Trump's "exhaustive study" into Kamala's work record took "about 20 minutes"

But Harry, what should she have answered or could she have answered when the reporter asked her about Biden's mental capacity on the public stage for all foreign and domestics to hear?

There is no other answer for the VP to say in public, than Biden is sharp. You don't seriously buy in to her needing to telling us, the public, in this interview that Biden, our president, is mentally weak do you?

There is no way that would ever in a gazillion years, happen....and rightfully so!

And you and I do not know what was going on behind the scenes with her and other cabinet private.
How about the truth. Biden is clearly not running the country.

So....who is? The American people didn't vote for the creature behind the did they.

Or do you not care that the last four years America has been run by a cabal?
Maybe the took extra time to try and find accomplishments and successes.

Maybe she got a DEI promotion to second assistant crew chief or something.
Why do whites, who have gotten the most DEI, make these kinds of comments?
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"“Turned out she didn’t work at McDonalds,” he declared to the crowd, bizarrely adding that: “After an exhaustive study that took about 20 minutes, they found out she never worked there.”"

Yeah, Trump's team spent about 20 minutes looking into records of McDonald's workers in the 1980s, didn't find anything, so Trump thinks this means she didn't work there.

It's funny how a man who lies about almost anything and everything, is trying to criticize his opponents for being liars....

The age old right wing tactic of accuse your opponents of the things you do.
Do they have McDonalds in your country?

"“Turned out she didn’t work at McDonalds,” he declared to the crowd, bizarrely adding that: “After an exhaustive study that took about 20 minutes, they found out she never worked there.”"

Yeah, Trump's team spent about 20 minutes looking into records of McDonald's workers in the 1980s, didn't find anything, so Trump thinks this means she didn't work there.

It's funny how a man who lies about almost anything and everything, is trying to criticize his opponents for being liars....

The age old right wing tactic of accuse your opponents of the things you do.
Trump’s a professional liar; it doesn’t take him long to come up with his lies.
  • Fact
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Why do whites, who have gotten the most DEI, make these kinds of comments?
It was wrong for our white ancestors to be preferred for their color.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Many people who grow up without dads don’t learn such basic concepts of right and wrong,
It was wrong for our white ancestors to be preferred for their color.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Many people who grow up without dads don’t learn such basic concepts of right and wrong,
Apparently you grew up without a dad.

You white boys ways try that tired two wrongs don't make a right line. The first wrong doesn't seem to bother you. It is easy to say "It was wrong for our white ancestors to be preferred for their color." But what doesn't seem so easy is that the first wrong caused damge that must be fixed. It is wrong for someone to set another persons house on fire but the damage won't be fixed by telling the peple that it is wrong to set a house on fire. That house must be rebuilt.

This first wrong must be made right. It has not been. Therefore the first wrong has continued to be made. So like you said:

Many people who grow up without dads don’t learn such basic concepts of right and wrong.

Last, whites are still preferred because of your color. Stop lying as if it stopped with your ancestors.

Many people who grow up without dads don’t learn such basic concepts as truth.

My father, who was in my life until he died at age 75, taught me that, white boy.

"“Turned out she didn’t work at McDonalds,” he declared to the crowd, bizarrely adding that: “After an exhaustive study that took about 20 minutes, they found out she never worked there.”"

Yeah, Trump's team spent about 20 minutes looking into records of McDonald's workers in the 1980s, didn't find anything, so Trump thinks this means she didn't work there.

It's funny how a man who lies about almost anything and everything, is trying to criticize his opponents for being liars....

The age old right wing tactic of accuse your opponents of the things you do.

Twenty minutes is probably longer than it took lol
Yeah sure, go whine about racism or whatever elsewhere
B---, you re the one who bought up race. The truth is this

Current and former intelligence officials similarly told The New York Times in 2020 that Trump indeed has a short attention span and that he struggled to read U.S. intelligence reports, but liked them when they included photographs and charts.​

Apparently you grew up without a dad.

You white boys ways try that tired two wrongs don't make a right line. The first wrong doesn't seem to bother you. It is easy to say "It was wrong for our white ancestors to be preferred for their color." But what doesn't seem so easy is that the first wrong caused damge that must be fixed. It is wrong for someone to set another persons house on fire but the damage won't be fixed by telling the peple that it is wrong to set a house on fire. That house must be rebuilt.

This first wrong must be made right. It has not been. Therefore the first wrong has continued to be made. So like you said:

Many people who grow up without dads don’t learn such basic concepts of right and wrong.

Last, whites are still preferred because of your color. Stop lying as if it stopped with your ancestors.

Many people who grow up without dads don’t learn such basic concepts as truth.
Listen, Whitey McWhitebread: I know you think that your house-burning analogy is rilly, rilly kewl, so I'll help you out and explain why it doesn't work.

Nobody came to America with a house already. Nobody brought a house over on the ship with them, and with rare exeptions, none were handed the keys to a house as they walked down the ramp.

What they did - 99.9 of them - is that the earlier ones literally dug in the dirt, chopped down trees, and/or stacked sod to make a house for themselves. Then they milled lumber and made better houses.

Later immigrants worked their asses off to first afford to rent an apartment and later buy a house.

The injustice done by your lilly-white ancesters to black slaves was not to burn their house, but to steal their labor to prevent them from building or buying their own houses.

The remedy for that would have been to force former slave owners to buy or build houses for the newly freed slaves. But the Democrats fought against reparations, holding out for a generation or two. Then it was too late. Once the former slaves were gone and so were the slave masters, there was no one to give justice to on either side. That's why people with dads learn that "justice delayed is justice denied."

The current remedy is to provide the descendants of former slaves with the opportunity to earn their own homes, not to just give them a house. People - especially with no fathers - just tear up shit if its free. That's a fact.

Trump created the lowest unemployment for blacks in history, before they came up with the Scamdemic to ruin it. That was providing that opportunity. Probrams like Big Brothers, Kids Club, church youth groups, give Black kids the father figures that so many of them are lacking.

I know you got a lot of white guilt and self-hatred, Paleface. I'm sure when you look in the window, you see a near albino. But you need only vote (R) to ensure that blacks stop having opportunities to earn it taken away by programs like DEI (Didn't Earn It).
My father, who was in my life until he died at age 75, taught me that, white boy.
Your dick must really be small for you to need such big font to compensate. Some women call that White Man's Flaw.

But anyway, sure you had your father in your life. Most Caucasian boys to.

It was wrong for our white ancestors to be preferred for their color.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Many people who grow up without dads don’t learn such basic concepts of right and wrong,
White ancestors were never preferred for their color. If they were preferred at all, they were preferred for their ability.

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