The Memory Hole

Unleashing energy and removing the US from climate treaties is bad economic policy???
To the contrary, it’s about the best economic policy possible.

He wants to spend MORE money and wants to control interest rates

He’s like the controlled “Conservatives” in England

He needs to CANCEL the entire Green New Deal and Inflation “Reduction” Act, close several hundred Federal Agencies, fire 90% of the military Brass
34 counts!!! Wow!! That’s a lot!!!

How was this information suppressed all this time?
Echo chambers. Trumpers love them.

Some will say he isn't a felon because he hasn't been sentenced.

Some latch on to the click bait revenue ads from Dersh and Turley out of desperation.

Some just claim fake news outright.

Some say the charges are fake.

It's however they can cope, really. Denial takes many forms.
Echo chambers. Trumpers love them.

Some will say he isn't a felon because he hasn't been sentenced.

Some latch on to the click bait revenue ads from Dersh and Turley out of desperation.

Some just claim fake news outright.

Some say the charges are fake.

It's however they can cope, really. Denial takes many forms.
Thank you for informing us that Trump was found guilty of 24, 45, how many did you say it was, felonies??!!


Why is the media suppressing this?

It disappeared like the Butler Water Tower shooter!!

Thank goodness you reminded us!
Thank you for informing us that Trump was found guilty of 24, 45, how many did you say it was, felonies!!

34. One for each check I believe.


Why is the media suppressing this?

Because Trump supporters don't want to see it.

It disappeared like the Butler Water Tower shooter!!

Thank goodness you reminded us!
No problem. Not sure it's enough though.

Some in this thread still deny it.

We need more threads like this one to open their eyes.
The thread to keep track of all the things the Media and government would rather stay buried.

Please feel free to add and update

Never forget:

34. One for each check I believe.

Because Trump supporters don't want to see it.

No problem. Not sure it's enough though.

Some in this thread still deny it.

We need more threads like this one to open their eyes.

Clearly the media is asleep at the switch with regards to these - how many, 39?? — Trump felonies

I searched Google and they only found 3.7 x 10^67 articles on it

Whitewashing at its finest
The thread to keep track of all the things the Media and government would rather stay buried.

Please feel free to add and update
We don't see the media giving Trump enough credit for his vaccine.

"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump told conservative commentator Candace Owens in an interview on Wednesday.
J13 Trump Assassination Firsts

Blackrock places an order to short $360,000,000 worth of DJT

CNN decides this will be the first Trump event it covers live

USSS ignores multiple warnings about Lee Harvey Crooks

Rooftop too sloppy for DEI USSS Agents

The FBI Cleans a crime scene

All USSS communications wiped by Crowd Source mystery “outage”

Republicans in Congress do NOTHING USEFUL for the 40th consecutive year
We don't see the media giving Trump enough credit for his vaccine.

"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump told conservative commentator Candace Owens in an interview on Wednesday.

Like many other of his unforced errors he believed Fauci and Pharma were acting in the best interest of the American people

Clearly the media is asleep at the switch with regards to these - how many, 39?? — Trump felonies

I searched Google and they only found 3.7 x 10^67 articles on it

Whitewashing at its finest
I wouldn't take it to hard.

It's partly the medias' fault.

In case you didn't know, Trump is also an adjudicated sexual assaulter and fraudster too.

Like many other of his unforced errors he believed Fauci and Pharma were acting in the best interest of the American people
If he thought that, why did he ignore Fauci's warnings about the EUA?

Trump thought big pharma was acting in America's best interests? ROFL.

You have to be kidding. He actually thought big pharma had America's best interests at heart and acted in that belief?

Shit, he is dumber, more naive and unfit to be president then I thought. They must have been playing Trump like a hapless bitch when Trump gave them billions of socialist money to develop his vaccine.
He wants to spend MORE money and wants to control interest rates

He’s like the controlled “Conservatives” in England

He needs to CANCEL the entire Green New Deal and Inflation “Reduction” Act, close several hundred Federal Agencies, fire 90% of the military Brass
One thing at a time. Unleashing energy alone will enhance gov revenue and offset spending.
I wouldn't take it to hard.

It's partly the medias' fault.

In case you didn't know, Trump is also an adjudicated sexual assaulter and fraudster too.

Was this from E Jean “Rape Fantasies” Carroll SVU Bergdorf Goodman Episode too??

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