by the West as a client state, serving the interests of Western power elites.


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Lithuania.[edit]
In a 2009 Pew survey, 48% of Lithuanians said life was worse economically nowadays compared to the Soviet era.[14] Later, a 2017 Pew survey showed that 23% of Lithuanians believed the dissolution of the USSR was a bad thing compared to 62% who said it was a good thing.[9]

Another NATO member, there you see a dramatic contrast between not having their butthole eaten by the West in 2009, to getting their salad tossed in 2017, with the EU carrot dangling in front of them. Remember according to American conservative Republicans, the Democrats are a bunch of "COMMIES" for wanting Universal Medicare, tuition-free education, and more labor unions. Policies that are widely accepted and well established in the EU. Essentially the Lithuanians want to become COMMIES! With free healthcare at the point of service, tuition-free education, plenty of government involvement in the economy..etc. Amazing! They want to be socialists!


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Moldova.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 42% of Moldovans thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 26% who thought it was beneficial.[7] Regret about dissolution later increased to 70% according to a 2017 Pew survey, with only 18% saying the dissolution was a good thing.[15]


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Tajikistan.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 52% of Tajiks thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, compared to 27% who thought it was beneficial.[7] By 2016, only 39% of Tajiks had believed life under the USSR was better.[8]

39% is pretty impressive and it's an Islamic nation.


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Turkmenistan.[edit]
A 2013 Gallup survey showed that only 8% of Turkmen thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, the lowest of any country surveyed, compared to 62% who thought it was beneficial.

The Turkmen apparently, obviously, didn't like the USSR, but does that align with Todd's exaggerated claims? Todd pretends all of the citizens of the Soviet Union were enslaved and mistreated, even tortured. IT WAS HORRIBLE! That supposedly justified us having NATO, saber-rattling on Russia's doorstep in Eastern Europe in 2024. Most former Soviet citizens in Eastern Europe, don't agree with the Turkmen.


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Ukraine.[edit]
In a 2009 Pew survey, 62% of Ukrainians said life was worse economically nowadays compared to the Soviet era.[14] A 2013 Gallup survey showed that 56% of Ukrainians thought the dissolution of the USSR was harmful, while only 23% thought it was beneficial.[7] In a 2016 survey, 60% of Ukrainians above the age of 35 said life was better under the USSR.[8] However, by 2020, a survey from the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology showed that 34% of Ukrainians regretted the dissolution of the USSR, compared to 50% who do not regret it. Regret was highest in Eastern Ukraine where 49% of Ukrainians regretted it compared to 35% who did not, while it was lowest in Western Ukraine where only 15% regretted it compared to 69% who did not.[19]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! UKRAINE!!!!! Most of them miss the USSR! They don't like Putin, they want the Soviet Union back in power! HAHAHAHAH! TODD, WHAT A MORON!!!!


This section is an excerpt from Communist nostalgia § Uzbekistan.[edit]
In 2005, a survey showed that 48.1% of Uzbeks said the Soviet government responded to citizens' needs, compared to 28.1% saying the same about the current government.[12] However, in 2016, only 4% of Uzbeks believed life was better under the USSR.[8]

Uzbek's for whatever reason, changed their minds ten years later. Again, supports Todd's extreme claim about the USSR and its former citizens being enslaved and mistreated? No.

Even if Todd's claims were true, it would not justify NATO being deployed today on the Russian border, saber rattling, poking the bear with American and Western European troops, conducting operations and exercises..etc. Deploying missiles and other strategic assets right on Russia's doorstep. That's a source of instability in the region, as we can see today with the current Russo-Ukrainian war.

If Russia did to us here in the Western Hemisphere, on the American continent, right on our border with Mexico or Canada, or anywhere in Latin America, we would go fucking berserk and declare war on those Latin American countries. We would not allow the Russians to do to us here, what we are doing to them over there, in their part of the world. Todd needs to learn and apply the golden rule:

Don't do unto others, what you don't want done to you.

This video was produced by an American - US State Dept NGO in Russia:

And yet, despite probably choosing the very worst interviews, they couldn't hide the fact that most Russians miss Soviet times. Todd's Cold War caricature of the Soviets is bullshit.

No chance of showing your sources? What is it you're afraid of?
You're a delusional little boy.
You seem intelligent (if a tad sociopathic).

You must realize that what you're pushing can not be accomplished without enforcement.

And that is the problem with collectivism, it demands universal participation and you'll never get it. No collective institution ever in the history of mankind has achieved universal participation.

If you need a current example, look over at China. There is plenty of dissent. We use it for our own purposes. Thankfully they're a little harder to penetrate than Ukraine, because of the overt featurescape.

So what are you going to do with the competition? China has its own version of universality, they're not going to give it up.
So lets see your source.
You don't like my ideas, or policy recommendations? OK, you don't like them. You want to continue with the cronyism and our military-industrial complex, guiding our foreign policy. With American politicians investing stocks in war-profiteering business enterprises. Do you want that? OK. I guess that's what you want.
You seem intelligent (if a tad sociopathic).

You must realize that what you're pushing can not be accomplished without enforcement.

And that is the problem with collectivism, it demands universal participation and you'll never get it. No collective institution ever in the history of mankind has achieved universal participation.

