There's three main reasons Trump will lose the election

Old Right Fossils
I make just under $100K so I feel like I'm one of you. Even though I have no kids, college debt, mortgage anymore, went to college when it was $5000 a year.

My bank account and 401K go up every 2 weeks when I get paychecks. I should be selling you out now. I'm rich enough now.

And I'm white, male, educated, straight. You'd think a guy like me would vote GOP but EW! They suck bad.

I want my social security. I see where Republicans want to take us. Cut my ss 20% in order to "save" the program. Fuck that. That's what will happen when this debt thing comes to a head if Republicans are in charge.

There's three main reasons Trump will lose the election
He is a failed president. The Man was literally voted out of office and he reacted in a criminal way. He is destructive to this country and should be hanging his head in shame.
2. He is extremely old and we just removed a presidential candidate of the other party because of it. The guy was 3 years older!!! 58% based on polls say Trump is also too old. He is. This matters.
3. His vice presidential pick is literally the worse pick in the past 40 years and his negatives are -11 in polls. Harris on the other hand picked walz that has positive numbers! This will greatly help her ticket win over moderates and win the election.

Any poll that shows Trump within 2 points of getting the popular vote is literally destroying their credibility. There's no way in hell Harris doesn't win the rust belt being as pro-union as she is, the youth vote and the age issue.

If he wins this election I'll stop posting on this board from the day he wins until June 2025. Promise.
List is playfully short , He is a traitor to this country, he tried to overthrow our democracy and country to force himself in as a dictator for life. The man should be in front of a court for treason and when found guilty should be put to death as the constitution prescribes , along with every person who supported him. Also as the constitution prescribes/
I make just under $100K so I feel like I'm one of you. Even though I have no kids, college debt, mortgage anymore, went to college when it was $5000 a year.

My bank account and 401K go up every 2 weeks when I get paychecks. I should be selling you out now. I'm rich enough now.

And I'm white, male, educated, straight. You'd think a guy like me would vote GOP but EW! They suck bad.

I want my social security. I see where Republicans want to take us. Cut my ss 20% in order to "save" the program. Fuck that. That's what will happen when this debt thing comes to a head if Republicans are in charge.

You are democrat because you believe in the truth, you have a conscience and you realize that the only reason the right exist is the transfer of wealth to the golden few at the top. , all the other points of their party are simply for votes and they care little about them. And in 2024 Trump and MAGA are this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be treated as such.
There's three main reasons Trump will lose the election
He is a failed president. The Man was literally voted out of office and he reacted in a criminal way. He is destructive to this country and should be hanging his head in shame.
2. He is extremely old and we just removed a presidential candidate of the other party because of it. The guy was 3 years older!!! 58% based on polls say Trump is also too old. He is. This matters.
3. His vice presidential pick is literally the worse pick in the past 40 years and his negatives are -11 in polls. Harris on the other hand picked walz that has positive numbers! This will greatly help her ticket win over moderates and win the election.

Any poll that shows Trump within 2 points of getting the popular vote is literally destroying their credibility. There's no way in hell Harris doesn't win the rust belt being as pro-union as she is, the youth vote and the age issue.

If he wins this election I'll stop posting on this board from the day he wins until June 2025. Promise.

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