Kamala Harris Goes to New Lengths to Ensure She Literally Can't Hear Questions from Reporters

Apparently its true:

Kamala Harris hit a 13-year-old girl with a car and left the crime scene​


n June, 2011 Kamala Harris was driving a car when she hit two pedestrians and left the scene of the incident in San Francisco. One of the victims, Alisha Brown, decided to make the story public. She explains that after the accident, Harris’s people threatened her mother so that she would not report the incident to the police. It was only after the death of her mother 13 years later Alisha decided to tell this story.
“It happened on the corner of Post Street and Jones Street… We were crossing the road, and, out of nowhere, a car came out at us from behind a parked van. We weren’t expecting this because there is one-way traffic on Post Street, so we weren’t expecting anyone to drive from that direction. Mom reacted quickly and jumped back. She tugged my arm, but she was too late to save me. The driver hit the brakes, but it was also too late. I was hit in the side and thrown onto the road. I fell on the curb and hit my back. I remember lying on the side of the road watching the woman who hit me. Of course, back then I didn’t know that it’s Kamala Harris, California Attorney General. At the moment, I saw only a frightened stranger woman. I was lying and looking at her, and she was sitting at the wheel looking back at me. I heard my mother screaming, and then the woman turned away from me, started the car and drove off quickly. I tried to turn my head and look at my mom, but that’s when the pain overwhelmed me and I just passed out…
The day after the incident, I saw my mom talking with two men came to the hospital. They were standing outside the room. When my mom came back to me, I asked her who those two people were. She said that the woman who hit me was Kamala Harris, a very powerful woman, and those men were her people. She was told that if this story gets out, we’ll be in very big trouble. She was told that if she loves me, she shouldn’t report this or look for justice. I was really devastated because I know I can’t walk no more because of my fractured spine. “
Kamala Harris served as San Francisco District Attorney from 2004 to 2011. In 2011, she was elected to a higher position and became the Attorney General of California. She also had relationship with Willie Brown, who was mayor of San Francisco from 1996 to 2004.
As a result of the accident, Alicia Brown suffered injuries to her pelvis, ribs and spine. Over the next three months, the girl had to undergo eleven surgeries. Despite all the efforts of doctors, she could never walk again. The girl will be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her days. The administration of our channel contacted Vice President Harris’ office for clarification, but there was no response


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It's incredible that a presidential candidate refuses to stand before the American people and answer questions. Hide in a basement and try to sneak into the White House, pathetic. Dems are truly gutless cowards and ashamed of their record and policies.
It's incredible that a presidential candidate refuses to stand before the American people and answer questions. Hide in a basement and try to sneak into the White House, pathetic. Dems are truly gutless cowards and ashamed of their record and policies.
What’s more incredible is that the caliber of Americans has sunken to such a low level that close to half will vote for her. It’s the most ridiculous thing - a totally incompetent person, selected because she’s a female black (the winning combo) despite her stupidity, who is coming up with destructive proposals based on Marxist goals, and is now hiding from the press and refusing to answer questions, and finally relented to a pre-taped softball interview which she still bombed, and people are actually thinking of VOTING for her?
The lies don't stop.

At least 30,0000 paestinians have been murdered. Netanyahu refuses to accept any terms for hostage relese. Jews in Israel are pissed at him and protesting, but the right wing racist jews here whining aboutthe hostages he allowed to die.

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