If you need a current example, look over at China. There is plenty of dissent. We use it for our own purposes. Thankfully they're a little harder to penetrate than Ukraine, because of the overt featurescape.

So what are you going to do with the competition? China has its own version of universality, they're not going to give it up.
No system is perfect or has everybody aligning itself with it. I prefer democratic socialism to techno-feudalism. If you want to go back to feudalism, OK, you do that somewhere else. Most Americans are waking up, especially the younger generation, who are working in a completely different environment than the "Silent Generation" and the "Baby Boomers" worked in when they were in the workforce. They're not going to allow the capitalist wealthy class, the employer owner class, to own all of the robots and artificial intelligence, all of the mines, factories, facilities, and assets of production, while 94% of the population (the working class), are consigned to poverty. Living off of a government "UBI" check, reduced to an unproductive consumer serf,

Do you know what a plutocratic, capitalist-run government is going to do to us working-class people? It's going to take away our benefits because we're now receiving $1000 monthly from Uncle Sam. We will be unemployed but kept alive, in order to keep capitalism on life-support for a few more decades, or even a century or two, while the rich and powerful, who own the means of production, figure out a way to cull the herd. They will consign us all to the compost heap because, under capitalism, we become worthless without a job. We;re not earning wages anymore, because our former capitalist-masters, don't need us to produce goods and services.

When intelligent robots, along with AGI, i.e. Artificial General Intelligence, take all of our jobs:

And we see ourselves unemployed and without ownership of our housing (because we can't pay the mortgage anymore), and economy (The means of production), it's only a matter of time before there's a massive, extremely bloody civil war or we get culled, dispatched, through poverty, pandemics, street crime, drugs, incarceration, wars abroad..etc:

Don't worry Elon Musk has a new home for you:

You can live in a box for a few dollars monthly, paid for by your government UBI check. Isn't that wonderful? You own nothing under techno-feudalism, you're a perpetual renter, forever, due to lack of income, in a feudalistic market-economy, owned by wealthy elites like Musk. Yes, the rent and most goods and services will be much cheaper, because intelligent robots work 24/7, but you're a fucking unproductive, worthless consumer-serf, living off of government welfare, to keep a few billionaires in power.

The worthless herd will be eliminated, by whatever means the capitalist ruling class decides. The rich capitalists refuse to relinquish their present control and ownership of the means of production and our government. They've done such a good job of brainwashing the American working class, that at least half of the working class in this country will be willing to die fighting to defend the system that enslaves them. They will become the armies, minions of the capitalist ruling class, their masters. Amazing but true.

The solution is democratic socialism, not techno-feudalism, where one small demographic, owns all of the intelligent robots, artificial intelligence, supercomputers/quantum computers, mines, factories, all of the facilities and assets of production, including the self-driving vehicles, fully automated warehouses and store outlets. WAKE UP! You and I, all Americans will own all of the aforementioned assets of production and we will through a democratic process produce everything that we consume and need. We will own the means of production together, it's our commonwealth.

We own and run the government, not a small group of wealthy capitalist parasites, it's you and I and your family, my family, our friends, the people we love and care about. The American people will own the means of production, together, and our government will be in our hands. Don't you get it? Every current congressional district in the country will have its local people's council and "community center", where we can organize and vote for our congressional delegates.

We don't have to wait for two years until the government holds an election, we hold elections whenever we want to and elect our leaders, our representatives. If a politician is proven corrupt or incompetent, we recall him or her. We replace them.

Don't you get it? If we don't do the above, and take the reins of power, as a people, a small class of wealthy capitalist elites will own everything. We will have no power, reduced to nothing but impotent, unproductive, consumer-serfs. Our only purpose in life will be to maintain the status quo of the wealthy capitalist owner class, maintaining control over the means of production and the US government, local, state, and federal.

We the American people have to realize that advanced automation and AGI, force us by necessity to take the reins of power and own and operate our economy together to meet our needs. The intelligent robots, the quantum computers, all of the facilities and general assets of production, must be in your hands, and in mine, it's our commonwealth and we manage it through a democratic process and institution.

This in the future will lead to every single American, every individual consumer, having the technology to produce everything that they consume, without the assistance or infrastructure of the government. We won't need, even our government, to help us plan and do the accounting of mass production, because eventually, technology will become so advanced, that our great-grandchildren, our great-great-great-grandchildren, will have the power, the freedom, to produce EVERYTHING at home, whatever "home" will be for them.

Maybe in the future people will opt to live in their mode of transport, like a yacht, a luxury RV or a spaceship. People won't want to be stationary and settle down in one place, they will be traveling, exploring, and adventuring into new frontiers.




Wake up my fellow Americans, we must take the reins of power, as a people and make sure we're not reduced to worthless "consumer-serFs". Do you know what the most preposterous, insane irony is? If we allow the current capitalist wealthy owner class to remain in power, controlling the means of production, reducing us to mere consumers, they will eventually thanks to advanced technology, will no longer need markets. In other words, they become the socialists, the "commies"...HAHAHA!! Crazy right? They become marketless socialists, living in their luxurious gated communities, surrounded by advanced automation, and smart robots, working for them 24/7.

They end up living in a marketless economy, producing everything in a non-profit system of production, driven by their needs and wants, rather than profits. They become the socialists, among themselves, among the members of their socioeconomic class, while we become maggot poop.


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